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STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at MTSU (STEP MT ) STEP MT Internal Advisory Board Meeting July 25, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at MTSU (STEP MT ) STEP MT Internal Advisory Board Meeting July 25, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at MTSU (STEP MT ) STEP MT Internal Advisory Board Meeting July 25, 2006

2 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT NSF STEP Overview STEP = STEM Talent Expansion Program STEM = Sci, Tech, Engr, Math Goals of NSF-STEP: More STEM grads Characteristics –Program is 5 years old –Grants are for 5 years –<= $2M based on size of university –12-15 funded/yr of ~250 proposals

3 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT MTSU’s STEP Program (STEP MT ) Co-PIs: Bill Robertson (PHYS), Andri Friedli (CHEM), Ginger Rowell (MATH), Tom Cheatham Coordinator: Brad Rudnik, Depts: BIOL, CHEM, CSCI, ETIS, GEOL, MATH, PHYS 5 years (2004 - 2009), $1.7+ M Goal: Increase retention & graduation of STEM How? –Build STEM community through UG research –Change curriculum to include more inquiry-based –Partner w/ RCS, TLSAMP, area companies

4 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Curriculum Innovations Inquiry-based Learning in Key Lower Division Classes for Majors –Biology, Chem, CSCI, ETIS, Geology, Math New Student Research Courses (cross-listed) Laboratory Internship Classes

5 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Laboratory Internship Proposed: use Chemistry’s model for teaching their students about being lab assistants Current: Need to think of appropriate transitions for other disciplines Looking for ideas/volunteers –Course reassigned time available

6 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Student Research Seminar Series Combines Research & Community Weekly Lunchtime Talks Presented by Faculty and Students (Pizza) Examples –Introduction to Research / Opportunities at MTSU –Writing a Research Proposal / Making a Poster –Research Case Studies Discipline Examples –Student Research Stories (Panel) –Summer Research Internships (Panel)

7 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Undergraduate Research Community Aim: Create a community of undergraduate research students across the STEM disciplines. Why? –Better connection to discipline –Support structure/role models –Interdisciplinary appreciation NSF: Why? = STEM student retention

8 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Undergraduate Research Community Academic Year Research Awards –Administered through the Undergraduate Research Council –Awards $1000 (+$500 for faculty mentor, +$300 for supplies) –Assistants $500 –Applications due in early fall and spring semesters (3 calls in 2 years) –Spent $51,500 thus far…

9 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Undergraduate Research Community Summer Research Teams (2005, 2006) Research projects designed and led by MTSU faculty members ($5000 / $50K) 2 MTSU undergraduates ($4000 / $3000 / $76 K) High school teacher and high school student ($3500 /$2000 / $35K / $26K) Social activities - lunches, poster sessions, tours

10 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Undergraduate Research Community Academic Year Social Engineering Undergraduate research student lunch seminars (~200 students / 4 semesters) Undergraduate Scholars Day (~60 students) Large cadre of undergraduate researchers (~50 students)

11 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Off-Campus Partnerships Academia (REU’s) Government Labs Industry (STEP-IN) Public Schools (STEP-MTeams)

12 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Industry Partnerships (STEP-IN) Local industries / government Substantive: 10 week summer research experience Paid: $5000 ($25 K) Well-Defined: Expectations Learning Experience: 2 mentors Evaluated: Written evaluations, report

13 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT High School Partners Local: Rutherford County schools Lasting Impact: High school teacher/student pair Substantive: 200 hr commitment Team Effort: Interaction within an MTSU team

14 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Challenges Administrative load for PIs and coordinator (average time is 42% - NSF) Increased admin services outside STEP Curriculum reform difficult and slow Trouble building interdisciplinary research community Industry partnerships difficult to form and to maintain

15 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Your Input/Help is Needed! 1. Support activities of faculty participants Inform campus of activities Use activities as examples of research in speeches 2. Improve the process for research stipends Closer coordination and improved communication with financial aid/business office Keep policies student-friendly

16 - STEPping Up Undergraduate Research at Middle Tennessee STEP MT Your Input/Help is Needed! 3. Third year review at NSF in spring 2007 Assess impact, successes, and failures Propose improvements and changes 4. Plan for sustainability Support the Undergraduate Research Center Encourage curriculum reform for effective teaching Other?

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