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Student Association in the School of Information We’re SASI.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Association in the School of Information We’re SASI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Association in the School of Information We’re SASI.

2 What does SASI do for us? Our mission is to promote a sense of community within the iSchool and foster professionalism and leadership within our student body. All students in the iSchool are automatically members Benefits to membership including networking, opportunities for leadership, community building, and volunteering.

3 What does SASI do? SASI Librarian Tea with the Dean Dublin (Hard)Core kickball Happy Hours Legislative Day iSchool Leaders Potluck FAQ about the iSchool Maintain our listserv and fabulous website ( )

4 We’re sort of famous SASI’s shirt designs were featured in a publication by the American Library Association

5 Wide range of groups under SASI ALA/TLA ArTex ASIS&T SLA SAA

6 American Library Association/ Texas Library Association UT Student Chapter The UT ALA/TLA student chapter strives to: bring together iSchool students interested in academic, public, and school libraries. provide programming on topics of interest and use in various library settings. promote participation in ALA and TLA, especially in regards to attending professional conferences.

7 ArTex Art, architecture, museums, visual aspects of knowledge and understanding Lectures, library tours, social events

8 ASIS&T American Society for Information Science & Technology Seeks to promote the professional and academic development of all UT students working in the fields of information science Sponsor lectures, panel discussions and networking opportunities with practitioners in the field. Currently focusing on areas such as information architecture, user-centered design, and usability.

9 Special Libraries Association Aim is to serve those interested in special libraries, provide information and opportunities available through them. Library tours, librarian interviews, networking opportunities, pot lucks

10 Society of American Archivists Introduce and integrate new archivists into the profession, provide additional focus for students to discuss archival issues, and promote archival interests within the University, academic departments, and the public at large. Archives week events, pot lucks, tours, networking opportunities

11 Event Pictures

12 Any questions? The iSchool website holds more information about the school, the programs, and links to student organizations.

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