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International Confederation of Principals Activities in School Leadership

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1 International Confederation of Principals Activities in School Leadership

2 Who are we? The Global Umbrella Organisation for National Principal Associations in: SingaporeAustraliaIcelandNigeria EnglandGhanaScotlandPR China IsraelUgandaIrelandIndia KoreaKenyaZambiaZimbabwe USACanadaGermanyNew Zealand Finland TanzaniaJapanSouth Africa Switzerland Netherlands ESHA COBISEC

3 Our Organisation: President: Kate Griffin (UK) Executive: Andrew Blair (Australia) Virginia OMahony (Ireland) David Wylde (South Africa) David Vodila (USA) Executive Secretary: Ted Brierley ICP Council: Up to 3 members from each member association. Each member association has one vote. In 2009, the ICP will form 4 Regions to facilitate closer interaction of member associations. The 4 Regions are: Africa; Asia/Oceania; America and Europe

4 What do we do? ICP aspires to encourage a sense of belonging to the world-wide community of school leaders by: Encouraging closer relationships among principals of all nations. Promoting and enhancing the image and professionalism of the principalship. Promoting the exchange of people and professional publications among the constituent groups and encouraging participation in meetings and conferences across national boundaries. Fostering school curricula that encourage international understanding and good will and a respect for human rights and dignity across all races and cultures. Promoting the rights and responsibilities of principals and also their professional organisations and the material and ethical interests of the education profession. Promoting and encouraging equal opportunities for all young persons to learn and develop to their fullest potential in achieving a respectable and productive quality of life. Developing a program of activities consistent with the purposes of the organisation.

5 Current Issues We are a professional, issues based organisation. We are currently actively interested in:- School Resourcing Devolution of resources and authority Teacher and Principal Recruitment, Retention (including wellbeing) and Development School Accountability and operational flexibility Regionalisation and support

6 What is our interest in this Activity? The recruitment, retention and training of principals is a world-wide issue As is the professional and policy context in which they work The ICP has commissioned papers on this issue: eg: The Challenge of Recruiting and Retaining School Leaders prepared by the IPPN in 2006,and has access to others We have suspended other research activities, preferring to collaborate with the OECD Activity

7 Our involvement We have encouraged the relevant national associations to seek a place on the National Advisory Committees We will be encouraging national associations to critically review their CBR The CBRs will be a very important document for national principal organisations. They will form one of the foundations for future internal national discussions on education policy

8 We believe that the key to improving student outcomes is improving teaching We believe that effective school leadership is focused on creating a school environment which delivers excellent teaching and learning We believe that more research is needed on the issues which inhibit the achievement of such an environment

9 Issues and Tensions: System Accountability Frameworks: High Stakes Accountability Vs Intelligent Accountability High stakes student testing Vs Self assessment and external verification Data Driven Decision Making: Data collected for external uses Vs Data collected supporting teaching and learning School Resourcing: School based funding Vs Student needs based funding Devolution of decision making: Low local flexibility high central control Vs High operational flexibility and school self governance Limited leadership distribution Vs Highly devolved leadership Highly directed pedagogy Vs Pedagogical professional flexibility

10 Issues and Tensions: Building professional capacity and managing performance: Professional Development of teachers haphazard Vs PD nested within support structures, linked to appraisal, the identification of school needs, and within learning networks of peers Narrow appraisal processes Vs The development of performance and development culture Recruitment, skills development and support for school leaders: Non-existent or low level frameworks Vs Coherent, rigorous, longitudinal, site based, project oriented, mentored and coached programs of support The work of school leaders School management and administration Vs School leadership School leadership Vs School and community leadership Resourcing of leadership teams based on yesterdays expectations Vs Resourcing levels required to meet tomorrows (and todays) demands

11 One approach to support:

12 The APAPDC L5 Frame - the work of leadership Leadership starts from within Leadership is about influencing others Leadership develops a rich learning environment Leadership builds professionalism and management capability Leadership inspires leadership actions and aspirations in others

13 Our intentions A report of progress in this activity will be made to the ICP Council in April (Auckland) and October (Washington DC) ICP members would also be interested in learning more about TALIS We will be very interested in forging a closer relationship with the OECD to support the implementation of policies beneficial to the improvement of schools

14 Thank you for your attention and interest Ted Brierley Executive Secretary International Confederation of Principals

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