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Finding Data & GIS Files at the U of S Library Darlene Fichter & Elise Pietroniro

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Data & GIS Files at the U of S Library Darlene Fichter & Elise Pietroniro"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Data & GIS Files at the U of S Library Darlene Fichter & Elise Pietroniro

2 Outline  Finding data and digital maps for your research  Overview of some resources  Meet some of the Data & GIS Library team

3 Ways to Find Files 1.Data Web Site (browse by topic) 2.Library Catalogue 3.Statistics Canada Catalogue 4.Web front ends to data: IDLS, CANSIM, … Variable level 5. Google and web search engines 6. Talk to the Data Library staff (1,000’s of files available)

4 1. Data library web site Know the name of the survey Know the topic Browse “Agriculture”



7 Canada Food Stats (CD-ROM)  information on Canadian food consumption, nutrition, supply and demand, trade, prices …  data on the Canadian food industry, processing, economic indicators, labour, productivity,..  40 years +

8 Census of Agriculture (various)  Farm and farm operator data  Small area data at Census Agricultural Regions (CARs)  Tables from 1961 to date

9 Extraction system of agricultural statistics (CD-ROM)  extract data by census agricultural region, farm type and revenue class  i.e. dairy production in Quebec or off-farm income in Saskatchewan current and historical

10 FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (special password)  Special license for bulk downloading  3 million time-series and cross sectional data relating to food and agriculture  FAOSTAT contains data for 200 countries and more than 200 primary products and inputs, just in its core.

11 Canada Grains Council: Statistical Handbook  Grain industry overview  Area, supply, yield  Exports and trade  Prices ie. Canola oil, meal, corn and soybean monthly prices, futuresCanola oil, meal, corn and soybean monthly prices  Handling and transportation  Livestock: price, numbers on farms by class  Total Farm Cash Receipts

12 UN comtrade (password)  Export, import, re-export and re-import  By country  By years (1962 - )  By various trade classification systems (STIC, HS 1992..)

13 CANSIM  Current and historical time series data for Canada  30 million time series  Production, sales, trade

14 3 Ways to Get CANSIM – Only 2 are Free  Yes  No $$$ START at the Data Library Site (especially if you’re off campus)

15 2. The Catalogue Know the name of the survey Looking for a print copy of a codebook Locate a survey by  entering the survey name Keyword Search:  Population Health & electronic resource  topic: health & codebook


17 3. The Catalogue Limit your search by “scoping”  select Data & GIS files from the pull-down menu  more manageable result list


19 3. Statistics Canada Catalogue  Keywords:  internet use  diabetes

20 4. Variable or Name of File  Library has access to several web extractors  Best choice  IDLS from Western Ontario


22 Downloading Data 1. Using IDLS, select a survey. 2. Choose variables. 3. Choose values. 4. Submit our extraction request. 5. Download and unzip the SPSS and data files. 6. Edit the syntax files.

23 IDLS – Locate Your File  Browse/Search by Subject or Name or Variable  Canada – Social Surveys  General Social Survey  number of children & internet use

24 General Social Survey, Cycle 14 Computer Use & Access  4 links: –License –Select Variables –User Guide –File Description  Choose Select Variables

25 Select Variables  Check off variables  Click “Select Values ”

26 Select Values  Sask.

27 Submit Your Request

28 Email & Web Page Notification of Files to Download

29 4. Google and Internet Search engines  Keywords like “tables”, “statistics”, “data files”, “extraction”  Plus your topic  Plus the country or region TIP: Focus on “who” would collect this data.

30 Download and Unzip Files * SPSS Code generated by the Internet Data Library System, version 2.0 * Note - Please check this syntax file to ensure that commands (e.g., value labels, variable labels) are not split across lines. * On the "Data List" line below, replace the "?:\?" characters with the exact location of the file (e.g., C:\data). Data list list(tab) file= 'd:\My Documents\junk2\internet\ftp07566.dat ' skip=1 / 1 RECID (F5.0) WGHT_PER (F11.4)

31 5. Ask the Data Library Staff Office: 2nd Floor, Main Library  Appointments recommended  Email us at

32 Questions?

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