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Lithology Reference Standards Paul Maton (POSC) and Gary Masters (POSC)

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Presentation on theme: "Lithology Reference Standards Paul Maton (POSC) and Gary Masters (POSC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lithology Reference Standards Paul Maton (POSC) and Gary Masters (POSC)

2 Outline Introduction Business Drivers Use cases Resources Current status Future requirements Conclusions

3 Motivation and Background WITSML Mud Log revision –Lithology classification sought to enhance mud log data transfers Shell proposal for revised Lithological classification widely endorsed by DSS SIG members in June 2004 Need exists for lithological terminology in Web consistent form

4 Business Drivers Operator Point of View –Standard vocabulary and semantics for lithologies will improve the following processes Assimilating results of outsourced work Information exchanges with partners, regulators Reduction of ambiguity and uncertainty in data Common nomenclature used for mudlog, core and other rock sample descriptions Service Company Point of View –Enable use of same nomenclature and classifications in services and software for many customers Cost savings in software engineering and maintenance Cost savings and consistency in information produced

5 Use Cases Mudlog –Rapid wellsite description of rock cuttings. Core analysis –Full description of petrographic and quantitative properties (porosity, permeability, density, etc.) Detailed Petrographic analysis –Optical and electron microscopy analysis

6 Objectives and Requirements Provide evolving dictionary in XML of lithological terminology for use in: –end-2004 WITSML Version 1.3 Mudlog specification –revised lithological classification, 2Q05 –next WITSML Mudlog version 1.3.1, late 2005? Improve or simplify existing specification(s) Easy maintenance and extensibility

7 Available Resources Landmark Graphics –List of Lithology Classes with Qualifiers and Symbol Codes Norwegian Petroleum Directorate –Reporting requirements for Digital Well Data: Lithological Codes Shell –1995 Standard Legend Statoil –Current Listing of Lithological codes

8 Common Descriptors Primary and secondary lithologies Use of the following characteristics as qualifiers Mineral content Fossil content Cement Grain size Sorting …~ 10 others

9 Lithology types in WITSML Mudlog v1.3 Andesite Anhydrite Arkose Basalt Breccia Calcarenite Calcilutite Calcisiltite Chalk Chert Clay Claystone Coal Conglomerate Diabase Diorite Dolerite Dolomite Dolomite, Calcareous Extrusive Rock (Volcanic) Feldspar Gabbro Glauconite Gneiss Granite Gravel Greenstones Greywacke Gumbo Gypsum Halite Igneous Intrusvie Rock (Plutonic) Lignite Limestone Limestone, Argillaceous

10 Lithology types in WITSML Mudlog v1.3 Limestone, Dolomitic Limestone, Sandy Marble Marl Metamorphic Rocks Mudstone No Description No Sample Ophiolites Peat Phosphate Potassium and Magnesium Salts Quartzite Rhyolite Salt Sand Sandstone Schist Serpentine Shale Silicilyte Silt Siltstone Slate Syenite Tillite (Diamictite) Trachyte Tuff Ultrabasic

11 Qualifiers in WITSML Mudlog v1.3 Anhydrite Argillaceous Barite Belemnitic Bioturbated Bituminous Bryozoans Burrowed Calcareous Calcite concr Calcitic Carbonaceous Chalky Chamosite Chert Chlorite Concretions Conglomeratic Conglomeritic Coral Crinoids Diatoms Dolomite concr Dolomite Stringer Dolomitic Feldspar Ferruginous/Illite Fissile Forams gen Fossil Frags Fossils gen Glauconite Glauconitic Gravelly Gypsiferous Halite

12 Qualifiers in WITSML Mudlog v1.3 Kaolinite Lignite Limestone stringer Lithic frags Marly Mica Microfossils No Description None Oolithic Ostrocods Pebbly Pelletal Pellets Peloidal Phosphates Plant Remains Potassium salt Pyrite Quartz Radiolaria Salty Sandy Shells Siderite Siderite concr Silty Spicular Stylolitic Tuffaceous Tuffite

13 Revised lithological classification Seeking requirements from geologists Probable approaches –Base on Shell ’95 standard legend –Add sedimentary rock types with names, abbreviations and adjectives –Add mineral types, names, abbreviations and adjectives –Provide descriptions of rock types –Possibly provide images of rocks as go-bys –Avoid over-complicaction

14 WITSML Mudlog version 1.3.1 Seeking requirements from geologists, and feedback from users of version 1.3.0 Probable approaches –Base on Shell ’95, improve current lithology list –More sedimentary rock types with names, but test need for abbreviations and adjectives –More mineral types, names, but test need for abbreviations and adjectives –Keep specification simple, within bounds of observational capabilities

15 Participant discussion Comments and suggestions re:- –Business case? –Resources needed – expert reviewers –Proposed approaches? –Recommendations, Next steps? –Any other aspects?

16 Thank you for your attention More information from Paul 1932 Alan 713 267 Gary 713 267

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