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Looking for statistics on tariffs? Bound and applied duties? For WTO Members and non- Members alike? World Tariff Profiles 2006 A collaborative project.

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Presentation on theme: "Looking for statistics on tariffs? Bound and applied duties? For WTO Members and non- Members alike? World Tariff Profiles 2006 A collaborative project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking for statistics on tariffs? Bound and applied duties? For WTO Members and non- Members alike? World Tariff Profiles 2006 A collaborative project of the WTO, ITC, and UNCTAD June 2007 | Price: 50 CHF English ISBN: 978-92-870-3369-7| Español ISBN: 978-92-870-3371-0 | Français ISBN: 978-92-870-3370-3 A World Trade Organization Publication.

2 Contents Summary Tables All products, agricultural products, non-agricultural products Country Pages 151 countries/territories 3 sections Tariff and imports summary and distribution by duty ranges Tariff and imports by product groups Statistics on exports to major trading partners and duties faced Technical Annexes Technical articles Sources of data Glossary of terms

3 Sample Summary Table

4 Sample Country Table

5 Calendar year or start of fiscal year Share of Harmonized System (HS) six-digit subheadings containing at least one bound tariff line. Simple average of the ad valorem or ad valorem equivalent (AVE) HS six-digit duty averages. Share of duty-free HS six-digit subheadings in the total number of subheadings in the product group. Share of HS six-digit subheadings subject to non-ad valorem duties. Share of HS six-digit subheadings subject to ad valorem duties or AVEs greater than 15%. Summary Table Statistics

6 Share of HS six-digit subheadings subject to ad valorem duties or AVEs greater than three times the national average. Share of HS six-digit bound subheadings not yet implemented in 2006. Maximum tariff line level, ad valorem duty or AVE. Number of distinct duty rates. Non-ad valorem duties are always treated as distinct because AVE calculations would always yield distinct AVEs. Standard deviation of tariff line duty rates divided by the simple tariff line level average of all duty rates. Includes only ad valorem duties or AVEs. Total number of Most-favored nation (MFN) applied tariff lines. Summary Table Statistics

7 Simple average of MFN applied duties Simple average of final bound duties excluding unbound tariff lines HS six-digit MFN tariff averages weighted with HS six-digit import flows Part A1. Tariffs and imports: summary and duty ranges

8 For WTO Members, accession year is indicated. Share of HS six-digit subheadings containing at least one bound tariff line. The percentage share is also presented separately for non-agricultural (Non-AG) tariff lines. Per cent of HS six-digit subheadings in the schedule of agricultural concession covered by tariff quotas. Per cent of HS six-digit subheadings in the schedule of agricultural concessions with at least one tariff line subject to Special Safeguards (SSG). WTO Member since1995 Binding coverage:Total 97.0 Non-Ag 96.5 Ag: Tariff quotas (in %) 1.2 Ag: Special safeguards (in % ) 1.2

9 Part A2. Tariffs and imports by product groups For product groups by Multilateral trade negotiations (MTN) Categories:

10 Part B. Export to major trading partners and duties faced For top six major export destinations: Diversification HS two-digit - number of HS chapters with trade flows after exclusion of 5 % of smallest bilateral tariff line trade flows. HS six-digit - number of HS subheadings with trade flows after exclusion of 5 % of smallest bilateral tariff line trade flows. Simple and weighted MFN averages based on tariff lines with imports. Preferential margin Trade-weighted average difference between the MFN duty and the most advantageous preferential duty. Tariff lines where either MFN or preferential duties cannot be expressed in ad valorem terms have been excluded.

11 Technical annexes Technical Papers Tariff aggregation methods – what are the implications Methodology for the estimation of non-ad valorem tariffs Data Sources Glossary of tariff and trade-related terms

12 Order Online: Tel +41 22 739 53 08 Fax +41 22 739 57 92 Email Or visit: The WTO Bookshop in Geneva Located at the Centre William Rappard Open Monday-Friday 8:30-13:00 & 14:00-17:30 Tel +41 22 739 51 05 Email The publication is available online at

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