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Fully Financed Budgets Saint Paul Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Fully Financed Budgets Saint Paul Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fully Financed Budgets Saint Paul Public Schools

2 Why FFB? Allow unique identity for each budget Tracked separately from other funds Easy to report finances for only one project

3 Topics Getting to know Budget Numbers –What do those 19 numbers mean? –Exercise: examining a fully financed budget From grant budget to green worksheet –Exercise: magnet grant budget From Green worksheet to ed524 From Green worksheet to Fully Financed budget forms –Exercise: Magnet Green worksheet to FFB form

4 29-005-352-610-6430-3450 29 = Fund 005 = Organization (org) 352 = Program (Prog) 610 = Finance (Fin) 6430 = Object (Obj) 3450 = Course

5 What is a Fund? Indicates the source of money Schools and programs typically have more than one fund Each fund has its own rules Examples: –01 = General Fund –21 = Compensatory Aid –29 = Fully Financed

6 What is an ORG? A district-assigned number Might be a school number –210 = Central High School –410 = Adams Elementary Could be district-wide –005 = District Wide

7 What is a Program? Designates instructional or support services provided with funding –050 = School Administration –230 = Foreign Language –610 = Curriculum Development

8 What is Finance? Defines a specific local, federal, or state project or duty (assigned by funder) –315 = Desegregation Aid and Levy –306 = Staff Development –000 = no designation 300 codes are state funds 400 codes are federal through state funds 500 codes are federal direct funds

9 Object Codes Identifies the service or commodity purchased or received 5XXX is a revenue –5096 = Gift or Private Grant –5620 = Fundraiser Sales Receipts 6XXX is an expense –6143 = Teacher/Counselor Salary –6401 = Non-Instructional Supplies –6555 = Technology Equipment

10 Course Codes Used to identify unique grants/projects –1080 = Preschool Incentive –2570 = Medtronic Grant –3500 = PEP Grant –0000 = No Designation

11 Which code to use? Most Fully Financed budgets have all but the object code “fixed” The budget number is provided like this 29-005-240-000-XXXX-3500 The XXXX is the object code, and these will be the only numbers that can change.

12 Object Codes – the breakdown All expense codes will start with a 6 61XX = Salary / Personnel Costs 62XX = Benefits 63XX = Fees 64XX = Supplies 65XX = Capital 68XX = Miscellaneous

13 61XX – Salary & Personnel 6110 = Administrators (in title not function) 6130 = Teaching Assistants - Classroom 6131 = Educational Assistants - Classroom 6140 = Licensed Classroom Teachers 6141 = Non-Licensed Classroom (JROTC, etc.) 6143 = Licensed Instructional Support (TOSA, Nurse, Counselor, Social Worker, etc.) 6144 = Non-Licensed Non-Classroom (TAs, EAs, etc.) 6145 = Substitute Teachers 6170 = Non-Instructional Support (Clerical, Accounting, Evaluator) 6185 = Other Salary Payments (usually hourly pay)

14 62XX = Benefits 6210 =FICA (social security/Medicare) 6214 =PERA (Public Employees Retirement Association) 6218 =TRA (Teachers Retirement Association) 6220 =Employee Insurance (Employer Paid) 6250 =TSA / Deferred Compensation 6296 =Professional Growth (per employee contract)

15 63XX = Fees 6305 = Fees for Services (Consultants, contracts, etc.) 6320 = Communication services (telephones) 6329 = Postage / Parcel Services 6350 = Repair / Maintenance Services 6360 = Field Trip Buses / Taxi Fare 6366 = Travel & workshops – in-state 6368 = Travel & workshops – out-of-state 6395 = Field Trip Admission Fees

16 Travel Details Sometimes the in-state / out-of-state logic doesn’t apply: 6368 is only used for out-of-state travel for Federally Funded grants only (e.g. for grantee conferences in Washington, D.C.) If funding comes from a private foundation or non-Federal funds, all travel is under object code 6366.

17 64XX = Supplies 6401 = Supplies for staff (office supplies, Professional Development materials, etc.) 6430 = Instructional Supplies for students 6460 = Textbooks 6461 = Standardized Testing Materials 6490 = Food

18 65XX = Capital 6520 = Building acquisitions/construction 6530 = Equipment – not technology 6555 = Technology equipment

19 68XX = Miscellaneous 6820 = Dues and professional memberships 6895 = Indirect costs –Rate of reimbursement if set by MDE annually –Not all grants will have indirect costs budgeted –If indirect is budgeted, only the first $25,000 of contracts is included in the calculation, and no capital expenditures are included.

20 Exercise: Examining a Fully Financed Budget

21 Exercise: From Grant Budget to Green Worksheet

22 Exercise: Green worksheet to FFB form

23 Submit to the Business Office The Fully Financed Form – both sheets The award notice from the funder The check (if you have it already)

24 Revising a FFB Necessary if lines are changing by 10% or more. Must be pre-approved by funder Follow same procedure as the original FFB form; it will not be the original. Submit funder approval with revised FFB

25 Questions? Comments?

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