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Experience on Access to Information at Local Government, focus on Tokyo and Yokohama city Yukiko Miki Director, Information Clearinghouse Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Experience on Access to Information at Local Government, focus on Tokyo and Yokohama city Yukiko Miki Director, Information Clearinghouse Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experience on Access to Information at Local Government, focus on Tokyo and Yokohama city Yukiko Miki Director, Information Clearinghouse Japan

2 About Information Clearinghouse Japan  Launched as Citizen’s Movement of Information Disclosure Law in 1980.  Serving as National Center for Information Disclosure System and Personal Information Protection System.  Reorganized as Information Clearinghouse Japan in 1999 after enactment of Information Disclosure Law.  Board members are lawyers, academics, representing NGO, individuals including former newspaper reporters.

3 Our Activities  Support requester—make a request, appeal, complain, analysis of disclosed information.  Create good practice on operation of Information Disclosure System  Support to draft policy by legislature and local government.  Review operation  Research  Propose policy, Publish Opinion  Networking

4 Information Disclosure System in Japan First ordinance was enacted by Kanayama town in 1982 Kanagawa prefecture also enacted ordinance in 1982 As of April 2008, 47 prefecture and 1,802 cities, towns and villages have already enacted ordinance. 9 towns and villages are remained. In 1999, Information Disclosure Act was enacted and enforced in 2001. In 2001, Information Disclosure Act for Independent Administrative Agency and Government-affiliated Corporation was enacted. Tokyo Kanagawa

5 Profile of Tokyo Prefectural Government  Population; 12,805,039 as of October 2008.  Budget in 2008 fiscal year; about 140 billion US$.  Information Disclosure Ordinance was enacted in 1984 and revised completely in 2000.  Number of request in 2007; 4,949 2,575 request—full disclosure 1,764 request—partial disclosure 55 request—non-disclosure, 558 request—no document etc.  Number of administrative appeal—46 cases

6 Important Points of Revision  The definition of “public document”  Limitation of Examption  Making clearly the power of the Information Disclosure Review Board.  To introduce the concept of accountability.

7 Administrative Appeal

8 Profile of Yokohama City  Population; 3,653,301 as of November 2008.  Budget in 2008 fiscal year; about 14 billion US$.  Information Disclosure Ordinance was enacted in 1989 and revised completely in 2002.  Number of request in 2007; 35,613 37,041 documents—full disclosure 25,171 documents—partial disclosure  Number of administrative appeal— 126cases

9 Who use the ordinance  NGO  Individuals  The press  Business company  Legistrature

10 Recent case  Bank crisis established by Tokyo prefectural Government  Fish Market Relocation  Community Development

11 The issue of implementation  Less education opportunity on Infomation Disclosure  Not easy to catch up a government operation  Delay on administrative appeal deliberation  Not effectively used information.

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