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19/18/2015 08:34 Graphics II 91.547 Volume Rendering Session 10.

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1 19/18/2015 08:34 Graphics II 91.547 Volume Rendering Session 10

2 29/18/2015 08:34 What do we mean by “volume rendering”? Conventional rendering: Bicubic Parametric Patches Polygons 3D Structured Objects 2D Image

3 39/18/2015 08:34 What do we mean by “volume rendering”? The starting point: Scalar Field:

4 49/18/2015 08:34 Volume Rendering: Options for presentation of the data Cutaway, or cross sectionIsosurface

5 59/18/2015 08:34 What do we mean by “volume rendering”? What the samples mean: Voxel with samples at vertices. Voxel with sample at center.

6 69/18/2015 08:34 What do we mean by “volume rendering”? The process: Structured 3D Model 3D Scalar Field 2D Scalar Image

7 79/18/2015 08:34 Data volume geometries Cartesian - (also known as a voxel grid) cubic data elements, axis aligned Preferred Regular - same as cartesian, except that the cells are rectangular, i.e. different sizes along different axes Most medical data Rectilinear - aligned to axes, but distance between cells along each axis can vary Structured or curvilinear non rectilinear, but cells are hexahedra rectangular warped to fill a volume or to fit around an object Often used in CFD Unstructured - no geometric constraints imposed

8 89/18/2015 08:34 Early Volume Visualization Techniques Herman & Liu 1979 Establish a threshold: Binary Partitioning of the volume: 2D Slice: “Boundary” Voxels are considered opaque cubes and rendered by standard lighting model.

9 99/18/2015 08:34 Improving the blockiness of the image: The gradient operator

10 109/18/2015 08:34 Approximating the gradient numerically:

11 119/18/2015 08:34 Projecting from Contour Data: Pizer 1986 Polygon structure generated by “skimming”

12 129/18/2015 08:34 Topological problem with Pizer approach: branching structures

13 139/18/2015 08:34 The “Marching Cubes” Algorithm Lorenson & Cline 1987

14 149/18/2015 08:34 The “Marching Cubes” Algorithm

15 159/18/2015 08:34 The “Marching Cubes” Algorithm Possible Vertex States

16 169/18/2015 08:34 The “Marching Cubes” Algorithm Generated contour

17 179/18/2015 08:34 Generation of contour from subcontours

18 189/18/2015 08:34 Generation of contour from subcontours: Disconnected regions

19 199/18/2015 08:34 Marching Cubes Algorithm Possible Polygon Arrangements

20 209/18/2015 08:34 Marching Cubes Algorithm Possible Polygon Arrangements

21 219/18/2015 08:34 Marching Cubes Direction of march Current cubePreviously dealt with New vertex

22 229/18/2015 08:34 Weaknesses of Intermediate Structure Methods 0 Can impose a structure on the data which does not exist, per se. -Selection of a “constant” implies a binary decision on the existence of an intermediate surface that should be extracted and rendered -Could just be a gradual transition in density through the medium 0 Not feasible to visualize structures within structures 0 Does not handle objects that would intrinsically be transparent such as fluids, clouds

23 239/18/2015 08:34 Volume rendering by ray casting Blinn 1982/Kajiya 1984 0 Volume made up of small spherical particles that both scatter (reflect) and attenuate light 0 Parallel rays are cast from viewer into the volume. -At each point, the progressive attenuation due to the particle field is calculated -Light scattered in the eye direction from the light source(s) is calculated at each point -These values are integrated along the ray and a single brightness value at the eye is calculated

24 249/18/2015 08:34 Scattering/Attenuation Model Light Source Eye Point Density: Illumination: Light scattered along R in direction of eye from point at t: R

25 259/18/2015 08:34 Scattering/Attenuation Model Attenuation of light scattered from point t: Summing the intensity of light arriving at the eye along R from all of the elements:

26 269/18/2015 08:34 Additive Reprojection Levoy 1988 R Image Plane

27 279/18/2015 08:34 Additive Reprojection Levoy 1988 Determining the color of a voxel: Calculated using the Phong model, assuming that the normal is given by the gradient: Determining the opacity:

28 289/18/2015 08:34 Additive Reprojection Levoy 1988 Transparency Term Opacity Term kth voxel along R

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