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Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Joint Institute for Nuclear Research International Intergovernmental Organization JINR and RUSSIA PARTICIPATION in.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Joint Institute for Nuclear Research International Intergovernmental Organization JINR and RUSSIA PARTICIPATION in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Joint Institute for Nuclear Research International Intergovernmental Organization JINR and RUSSIA PARTICIPATION in ILC PROJECT Grigori SHIRKOV R-ECFA, October 09, 2009


3 3 Layout of ILC in the Moscow Region Moscow region Tver region

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5 5 GDE and ILCSC meetings at JINR, June 2008

6 6 Unique Proposal of Shallow Tunnel Solution in Dubna Region The ILC is proposed to be placed in the drift clay at the depth of 20 m (at the mark of 100.00 m) with the idea that below the tunnel there should be impermeable soil preventing from the underlying groundwater inrush. It is possible to construct tunnels of the accelerating complex using tunnel shields with a simultaneous wall timbering by tubing or falsework concreting. Standard tunnel shields in the drift clay provide for daily speed of the drilling progress specified by the Project of the accelerator (it is needed approximately 2.5 years for the 50 km tunnel).

7 7 GDE Meeting: Dubna Site Discussion

8 8 Vertical shaft Dubna proposal: Shallow site with single tunnel accelerator tunnel buildings vertical shaft Communication tunnel vertical communication shaft

9 9 Dubna, June 7, 2008

10 10

11 11 Dubna Kimry Taldom Volga Preliminary geological engineering surveys (October - November 2008) drilling of 3 wells of 36.0-47.0 m with full core extraction; selection of 40 monoliths of soil, 16 samples of disturbed soil for laboratory investigations of their physical- mechanical properties; selection of 10 probes of ground water for chemical analysis; power line 500kV gamma-ray logging; thermometry; vertical seismic profiling; 35 points of vertical electric sounding; high-resolution surface seismic survey using shear wave reflection method well 3-08 well 1-08 well 2-08 The aim: to confirm the presence of thick solid stratum of moraine loam

12 12 Methods and techniques Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) where K – coefficient, depending on the distance between electrodes A, B, M, N. ρ a - apparent resistance of medium. It depends on the structure of strata with different resistance. Using set of measurements it is possible to define the structure of soil layers. Gamma-ray logging, thermometry and vertical seismic profiling High-resolution prospecting seismology based on reflected SH-waves Laboratory investigations of soil and water probes A and B – current source probes (I AB ), M and N – measuring probes (ΔU MN ) Investigation depth ~AB/2 All these logging methods are done by lowering of corresponding instrument down the hole and measuring necessary physical quantity at each depth. grain-size composition; natural humidity; density; liquid limit and limit of plasticity; flow limit; porosity factor; modulus of deformation; chemical analysis of water probes etc. A reflection experiment is carried out by initiating a seismic source (dynamite or hummer in our case), recording the reflected waves using set of seismometers, collecting and analyzing data

13 13 Drilling of well 3-08 in the region of Khrabrovo village. Seismic investigations on the profile 1 near the village Miakishevo reflecting boundaries Example of VES-curves

14 14 Core samples from well 1-08 Description of the Dnieper moraine loam Heavy pulverescent loam, sometimes sandy, sometimes light pulverescent clay, solid, sometimes semisolid, dense, dark grey, olive-brown, with inclusions up to 10-15% of gravel, grit and rubble of sedimentary and igneous rocks, rarely with lenses of semigravel. It is found in middle and bottom part of stratum of the Dnieper moraine sediments. Power of a layer is 2.8 ‑ 27.2 m.

