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GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY Natural Resources Standing Committee Work Session II on Air Quality Tribal Implementation Plan.

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1 GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY Natural Resources Standing Committee Work Session II on Air Quality Tribal Implementation Plan June 24, 2005

2 WHY HAVE AN AIR QUALITY PROGRAM AT GRIC? Over 45 businesses & industries  Aluminum-extrusion plants (3)  Hazardous-waste TSD  Explosives manufacturer  Sand and gravel plants

3 Industrial Facilities (cont.)  Agricultural chemical supply (3)  Turbine test facility  Concrete block manufacturer  Mobile home manufacturer  Aerospace remanufacture/rework  Others

4 Air Quality Program Tribal Implementation Plan  Protect Air Quality; Health  Tribal regulation rather than US EPA or State of Arizona; shaped by Community values/needs  Fill tribal gaps in federal program – important for industry  Open Process, familiar to industry

5 Costs & Benefits of Air Quality Regulation  Office of Management and Budget Report on costs and benefits of all federal regulations (2003)  Air Quality regulations account for majority of benefits (human health)

6 Federal Laws and Regulations  Clean Air Act amendments of 1990  Tribal Authority Rule (TAR) 1998  Lawsuit by APS, SRP and several states  Gila River, Salt River, Navajo and Shoshone Bannock intervene in lawsuit  Court supports EPA and Tribes

7 First Steps of TIP  Emissions Inventory  EPA determines GRIC eligible for CAA program funds  5 Full-time staff  Scoping (open house/public comment)  Council Resolution *not all federal programs (NSR, PSD)

8 Air Quality Monitoring 3 Air quality monitoring stations:  Sacaton: ozone (smog)  Casa Blanca: PM 10 (dust & soot)  St. Johns: PM 2.5, ozone, air toxics All three sites gather weather data


10 Medical Waste Mngmnt Ordinance  1993 first ordinance – fee $10,000 plus $5,000 for autoclaves  Federal Rules updated; DEQ updates GRIC ordinance (stringent emission limits)  Administrative Procedures – appeals and enforcement  Enacted by Council in 2002

11 Medical Waste Management Ordinance (cont.)  DEQ issues order; not appealed  Anti-Trust settlement (AZ and Utah)  Stericycle decides to close incinerator; autoclaves remain  decommissioned (soil testing)  permit issued October 2004 (autoclaves)

12 TIP Phase I (completed)  First Phase of TIP enacted by Council in 2002 (Part I)  full public comment  establishes procedures for adopting TIP  National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) adopted as GRIC standards

13 TIP Phase II Components  Part I – Previous PHASE I (passed by Council 2002)  Part II – Permit Requirements  Part III – Enforcement  Part IV – Administrative Procedures  Part V – Area Sources  Part VI – General sources  Part VII – Specific sources

14 Permit Requirements – Part II  Meat of TIP  One air permit for a facility  Permit contains requirements  What facilities need a permit?

15 Enforcement – Part III  Civil  Criminal – GRIC DEQ and Law Office completing MOA with the US EPA

16 Administrative Procedures – Part IV  Medical Waste Management Ordinance  Chemical Emergency Planning Ordinance  Appeals  Enforcement

17 Area Sources – Part V  Open Burning  Fugitive dust

18 General Sources - Part VI  Visible Emissions (20% opacity)  VOC use, storage and handling  Degreasing and metal cleaning Similar to state and counties

19 Specific Sources – Part VII  Technical Support Documents (TSD’s)  Proposed Ordinances  Secondary Aluminum Production  Aerospace Manufacturing & Rework  Nonmetallic Mineral Mining  Met with facilities

20 Open Burning (area source)  1995 Solid Waste Ordinance stopped burning of trash  DEQ and GRIC Fire Dept. jointly issue burn permits for yard waste  For the last 3 summers, GRIC Governor proclaimed a ban on any type of burning due to dry conditions  Special permits may be approved by GRIC Fire Dept.

