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26 July 2013 Símon Ólafsson, EERC

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1 26 July 2013 Símon Ólafsson, EERC
Scientific aspects of South Iceland earthquakes 26 July 2013 Símon Ólafsson, EERC

2 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013
Outline Introduction Icelandic Strong Motion Network Estimation of source parameters Ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) Discrete time realization Conclusions UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

3 Historical earthquakes in the SISZ
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

4 Icelandic Strong Motion Network
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

5 Árborg Town Hall: The strong-motion array
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

6 The Árborg Town Hall: Earthquake 29 May 2008, UTM 15:45
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

7 Internet Site for the European Strong motion Database (ISESD)
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

8 Recent earthquakes in South Iceland
Mw 6.0, 25 May 1987 Mw 6.5, 17 June 2000 Mw 6.5, 21 June 2000 Mw 6.3, 28th May 2008 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

9 Ground motion model (Stochastic method)
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

10 Selection of S-wave window
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

11 Estimation of parameters
Ds stress drop k = R/Qb ‘spectral attenuation’ M0 seismic moment Moment magnitude Mw (Hanks-Kanamori): UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

12 Earthquake 28 May 2008 - Parameters
Parameter Estimate Units _____________________________________ Mo × N m Mw Fc Hz r km k s Ds × Pa u cm UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

13 Attenuation of PGA South Iceland June 2000
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

14 Geometric spreading function
d = epicentral distance h = depth parameter D1, D2 and D3 are used to set the limits for the different zones of the spreading function UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

15 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013
Derivation of GMPE Parseval theorem: PGA (amax) related to rms-acceleration (arms) with peak factor (p): amax = parms UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

16 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013
Theoretical GMPE UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

17 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013
Attenuation for 29 May 2008 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

18 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013
Duration estimation a) Duration based on 90% cumulative energy. The dotted red curve represent mean value +/- one standard deviation (+/-1s). b) The curves represent the duration function of Eqn for different fractions of total cumulative energy (50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% and 90%). UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

19 Ground motion simulation
UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

20 Discrete time realizations
Time domain equations for sub-filters representing discrete model. Sub-filter Time domain discrete representation Brune H1 Savage H2 H3 H4 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

21 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013
Conclusions For the South Iceland earthquakes the near-field attenuation has a high rate of attenuation (R-2) Ground motion model (GMPE) has to include a geometrical attenuation term to accound for the fast rate of attenuation in the near-field GMPE based on a physical model can be applied to obtain ground motion parameters and for time series simulation For realistic simulation of ground motion time sequences a realistic estimate of duration is important. UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

22 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

23 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013
Introduction Examine relationship: Modified Mercally Intensity (IMM) vs. g UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

24 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

25 Estimating parameters
PGA, PGV: Use for example larger og two horizontal component, average of peak values for horizontal UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

26 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013
Intensities map UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

27 UPStrat MAFA: 3rd General Meeting in Selfoss, July 23-26, 2013

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