15 15 Schematic geological engineering section of the ILC route peatsandloamclaylimestonewateringtunnel

16 16 Profiles of Soil Layers in the Investigated Regions of ILC Layout

17 17 International Linear Collider: accelerator physics and engineering Theme leaders:A.N. Sissakian G.D. Shirkov Period:2007- 2012 -Preparation of works of JINR; -Participation in estimations and design of ILC elements Participation of JINR in the ILC International Technical Activity

18 18 JINR PARTICIPATION IN R&D OF ILC SUBSISTEMES AND IN RELATED PROJECTS ( in 2007) 1. Construction of ILC photoinjector prototype. 2. The LINAC-800 based test-bench with electron beam 3. Development of power supply devices for RF system 4. Metrological laser complex 5. Development and design of cryogenic modules and test systems. 6. Preparation of technical base of cryogenic supply to test cryomodules of the 4th gen. 7. Calculation of electrical and magnetic fields 8. Engineering survey and design works 9. Development of the electron cooling method. LEPTA project. 10. Project CLIC 11. Projects FLASH and XFEL 12. Development of diagnostic systems; development of built-in devices. 13. Development of magnetic systems of the ILC damping rings 14. Development of diagnostics for large cryogenic systems. Personnel ~ 100 persons (0.1 – 0.9 participation coefficients) In total per year ≈ 800 - 1000 k$ (personnel 600 – 700 k$ + travels 50 k$ + R&D, including GSPI, 150 - 300 k$)

19 19 Laser metrology JINR developed test bench at CERN for precise laser metrology. Results are the following: 0,5 micron precision of laser beam position measurement on the base of 40m is achieved. At JINR it is planned to set this complex at b.118 (base is 2x250m). DR magnetic system simulations and magnet prototype construction JINR in collaboration with SLAC works on design and possibility to construct at JINR workshop series of magnetic system elements of DR (few dipole magnets). It is also planned to provide test of those elements. This activity is performed in frames of MoU JINR-KEK on ATF collaboration. Similar MoU between JINR and SLAC is under assignment LINAC-800: Commissioning of the accelerating section (20-40 MeV) - 2009 Construction works at b.118, engineer infrustructure, modulator test bench, klystron test bench)

20 20 JINR Participation in the ILC Cryomodule design. This international effort includes contributions from many institutions, including JINR together with FSUE “RFNC-VNIIEF” (Sarov, Russia). The key participants at the JINR are J.Budagov, B.Sabirov and A.Sukhanova. JINR and Sarov are performing an effective collaboration with INFN-Pisa on a bi- metallic Ti-SS transition tube to connect the Titanium helium vessel with a 76-mm diameter two-phase helium line in an ILC cryomodule (CM). Such a transition would allow for a very substantial cost savings in the ILC cryomodule production. Successful preliminary tests with prototype transition tubes of a smaller diameter, supplied by JINR and Sarov, were conducted by JINR in collaboration FNAL.

21 21 Collaborative R&D of bi-metallic tubes for the ILC cryomodule and testing them successfully performed in conformance with the Technical Specifications. Total of twenty tubes were delivered to Fermilab for tests on ILC purpose. Those tubes had passed mechanical and metallografic tests at Sarov and Pisa (INFN, Italy), they were also successfully tested on vacuum and pressure at Sarov, Dubna, Pisa and FNAL at different extremal conditions: thermocycling at liquid Nitrogen temperature and leak measurements at room and nitrogen temperatures. Main tests were performed at the special test bench HTS (real cryomodule conditions). After cooling down to the 2K were provided leakage measurements. Experimental group (with active participation of JINR scientists) had obtained excellent results: no any leak was detected up to 10 -10 Torr-litre/sec! This value is much better than the specification one.

22 22 -JINR scientists worked in operation runs at PITZ and FLASH. - JINR performed design and started construction of the test bench for CsTe photocathode preparation. -Contract with AIP and KEK on the development of the laser system is ongoing; - It is approved 5-8 weeks visits in 2009 in total JINR to DESY, DESY to JINR, and JINR to KEK. Photo injector prototype activity

23 23 Laser experimental setup at IAP (N.Novgorod) Photocathode test-bench at JINR (b.215)

24 24 V.V. Kobets N.I. Balalykin V.F. Minashkin M.A. Nozdrin V.G. Shabratov LINAC-800 test bench at JINR

25 25 Thank you for your attention

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