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Local Law-Making Process How Laws are Made in Florida’s Cities.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Law-Making Process How Laws are Made in Florida’s Cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Law-Making Process How Laws are Made in Florida’s Cities

2 What is a City? Independent municipal governments founded by citizens who choose its name. A legislature approves the municipality  charter approved by citizens City charter = constitution Ordinances = laws that govern cities

3 How do Cities govern? Home rule – Self government by citizens at the local level – Every city is run by people who were elected to make and change laws – Laws cannot conflict with state or federal law

4 Who Governs a City? The people elected to run the city are usually called mayor, councilmember, or commissioner. Greg Oravec, Mayor of Port St. Lucie 

5 How are Ordinances Made? In order to vote on ordinances, city councils and commissions create a meeting schedule. – Most meet monthly or bi-monthly

6 Local Law-Making Part I Proposed ordinances must be presented to the council or commission in writing – Can only be about one (clear) subject 10 days prior to a vote on proposed ordinance, a notice must be posted for citizens – Date, time, place of meeting of vote – Title of ordinance – View full text of ordinance – Citizens have chance to be heard during meeting

7 Local Law-Making Part II Majority of council or commission members required to be present (quorum). Majority of quorum must vote in favor Votes kept as official record Ordinance becomes effective as outlined in proposal or 10 days after the vote

8 Now that you know ALL about the lawmaking process… Write a paragraph (or two) comparing and contrasting the lawmaking processes at the local, state, and federal levels. Can be on the same sheet of paper as your notes or a new sheet of paper.

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