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Define the borders of the study area Summation of data (Hydraulic data, Hydrology data, Geology data…..etc.) Make planning and suitable methodology.

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Presentation on theme: "Define the borders of the study area Summation of data (Hydraulic data, Hydrology data, Geology data…..etc.) Make planning and suitable methodology."— Presentation transcript:



3 Define the borders of the study area Summation of data (Hydraulic data, Hydrology data, Geology data…..etc.) Make planning and suitable methodology Diagnose the problem in the study area Selected the region of study Make all required field measurements

4 Make the Numerical model Conclusion and Discussion Results Calculate the sediment concentrations Do all Laboratory works

5 Selected the Region of Study Selected the Region of Study Euphrates river Kifil Shinafiya

6 Make all required field measurements

7 Laboratory works

8 Select the suitable Model it was: Simulation of Sediment Movements In Water Intakes with Multi-block Option

9 The SSIIM program computes the water velocities and sediment transport in rivers, channels and reservoirs Theoretical basis of Model SSIIM Theoretical basis of Model SSIIM Control volume method Navier- Stokes equations k- turbulence model 3Dstructured non– orthogonal grid 3D structured non – orthogonal grid Convection -diffusion eqforsed transport Convection -diffusion eq. for sed. transport

10 Inputs

11 1. Generation of grid for reach study. 2. Generation of input files for the CFD model. 3. Computing water flow filed using SSIIM CFD model. 4. Computing the sediment concentration. 5. Comparison of resulting concentration with the measurements.

12 First stageGeneration of grid for reach study

13 GridEditor

14 outflow Inflow Ghammas barrage Flow direction prototype image The numerical model of study region(top view)

15 Inserting cross sections. Koordina file Section no. 1

16 Topography of the reach by the model in 3D view.


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