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Welcome to the Department of Defense < < L16>

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1 Welcome to the Department of Defense < < L16>
DoD 101 (Short Version) 4/22/2017 Welcome to the Department of Defense. Welcome to the Department of Defense < < L16>

2 Overview Who We Are Who We Work For How We Are Organized What We Do
DoD 101 (Short Version) Overview 4/22/2017 Who We Are Who We Work For How We Are Organized What We Do Welcome to the Department of Defense.

3 We are America’s... Oldest company Largest company Busiest company
DoD 101 (Short Version) We are America’s... 4/22/2017 Oldest company Largest company Busiest company Most successful company Welcome to the Department of Defense.

4 America’s Oldest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Oldest Company 4/22/2017 How We Evolved War Department (1789) Department of the Navy (1798) SecDef position created Nat’l Mil Estab DoD created (1949) Dept. of Defense Dept. of the Army 1947 Dept. of the AF Air Force 1775 Army Navy Marine Corps Coast Guard 1798 Welcome to the Department of Defense.

5 America’s Largest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Largest Company 4/22/2017 Over 5 Million Strong 1.3 Million Active Duty 684,000 Civilians 1.1 Million Guard and Reserve 2 Million Retiree & Families Receiving Benefits We are the nation’s largest employer, with 1.4 million men and women on active duty, 673,000 civilians and another 1.2 million volunteers serving in the Guard and Reserve. We also support 2.0 million retirees and families that are receiving benefits. AD strength: 1,413,577 Civ employees: 673,000 Reserves: 1,197,776 (Sel Res= 860,900, IR= 322,752) Retired: 1,954,973 (April 2002)

6 America’s Largest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Largest Company 4/22/2017 Our global infrastructure Operates from more than 5,000 locations Using more than 30 million acres Several hundred thousand and individual buildings and structures The Department's physical plant is huge by any standard, consisting of more than 600,000 individual buildings and structures, at more than 6,000 locations, on more than 30 million acres. Sites range from small, unoccupied locations supporting a single navigational aid on less than one-half acre, to the Navy's complex of installations at Norfolk, Virginia with more than 71,000 employees, and to the Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, that includes over 3.6 million acres. Capturing this large set of assets in a single, manageable document requires some summarization. Please see the display criteria paragraph below. Data from FY2003

7 America’s Largest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Largest Company 4/22/2017 Worldwide Presence Every time zone and climate Some 450,000 personnel overseas or afloat Welcome to the Department of Defense.

8 America’s Largest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Largest Company 4/22/2017 Company Budget / Revenue Employees DOD $708 billion 2,197,000 Wal-Mart $405 billion 2,100,000 Exxon/Mobil $276 billion 80,700 Ford $118 billion 198,000 GM $105 billion 217,000 We’re busier than just about all of the nation’s largest companies in terms of people and operations. DoD total manpower (Active Duty plus civilians) is 2,036,000 2005 Data DoD budget Exxon-Mobil: Wal-Mart: GM: Ford:

9 America’s Largest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Largest Company 4/22/2017 Our Headquarters—The Pentagon Construction: 16 months/$83 million Corridors: 17 ½ miles Employees: 25,000 Building Size: 29 Acres Office Space: 3.82 m ft Parking Space: 67 Acres Circumference: 9/10th mile Welcome to the Department of Defense.

10 The Phoenix Project Sept 11, 2001 June 11, 2002 Spring 2003
DoD 101 (Short Version) The Phoenix Project 4/22/2017 Sept 11, 2001 AA Flight 77 (Boeing 757) crashes into Pentagon at 0937 damaging the C/D/E Rings of Corridors 4/5 Approximately 4000,000 sq ft 125 killed June 11, 2002 Discolored limestone block form west wall impact site, covers dedication capsule Spring 2003 Full restoration The Phoenix Project will restore the area of the Pentagon damaged in the terrorist attacks on the United States.

11 America’s Busiest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Busiest Company 4/22/2017 Every month we… Cut 5 million paychecks Take 920,000 contracts or purchase actions Fit 50,000 pairs of boots Serve 3.4 million meals The Phoenix Project will restore the area of the Pentagon damaged in the terrorist attacks on the United States.