21 Open Burning (cont.)  Recently, DEQ staff distributed questionnaires on open burning to GRIC members at District meetings  Total Respondents = 191

22 Open Burning (cont.)  2005 Questionnaire Results:  What Type of Burning Should be Allowed?  Yard Waste (Trees, Weeds, Grass etc.) 48%  Trash 10%  Land Clearing 17%  No burning Allowed 22%  Other 3%

23 Open Burning (cont.)  2005 Questionnaire (cont.)  Where do you dispose of your Solid Waste?  Public Works Container 74%  Transfer Station 11%  Burn Barrel 3%  Pit Dug in Back Yard 3%  Other 9%

24 Open Burning (cont.) The current process for residential & Agricultural burning includes:  Burn only landscape waste/weeds – a permit is required at no fee. Applications are available at district service centers and the DEQ office in Sacaton  Burn small piles  Burn between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

25 Open Burning (cont.)  Notify neighbors within ¼ mile  No permit is required for cultural activities, heating or cooking  No permit required for religious or ceremonial activities

26 Open Burning (cont.) Based on Community Comments, DEQ Anticipates Revising the Proposed Open Burning Ordinance

27 Open Burning (cont.) Anticipated Proposal:  Keep Current Permit System for household yard waste burning and Ag.  DEQ/Fire Dept. Permit  No Fee *No additional restrictions on burning in high density housing area (until alternate disposal available)

28 Open Burning (cont.) Commercial Land Clearing ( 10 acres or greater)  Initial Land Clearing for Ag.  Land Clearing for Housing Developments  Land Clearing for Industrial Facilities

29 Open Burning (cont.)  Additional permit requirements for Commercial Burns  Fire Suppression Onsite  Notify Fire Dept. & ANYONE affected  $100 fee except Community members & Tribal Entities

30 Fugitive Dust Permits are required for the following dust-producing activities:  Commercial Earth Moving Operations  Demolition of buildings  Land clearing greater than 1 acre  Storage & handling of materials such as sand & gravel operations

31 Fugitive Dust (cont.)  Exemptions: (Not Affected by Ordinance)  Agricultural activities other than initial land clearing  Single family residences  Public Roads (Tribal, Federal, Local)

32 Fugitive Dust (cont.) Permitted sources will be required to submit a Dust Control Plan describing what method will be used to control dust, such as:  Watering  Chemical application  Prevent vehicle track-out

33 Fugitive Dust (cont.)  Cover or wet piles to create crust  Cover trucks hauling materials Certain industrial sources may need to submit a dust control plan for roadways and unpaved parking areas

34 Fugitive Dust (cont)  Earth Moving Permit Fee  1 acre to 10 acres $75.00  10 acres or greater$36.00/acre plus $110.00 [Example 10 x $36.00 + $110.00 = $470.00] *Tribal Entities are exempt from fees

35 Large & Small / New & Existing Sources  Large Sources (Major; Title V)  Pimalco is currently the only major source at GRIC  Smaller Sources (minor) and Synthetic Minor Sources  New Sources  Existing (changes?)

36 Concepts  Emissions from sources cannot cause a violation of air quality standards  Public Participation (permits)  Include some federal regulations ‘by reference’  Emissions – based on technology

37 ATTAINMENT (Clean Air) The TIP Assumes GRIC is “Attainment”

38 Permit Fees  Title V - CAA requires large sources to pay for cost of developing and implementing the Title V program  States and counties charge fees  GRIC charges fee to medical waste incinerator/autoclaves  GRIC permit fees are similar to surrounding jurisdictions  Most fees range from $75 to $3,100

39 Next Steps & Timetable May – July 2005  Public Comment Period closes July 1  Public Hearing Held June 22, 2005  Presentations to Districts (complete)  Presentations to other entities (complete)

40 Next Steps & Timetable (cont.) July – August 2005:  Review of comments  Revise ordinances  Submit Summary of Comments and revised TIP ordinances to NRC, Legislative and Council for enactment

41 Next Steps & Timetable (cont.)  After Council Enactment, GRIC will submit TIP (Phase I and Phase II) to US EPA (September 2005)

42 Delegation of Federal Authority Anticipate September 2006  EPA approves GRIC TIP  Federal authority to GRIC for TIP programs

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