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Genesis: Struggles and Triumphs Creating an MSAN Student Program Tracy Maguire, NBCT Anne R. Stewart, NBCT Matthew Paredes Guery Ulunque Santiago Cerquera.

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Presentation on theme: "Genesis: Struggles and Triumphs Creating an MSAN Student Program Tracy Maguire, NBCT Anne R. Stewart, NBCT Matthew Paredes Guery Ulunque Santiago Cerquera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genesis: Struggles and Triumphs Creating an MSAN Student Program Tracy Maguire, NBCT Anne R. Stewart, NBCT Matthew Paredes Guery Ulunque Santiago Cerquera YORKTOWN HIGH SCHOOL ARLINGTON, VA

2 Cross the Line Debrief Questions How are you feeling after this activity? Was there anything from this activity that struck a chord with you? Anything you want to discuss? What did you notice during the activity that you would like to comment on? Which questions most surprised you? Why? Were there any questions where you felt uncomfortable crossing the line? Which ones? How did you feel when there were more people on your “side” of the line vs. fewer people? What new thoughts or ideas came out of this activity? What ideas do you have to make YHS a better place with less stereotyping? What did you get out of this activity? How can you take this and use it for something positive in our school or community?

3 A seed of an idea…. Arlington was a founding member of MSAN, yet no MSAN student group existed in APS Four teachers from YHS attended the MSAN MSAN Mini- Conference on Increasing the Numbers of Students of Color Succeeding in Honors Courses in Cleveland, OH, March 2012 Inspired by the stories of young men and women who shared how MSAN student programs have given them support, inspiration, motivation, confidence, leadership skills “Why not us? Why not Yorktown?”

4 First steps Interested teachers met with Minority Achievement Coordinator Brainstorming Took idea to administration, then faculty How do we recruit student leaders? What kinds of activities will be beneficial? Who do we want to start with?

5 Goals for MSAN Student Program: STUDENT LED! Meaningful activities during the school day Develop skills and habits of mind to close the Achievement Gap (in all its forms) at YHS Provide opportunities for young men of color to interact with adult men of color in our school and our community Provide opportunities for MSAN students to be leaders and active participants on our school and community Involve parents and families Increase cultural competence in staff and ALL students

6 MSAN Leaders United Application process 3.0 GPA or higher Student written statement Advisors discuss & admit Expectations for MSAN LU: Attend weekly lunch planning meetings Plan and lead MSAN events Act as role models, leaders in class and community, help MSAN members

7 MSAN Pledge I am a member of MSAN, the Minority Student Achievement Network. Our mission is to support, encourage and inspire Black and Hispanic young men. I will uphold MSAN’s mission by striving for academic excellence, conducting myself with dignity, respecting others and being a positive force in my community. Go Yorktown!

8 MSAN Student Programs Roundtable discussions with African American and Hispanic community members Guest speakers- Ernie G., Lt. Col. Jose Ocasio-Santiago Making bagged meals for the homeless “Dress for Success” with Men’s Warehouse Team-building (Minute to Win It) Student-led discussions on topics dealing with race and culture Hoodie Out

9 MSAN LU Leadership Retreat Fall 2014 Worked on Team-building Leadership The Achievement Gap at YHS- discussion and sharing Accountability for Leaders Planning for this year’s MSAN events

10 MSAN Family Picnic


12 Learning as we grow Took time to gain members’ (and faculty’s) respect and buy-in Importance of having adult men of color involved Technical difficulties!! Interpreting & relevance for ELs Occasional disruptive student- need protocol Keeping meetings fresh, meaningful

13 MSAN Triumphs! Feature in Arlington newspaper Student attendance at MSAN Student Conferences MSAN LU presentation at School Board Meeting, Arlington ASSETS Conference Opportunities to reach out to other students in the community through tutoring and leadership workshops Middle School Leadership Workshop and Elementary School Outreach in May 2015 Two MSAN Leaders have been awarded the Posse Foundation Scholarship -2014 Edgar Payano Sewanee School of the South -2015 Cristian Carillo Bucknell University

14 Racial Stereotyping Activity Today, we will look at three pieces dealing with societal stereotypes and talk about how we can combat stereotypes. After viewing each piece, your small group will discuss the following questions: What racial stereotypes do you hear/see? What are your thoughts on the situation? Have you ever encountered something similar? What could be done to overcome these stereotypes? BRlWybBqM

15 Questions & Discussion Tracy Miller Maguire Anne R. Stewart

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