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HPRC RETREAT 2012 CLIVE MOORE. CONGRATULATIONS Amelia Brown: VCs Internationalisation Award Sylvie Shaw: Faculty Teaching Exellence Award.

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Presentation on theme: "HPRC RETREAT 2012 CLIVE MOORE. CONGRATULATIONS Amelia Brown: VCs Internationalisation Award Sylvie Shaw: Faculty Teaching Exellence Award."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONGRATULATIONS Amelia Brown: VCs Internationalisation Award Sylvie Shaw: Faculty Teaching Exellence Award

3 UQ DIRECTIONS New Vice Chancellor: Peter Høj European benchmarking Does not have a GO8 ‘mentality’ More conscious of co-operation with competitor unis in Brisbane Any expansion cannot rely on government funding 60/40 RHD/UG policy not likely to continue More partnership with Industry Financial stringency: next 3-5 years Lost cash from Q LD government budget cutbacks UQ debt to service Senate demands surplus for contingencies Conservative estimate of income

4 2013 BUDGET

5 2011 HPRC SCHOOL REVIEW PRAISE Increase in collegiality HOS/DHOS commitment High levels of student satisfaction Developing cross-disciplinary and team-based approaches Strong research results RHD training and mentoring External engagement: C of the Govt of Q; Friends of Antiquity Links to professional associations Study Tours Recruitment of and promotion of younger capable women Links to indigenous and other equity groups

6 2011 HPRC SCHOOL REVIEW: TEACHING Formal Strategic Plan Discontinue Islamic Studies Major Philosophy: merge majors; rethink PGCW Promote Critical Reasoning Reduce 2000-level electives Reduce 3000-level courses Rotate courses Honours: share methods & research courses Better ECPs

7 2011 HPRC SCHOOL REVIEW: RESEARCH Strategy to maximize research performance Identify individual and collective strengths Set norms for acceptable research performance Research Fellowships Team-based research: collaboration: senior/junior Reduce teaching loads to improve research performance

8 2011 HPRC SCHOOL REVIEW: New positions in:  Philosophy and Studies in Religion: D/E  Classics: B/C UQ: reconsider SSP policy: probationary staff Director of Engagement: and register Consider joint appointments with community/government; internships; visiting fellowships Cultivate Alumni

9 2011 HPRC SCHOOL REVIEW: INTERNATIONALISATION International: PG exchanges and recruitment strategies; joint PhDs; collaborative research Further Study Tours UQ International students: electives in Arts

10 2011 HPRC SCHOOL REVIEW: EQUITY Appointments: female candidates Support women in management and leadership Support Indigenous and low SES access

11 2011 HPRC SCHOOL REVIEW: GOVERNANCE Establish School meeting Combine Research and RHD committees Committee structure: disciplines on Exec but not necessarily on other major committees Selection Committee: disciplinary expertise Workload model: include research performance and assist early career Academic mentors for outside School if appropriate Web presence Marketing Plan

12 HPRC EFTSL, 2001-2012 (WITH EMSAH COMPARISON, 2009-2012)

13 HPRC DECLARED MAJORS AT GRADUATION, 2007-2011 European Studies (8,3,3,9, 1) and Environmental Science (5,4,2,2,2) excluded




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