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National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) Quality Assurance (QA) – report on the FaHCSIA trial.

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Presentation on theme: "National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) Quality Assurance (QA) – report on the FaHCSIA trial."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) Quality Assurance (QA) – report on the FaHCSIA trial

2 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Background 2006 Review recommended improvements in Quality Assurance strategies; 2006 Consultative Committee comprised of NDAP representatives developed a draft set of Disability Advocacy Standards; 2007/08 QA development became part of overall reform of NDAP; 2007/08 Consultation with NDAP sector around the draft set of Disability Advocacy Standards.

3 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Goal of Quality Assurance Strategy To provide people with disability, the disability advocacy sector and government with assurances about the quality of disability advocacy support being delivered; To introduce a set of measurable performance requirements via the introduction of the Disability Advocacy Standards and Key Performance Indicators; To introduce mechanisms independent from government to assess the compliance of agencies to the Standards;

4 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Goal of Quality Assurance Strategy (cont.) To support disability advocacy agencies to continuously improve; To facilitate sector development.

5 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Lead up to NDAP QA Trial 2008/09 development of Quality Improvement Toolkit, including sample policies and procedures; 2009/10 Selection of 12 representative agencies for participation in the trial; Development of JAS-ANZ Auditing Criteria for NDAP (Procedure 29); Audit Training for trial participants, including certification bodies and JAS-ANZ personnel (end November 2009)

6 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Lead up to NDAP QA Trial (cont.) Selection of independent consultant to evaluate the trial from immediate commencement of trial; Convening of QA Trial Reference Group; Commencement of trial 1 December 2009; End date for trial is 30 June 2010.

7 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Key features of the new system A draft set of 11 Disability Advocacy Standards and 24 KPI’s, with Evidence Guidelines; Certification of advocacy agencies’ compliance with the Standards undertaken by independent, accredited certification bodies; Accreditation of certification bodies by JAS-ANZ; Involvement of people with disability at all levels.

8 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Objectives of the QA trial To ensure that: -The QA system meets the stated goals; -The system can work effectively for all models of disability advocacy; -The draft Disability Advocacy Standards, KPIs and Evidence Guidelines are relevant, valid and reliable; -The financial impact of the new system is understood;

9 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Objectives of the trial cont. The system is compatible with other quality assurance systems met by disability advocacy agencies that are required from other jurisdictions; The system meets the requirements of the National Disability Services Quality Strategy; Any further training, support and sector development requirements are identified.

10 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Key Steps in Trial Certification Process Select a certification body Conduct Self Assessment Prepare for the certification audit (2 stages) Desktop audit Field audit Audit team assessment Certification Decision/Audit report Corrective action if necessary for any non-conformances

11 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Current status of QA Trial Have been monthly teleconferences with NDAP trial agencies and monthly newsletters; Contracts with certification bodies were negotiated during Jan to March 2010; The first audit took place during April 2010; The majority of audits take place June 2010;

12 Branch Name - Presentation Heading name Next Steps Preparation of Final Evaluation Report end July 2010; Workshop with key stakeholders, including peak bodies August 2010 to discuss findings/recommendations from Final Evaluation Report. Approval then required by Minister for necessary legislative changes, and accompanying policy around transitional arrangements. Any queries to Sharon Floyd (08) 84002148, or

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