12 America’s Busiest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Busiest Company 4/22/2017 On any given day we… Buy enough fuel to drive a car around the world 13,000 times Maintain 12,000 miles of waterways Operate 24% of US hydropower capacity Manage 232 high schools and elementary schools Provide day care for more than 200,000 children Welcome to the Department of Defense.

13 America’s Busiest Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Busiest Company 4/22/2017 Last year we... Recruited 217,000 military Hired 19,700 civilians Separated 220,000 military and 50,000 civilians 24% turnover Welcome to the Department of Defense.

14 America’s Most Successful Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Most Successful Company 4/22/2017 We Hire the Best Air Force Work Force* High School Diplomas 99.95% 79% Masters Degrees 10.9% 7% Welcome to the Department of Defense.

15 America’s Most Successful Company
DoD 101 (Short Version) America’s Most Successful Company 4/22/2017 We Instill Values Integrity First Service Before Self Excellence in all We Do Core Values Professionalism Leadership Technical Know-how Even with top notch recruits we would not be successful if we didn’t provide leadership, professional development and technical training throughout their careers, and constantly build and reinforce the core values that everyone wearing a uniform must live by … such as -- duty – integrity -- ethics -- honor -- courage and loyalty. NOTE: Services’ core values are: Army - loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage Navy - honor, courage and commitment Marines - leadership, ethics, respect for each other and professional conduct Air Force - integrity, competence, courage, tenacity, patriotism and service

16 Who We Work For The President—Chief Executive Officer
DoD 101 (Short Version) Who We Work For 4/22/2017 The President—Chief Executive Officer The US Congress—Board of Directors The American Public—Stockholders Welcome to the Department of Defense.

17 How We Are Organized President Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 President Military Departments Chairman of the JCS Unified Commands Office of the Secretary of Defense Welcome to the Department of Defense.

18 Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Office of the Secretary of Defense Oversight Plan, advise, carry out the nation’s security policies Four Key Under Secretaries Policy Finance Force Readiness Purchasing Welcome to the Department of Defense.

19 Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Office of the Secretary of Defense Policy Formulates national security/defense policy Integrates DOD policy and plans to achieve security objectives Ideas Welcome to the Department of Defense.

20 Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Office of the Secretary of Defense Finance Budget and fiscal matters Program analysis and evaluation Management improvement Money Welcome to the Department of Defense.

21 Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Office of the Secretary of Defense Force Readiness Personnel management National Guard & Reserve Military readiness Equal opportunity, morale, welfare, quality of life People Welcome to the Department of Defense.

22 Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Office of the Secretary of Defense Purchasing Researching, testing, buying, producing, and building Advising on new technology Insuring environmental compliance Guiding Departmental use of atomic energy Things Welcome to the Department of Defense.

23 How We Are Organized Department of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Services train and equip Department of Defense Military Departments US Army US Air Force US Navy US Marine Corps Dept of Homeland Security US Coast Guard Welcome to the Department of Defense.

24 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense Army
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Army Defend US territory and any occupied areas Overcome any aggressor that imperils our nation’s peace and security Welcome to the Department of Defense.

25 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense Navy
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Navy Maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas Welcome to the Department of Defense.

26 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense Marine Corps
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Marine Corps Maintain ready expeditionary forces Sea-based, integrated air-ground units for contingency and combat operations Stabilize or contain international disturbances Welcome to the Department of Defense.

27 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense Air Force
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Air Force The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, fight and win ... in air, space and cyberspace. Welcome to the Department of Defense.

28 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Guard and Reserve Wartime military support Humanitarian Peacekeeping Homeland Security Welcome to the Department of Defense.

29 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense Coast Guard
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Coast Guard Provide law and maritime safety enforcement, marine and environmental protection, and military naval support Welcome to the Department of Defense.

