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Ideas Into Action. The Knowing – Doing Gap Organization Effectiveness Audit Page 2 Be “Brutally Honest” Scale of 1 – 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas Into Action. The Knowing – Doing Gap Organization Effectiveness Audit Page 2 Be “Brutally Honest” Scale of 1 – 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas Into Action

2 The Knowing – Doing Gap

3 Organization Effectiveness Audit Page 2 Be “Brutally Honest” Scale of 1 – 10

4 The Four – I’s Ignorance Inflexibility Indifference Inconsistency 3

5 How to avoid the Four I’s Aggressive external market focus. Ridiculously high level of customer focus. Keep the “Main Things” the main things. Bullish on knowledge sharing and learning. Teamwork / communication is mandatory – not optional. Passion and commitment at all levels. Foster a healthy paranoia. Revel in change. 3 1 - 10

6 Key Drivers of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Financial Performance Quality P&S & Customer Relationship Employee Satisfaction EmpowermentHigh Standards Long-term Orientation Enthusiasm, Commitment, Respect Training & Development Fair Compensation CR= 104.12% increase in profits CR=.404 CR=.334 CR=.277 CR=.275 CR=.249 CR=.280 Coaching CR=.285 CR=.371 CR=.365 CR=.191 CR=.247 T olerate N othing L ess From: Practice What You Preach by Maister Global study: 16 countries 529 companies 15,589 respondents 4 Workshop Page 4 1 - 10

7 What do engaged employees look like? 1.They give more discretionary effort. 2.They consistently exceed expectations. 3.They take more responsibility and initiative. 4.They receive better customer service ratings. 5.They offer more ideas for improvement. 6.They promote and model teamwork. 7.They volunteer more for extra assignments. 8.They anticipate and adapt better to change. 9.They persist at difficult work over time. 10.They speak well of the organization. Page 5 1 - 10 5

8 Key Competitive Advantages ProductsPeopleProcess

9 John Spence Team Model D M C C M D irection – vivid, clear, inspiring --- shared easurements – specific, observable, focused ompetence – very good at what they do ommunication – open, honest, courageous utual Accountability – all team members iscipline – do this every day Page 5

10 The Evergreen Project 10 year study of 160 top companies 40 distinct industries 200 management practices Winners, climbers, tumblers, losers Winners had an average Total Return to Shareholders of 945%... The Losers only averaged a TRS of 62% From: What (really) Works by Joyce, Nohria, Roberson 6

11 The Four Primary Practices: 1.A sharply focused, clearly communicated and well- understood strategy for growth. 2.Flawless operational execution that consistently delivers the value proposition. 3.A performance-oriented culture that does not tolerate mediocrity. 4.A fast, flexible, flat organization that reduces bureaucracy and simplifies work. From: What (really) Works by Joyce, Nohria, Roberson 6

12 The Secondary Management Practices: Talent = find and keep the best people. Key leaders show commitment and enthusiasm for the business. Embrace strategic innovation. Master the power of partnerships. From: What (really) Works by Joyce, Nohria, Roberson Score yourself on the 1–10 scale for all eight practices on page 6

13 Non-negotiable Standards + Fanatical Discipline Very Clear Expectations Specific and Measurable Goals Necessary Systems & Support Robust Communication Consistent Tracking of Performance Regular Performance Reviews Refuse to Tolerate mediocrity Page 7 1 - 10

14 Look for the Pattern


16 If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to send a note or call. My email address is: My twitter address is: @awesomelysimple Please connect with me on LinkedIn Also, you might find value in the ideas I share in my blog. You can sign up for it at: Lastly, these slides have already been uploaded to: Thank You

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