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Expanding their Palates: Helping our Colleagues Develop a Taste for Information Literacy LOEX National Conference Columbus, Ohio May 2012 Chanitra Bishop.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding their Palates: Helping our Colleagues Develop a Taste for Information Literacy LOEX National Conference Columbus, Ohio May 2012 Chanitra Bishop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding their Palates: Helping our Colleagues Develop a Taste for Information Literacy LOEX National Conference Columbus, Ohio May 2012 Chanitra Bishop Carrie Donovan Brian Winterman

2 Potential

3 department missionprograms Teaching & Learning: The Work of Libraries

4 The Awesomeness of Instruction Librarians flickr Perfection, Part 2Perfection, Part 2

5 Not Staying in Contact with Faculty Cached - SimilarCachedSimilar Serving Some Majors, Others Not So Much Cached - SimilarCachedSimilar Not Teaching at All Levels Cached - SimilarCachedSimilar Focusing Too Much on Tools Cached - SimilarCachedSimilar What Are Librarians Doing?

6 WorkshopsRoundtables Skills Discussion

7 flickr Danbo meets DomoDanbo meets Domo Obstacles

8 Teaching is Teaching Group discussion Lecture & discussion Library tours Faculty consultations Student consultations Peer to peer learning

9 Reorganization If is the solution, what is the problem?

10 SUCCESS Buzz GrantsPanelsRoundtablesForums

11 Reaching More Students & Faculty New Teaching Methods Embracing Teaching Collaboration = Change

12 LIBRARY AS LEADER Evidence of Best Practice Research & Assessment Campus Support

13 Next Steps flickr : RecordingRecording

14 Recommendations flickr : colorful vegetablescolorful vegetables

15 { Chanitra } { Carrie } { Brian }

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