30 Deputy Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Director, Joint Staff Chairman of the JCS Secretary of Defense Deputy Secretary of Defense Chairman, JCS Vice Chairman, JCS Chief of Staff, Army Commandant, Marine Corps Chief of Naval Operations Chief of Staff, Air Force J-1 Manpower and Personnel J-2 Intelligence (DIA) J-3 Operations J-4 Logistics J-5 Strategic Plans & Policy J-6 Command,Control Communications Computers J-7 Operational Plans & Interoperability J-8 Force Structure, Resources & Assessment Welcome to the Department of Defense.

31 Deputy Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Unified Commands Chairman of the JCS Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Direct link to President & SecDef 6 Commanders have geographic responsibility 4 Commanders have worldwide responsibility Secretary of Defense Deputy Secretary of Defense Central Command Southern Special Operations Pacific Northern European Transportation Strategic Joint Forces Africa Welcome to the Department of Defense.

32 US Africa Command (USAFRICOM)
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 US Africa Command (USAFRICOM) Pacific Command covers 50 percent of the Earth's surface including Southwest Asia, Australia and shares with U.S. Northern Command responsibility for Alaska. For detailed information about U.S. Pacific Command please visit

33 US European Command (USEUCOM)
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 US European Command (USEUCOM) Pacific Command covers 50 percent of the Earth's surface including Southwest Asia, Australia and shares with U.S. Northern Command responsibility for Alaska. For detailed information about U.S. Pacific Command please visit

34 US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) Pacific Command covers 50 percent of the Earth's surface including Southwest Asia, Australia and shares with U.S. Northern Command responsibility for Alaska. For detailed information about U.S. Pacific Command please visit

35 US Central Command (USCENTCOM)
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 US Central Command (USCENTCOM) Pacific Command covers 50 percent of the Earth's surface including Southwest Asia, Australia and shares with U.S. Northern Command responsibility for Alaska. For detailed information about U.S. Pacific Command please visit

36 US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) Pacific Command covers 50 percent of the Earth's surface including Southwest Asia, Australia and shares with U.S. Northern Command responsibility for Alaska. For detailed information about U.S. Pacific Command please visit

37 US Pacific Command (USPACOM)
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 US Pacific Command (USPACOM) Pacific Command covers 50 percent of the Earth's surface including Southwest Asia, Australia and shares with U.S. Northern Command responsibility for Alaska. For detailed information about U.S. Pacific Command please visit

38 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Unified Commands Chairman of the JCS Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Joint Forces Command Transformation laboratory Develop joint war-fighting strategy and capabilities Define and test joint war-fighting concepts and requirements Joint Forces Command is the “transformation laboratory” for the U.S. military, in this capacity it searches for promising alternative solutions for future operations through joint concept development and experimentation; defines enhancements to joint warfighting requirements; develops joint warfighting capabilities through joint training and solutions; and delivers joint forces and capabilities to warfighting commanders. The commander of USJFCOM oversees the command's four primary roles in transformation - joint concept development and experimentation, joint training, joint interoperability and integration, and the primary conventional force provider as outlined in the Unified Command Plan approved by the president. The Unified Command Plan designates USJFCOM as the "transformation laboratory" of the United States military to enhance the combatant commanders' capabilities to implement the president's strategy. USJFCOM develops joint operational concepts, tests these concepts through rigorous experimentation, educates joint leaders, trains joint task force commanders and staffs, and recommends joint solutions to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to better integrate their warfighting capabilities. For detailed information about U.S. Joint Forces Command please visit

39 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Unified Commands Chairman of the JCS Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Special Operations Command USSOCOM leads, plans, synchronizes, and as directed, executes global operations against terrorist networks. USSOCOM trains, organizes, equips, and deploys combat ready special operations forces to combatant commands. Joint Forces Command is the “transformation laboratory” for the U.S. military, in this capacity it searches for promising alternative solutions for future operations through joint concept development and experimentation; defines enhancements to joint warfighting requirements; develops joint warfighting capabilities through joint training and solutions; and delivers joint forces and capabilities to warfighting commanders. The commander of USJFCOM oversees the command's four primary roles in transformation - joint concept development and experimentation, joint training, joint interoperability and integration, and the primary conventional force provider as outlined in the Unified Command Plan approved by the president. The Unified Command Plan designates USJFCOM as the "transformation laboratory" of the United States military to enhance the combatant commanders' capabilities to implement the president's strategy. USJFCOM develops joint operational concepts, tests these concepts through rigorous experimentation, educates joint leaders, trains joint task force commanders and staffs, and recommends joint solutions to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to better integrate their warfighting capabilities. For detailed information about U.S. Joint Forces Command please visit

