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CheckPoint ™ Number your paper from 1-7, write your name on it, and wait for further instructions. 1.Analyze the impact of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and.

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Presentation on theme: "CheckPoint ™ Number your paper from 1-7, write your name on it, and wait for further instructions. 1.Analyze the impact of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and."— Presentation transcript:

1 CheckPoint ™ Number your paper from 1-7, write your name on it, and wait for further instructions. 1.Analyze the impact of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 on western settlement and the spread of public education and slavery [8.29] 2.Analyze some of the weaknesses of government under the Articles of Confederation [8.30]

2 1. Based on the above excerpt, what practice was not allowed in the Northwest Territory? “ There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory…Provided, always, that nay person escaping into the same…such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed [transferred] to the person claiming his or her labor or service as foresaid.” - Article 6 of the Northwest Ordinance, 1787

3 2. This law, written and passed by the Congress under the Articles of Confederation, established the process in which smaller territories the Northwest might gain statehood? a. The Northwest Ordinance 1787 b. The Articles of Confederation c. The Land Ordinance 1785 d.The Treaty of Paris 3.Which law established a process in which the new lands in the West would be surveyed and divided for sell? a.The Land Ordinance of 1785 b.The Northwest Ordinance 1787 c.The Treaty of Paris d.The 2 nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights

4 4. How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 impact the spread of public education in America? a. They encouraged the migration of ministers and teachers into the new territory b.They made school mandatory for all American children in the West c. They set aside land for schools and encouraged education as a public necessity d. They sent carpenters and masons into the west to build schools 5. High inflation along with the British blockade and high tariffs on American goods and the Spanish prohibition of American shipping on the lower Mississippi contributed to what in the new American nation? a. Rebellion in the Southern States against Northern Bankers b.Devaluation of Continental and State currency c. Slow economic activity and depression d. The fear of invasion by British troops stationed in the west

5 6. One of the primary weaknesses of Congress under the Articles of Confederation which inhibited [made difficult] its ability to pay the new country’s debts a. No power to tax b.No power to sell western lands c. No power to print money d. No executive [president] 7. List the experiments in self-government that early Americans used in Virginia, Plymouth, and Massachusetts (New England)? a. b. c.

6 CheckPoint ™ TIME IS UP. Put away your pencils and get a red pen. TIME IS UP. Put away your pencils and get a red pen.

7 1. Based on the above excerpt, what practice was not allowed in the Northwest Territory? “ There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory…Provided, always, that nay person escaping into the same…such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed [transferred] to the person claiming his or her labor or service as foresaid.” - Article 6 of the Northwest Ordinance, 1787 It prohibited slavery.

8 2. This law, written and passed by the Congress under the Articles of Confederation, established the process in which smaller territories the Northwest might gain statehood? a. The Northwest Ordinance 1787 b. The Articles of Confederation c. The Land Ordinance 1785 d.The Treaty of Paris 3.Which law established a process in which the new lands in the West would be surveyed and divided for sell? a.The Land Ordinance of 1785 b.The Northwest Ordinance 1787 c.The Treaty of Paris d.The 2 nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights

9 4. How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 impact the spread of public education in America? a. They encouraged the migration of ministers and teachers into the new territory b.They made school mandatory for all American children in the West c. They set aside land for schools and encouraged education as a public necessity d. They sent carpenters and masons into the west to build schools 5. High inflation along with the British blockade and high tariffs on American goods and the Spanish prohibition of American shipping on the lower Mississippi contributed to what in the new American nation? a. Rebellion in the Southern States against Northern Bankers b.Devaluation of Continental and State currency c. Slow economic activity and depression d. The fear of invasion by British troops stationed in the west

10 6. One of the primary weaknesses of Congress under the Articles of Confederation which inhibited [made difficult] its ability to pay the new country’s debts a. No power to tax b.No power to sell western lands c. No power to print money d. No executive [president] 7. List the experiments in self-government that early Americans used in Virginia, Plymouth, and Massachusetts (New England)? a. b. c. House of Burgesses Mayflower Compact Townmeeting

11 The Articles of Confederation: A Call to Change TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1.Analyze some of the weaknesses of government under the Articles of Confederation [8.30] 2.Describe the impact of Shay’s rebellion on the Articles of Confederation [8.30] INSTRUCTIONS: Page 184: read The Need for Change

12 What were some of the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and what problems did they cause? 1.No power to tax Could not pay debts Dependent on states and sell of western land 2.No control over interstates (state to state) commerce Conflicts between states that slowed economic activity

13 What were some of the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and what problems did they cause? 3.No common currency States printed and exchanged their own currencies as the value of the dollar went down Caused massive inflation 4.No executive No one was responsible to enforce laws, it was up to states

14 What were some of the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and what problems did they cause? 5.Very difficult to amend (change) the Articles Required 13 out of 13 votes to change

15 Who led the call for change during the Annapolis Convention in September 1786 and what impact did that meeting have on US History? Alexander Hamilton and James Madison They called for national convention to change the Articles the following Summer in Philadelphia This convention would produce the US Constitution

16 What caused Shay’s Rebellion in 1786-87 and what effect did it have on the Articles of Confederation? Caused by the foreclosure (confiscation) of farms and property in western Massachusetts by local courts owned by farmers who could not pay their debts or taxes These farmers, led by Captain Daniel Shays, joined together and closed the local courts to prevent further confiscation

17 What caused Shay’s Rebellion in 1786-87 and what effect did it have on the Articles of Confederation? January 1787, Shays led a force of 1,200 farmers on an attempted raid of the National Armory at Springfield, Massachusetts. They were defeated by the Massachusetts militia and the rebellion was over

18 What caused Shay’s Rebellion in 1786-87 and what effect did it have on the Articles of Confederation? It was seen by many, including George Washington, as proof that the government under the Articles of Confederation was too weak to protect them and their property. The calls for change became louder

19 The Articles of Confederation: A Call to Change: A Review TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1.Analyze some of the weaknesses of government under the Articles of Confederation [8.30] 2.Describe the impact of Shay’s rebellion on the Articles of Confederation [8.30] INSTRUCTIONS: Page 184: read The Need for Change

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