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The Law CCLIP August 1, 2014 How Reference Librarians Welcome Students & Faculty Dana Neacsu,

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1 The Fall @ Law CCLIP August 1, 2014 How Reference Librarians Welcome Students & Faculty Dana Neacsu,

2 In the fall the five law reference librarians are busy welcoming the entry class of 360 JD students, the 275 graduate, mostly foreign-educated, LLM students, and about 30 new, both junior and visiting faculty. In addition, we give special attention to the students on the editorial boards of the 14 student-edited journals.

3 Welcoming Journal Students Orientation Services for Journal Staff Members: 14 journals Each publishes between 2 and 8 issues /year Library orientation and research training sessions (1 hr each) Legal scholarship = heavy footnoting; For editing students = finding the cited items from Bluebook- recognized repositories (West, Lexis publishers vs the others) and formats (PDF vs html) Extended reference hours upon request (including weekend hours)

4 Welcoming Foreign Students Orientation and Instruction for Foreign Students: 275 LL.M. students Divided in groups of ~ 30 students = 12 sections Receive library tours & 4 hours of research instruction /section 1 hour /week August 15, August 22, August 29, and Sept 5. 2 section per librarian (one librarian teaches 2 sections)

5 Welcoming JD Students Orientation and Instruction for JD Students: 360 Divided in groups of ~ 11-15 students = 30 sections Receive library tours & 4 hours of research instruction /section 1 hour /week October 13-17; October 20-24; October 27-31 and November 3-7. 6 sections per librarian (Fall 2013: 7-8 sections / librarian)

6 Welcoming Faculty Orientation Services for Junior & Visiting Faculty 20-30 each Fall Upon request: Individual sessions database set-up Research refresher sessions; Library tours.

7 The Five Librarians Providing These Services: Deborah Heller Alice Izumo Dana Neacsu Jennifer WertkinMarty Witt

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