40 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Unified Commands Chairman of the JCS Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Transportation Command Provide air, land, and sea transportation for the Department of Defense in times of peace and war. Joint Forces Command is the “transformation laboratory” for the U.S. military, in this capacity it searches for promising alternative solutions for future operations through joint concept development and experimentation; defines enhancements to joint warfighting requirements; develops joint warfighting capabilities through joint training and solutions; and delivers joint forces and capabilities to warfighting commanders. The commander of USJFCOM oversees the command's four primary roles in transformation - joint concept development and experimentation, joint training, joint interoperability and integration, and the primary conventional force provider as outlined in the Unified Command Plan approved by the president. The Unified Command Plan designates USJFCOM as the "transformation laboratory" of the United States military to enhance the combatant commanders' capabilities to implement the president's strategy. USJFCOM develops joint operational concepts, tests these concepts through rigorous experimentation, educates joint leaders, trains joint task force commanders and staffs, and recommends joint solutions to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to better integrate their warfighting capabilities. For detailed information about U.S. Joint Forces Command please visit

41 How We Are Organized Office of the Secretary of Defense
DoD 101 (Short Version) How We Are Organized 4/22/2017 Unified Commands Chairman of the JCS Military Departments Office of the Secretary of Defense Strategic Command Deter attacks on United States and allies Control strategic nuclear forces Operate communications, weather, navigation, ballistic missile attack warning satellites Assure US space access and deny the enemy same Should deterrence fail, employ forces to achieve national objectives Joint Forces Command is the “transformation laboratory” for the U.S. military, in this capacity it searches for promising alternative solutions for future operations through joint concept development and experimentation; defines enhancements to joint warfighting requirements; develops joint warfighting capabilities through joint training and solutions; and delivers joint forces and capabilities to warfighting commanders. The commander of USJFCOM oversees the command's four primary roles in transformation - joint concept development and experimentation, joint training, joint interoperability and integration, and the primary conventional force provider as outlined in the Unified Command Plan approved by the president. The Unified Command Plan designates USJFCOM as the "transformation laboratory" of the United States military to enhance the combatant commanders' capabilities to implement the president's strategy. USJFCOM develops joint operational concepts, tests these concepts through rigorous experimentation, educates joint leaders, trains joint task force commanders and staffs, and recommends joint solutions to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to better integrate their warfighting capabilities. For detailed information about U.S. Joint Forces Command please visit

42 What We Do War Fighting Humanitarian Peacekeeping Evacuation
DoD 101 (Short Version) What We Do 4/22/2017 War Fighting Humanitarian Peacekeeping Evacuation Homeland Security We are warfighters first and as such have no peers. And with the same dedication and patriotism we are proud to be performing a variety of other very important missions for the American people and our allies around the world. Whether it’s saving lives, protecting property or keeping the peace, the U.S. military stands at the ready to keep America strong and free.

43 Our Most Important Resourse
DoD 101 (Short Version) Our Most Important Resourse 4/22/2017 It’s not planes, tanks, or ship…It’s… PEOPLE We have never-- and will never -- compromise on the quality of our most important resource. It is not tanks, planes or ships, but people. People who have chosen to serve you and serve the nation. They are your sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, people of whom we can be very proud. These are the best of America.

44 Summary Who We Are Who We Work For How We Are Organized What We Do
DoD 101 (Short Version) Summary 4/22/2017 Who We Are Who We Work For How We Are Organized What We Do Welcome to the Department of Defense.

45 Our Bottom Line Provide the military forces needed to deter war
DoD 101 (Short Version) Our Bottom Line 4/22/2017 Provide the military forces needed to deter war Protect the security of the United States Everything we do supports our primary mission -- to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of the United States. Nothing less is acceptable to us, or to the American people. This is our bottom line.

46 Homework Prepare for Lesson # 17 Total Force

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