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Published byJulie Foster Modified over 9 years ago
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Fast Track to Scientific Databases Ruchareka Asavisanu Tel: 5891 Suang Udomvaraphunt Tel: 5727 Generic Skills in Biological Science Research (SCIS515)
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y : Outline : Introduction to the library websites Understanding various information resource tools –L–L–L–Library online catalogs (Digital card catalogs) –E–E–E–E-Databases –E–E–E–E-Journals –E–E–E–E-Books Considering the quality research publications by using “journal impact factors” and “citation frequency” Managing your personal references with ENDNOTE
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Introduction to the Library Websites Stang Mongkolsuk Library Website (Faculty of Science Library) – Mahidol University Library Website (The Central Library at Salaya Campus) – Mahidol Library Catalog Server (MULINET) –
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Search Library Catalogs Search Library Catalogs OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogs) Mahidol Library Catalog (MULINET) – (use INNOPAC library integrated system software) Thailand Union Catalog (ThaiLIS - UniNet) –http://uc.thailis.or.th (use VTLS library integrated system software)
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y What is ThaiLIS – UniNet ? ThaiLIS = Thai Library Integrated System โครงการพัฒนาเครือข่ายระบบห้องสมุดในประเทศ ไทย (77 แห่ง ) A part of UniNet = Inter University Network Commission on Higher Education, Ministry of Education สำนักงานบริหารเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศเพื่อการ พัฒนาการศึกษา สำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอุดมศึกษา ( สกอ.) กระทรวงศึกษาธิการ
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y E-databases Bibliographic Databases (Reference Databases / Citation Databases / Abstract Databases) –A–An electronic version of a catalog or index. –A–A bibliographic database allows the user to identify publications by author, title, subject, or other search terms. –I–It generally provides at least a full citation to the item, and often other information such as abstracts and assigned subject headings.
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y E-databases Bibliographic Databases (Reference Databases / Citation Databases / Abstract Databases) –Academic Search Premier (ASP) by EBSCOhost –AGORA – CAB Abstracts –BIOSIS (BA - Biological Abstracts) –EBSCO Host EJS (Electronic Journals Service) –Google Scholar –Proquest Digital Dissertations –PubMed (MEDLINE) / Korea MED –SciFinder Scholar (CAPlus – Chemical Abstracts) –SCOPUS –ISI Web of Knowledge Web of Science (including Science Citation Index)
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y : Advanced Search Tips : Web of Science Upper, lower, or mixed case finds the same results –DNA, dna, Dna Use wildcards to search for variants of words –Enzym*, wom?n, vapo$r Separate two or more terms by boolean operators AND, OR, SAME, NOT ozone AND pollut* Corn OR maize fac sci SAME mahidol(same subfield) Monoxide NOT carbon Iron OR steel AND rust (AND has precedence over OR) (iron OR steel) AND rust (nitrogen OR potassium) SAME fertilizer*(same sentence)
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Wildcards and Truncation The asterisk (*), question mark (?), and dollar sign ($) are called wildcards because they can be included in a search term to represent unknown characters.asteriskquestion markdollar sign The asterisk (*) represents any group of characters, including no characters. Ex. biolog* (biology, biologists, biological) The question mark (?) represents any single character. Ex. en?oblast* (endoblast, entoblasts) The dollar sign ($) represents one character or no characters. Ex. Hof$man*(Hofman, Hoffman, Hoffmann)
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y : Advanced Search Tips : Google Scholar Automatic AND –vitamin c common cold= vitamin c AND common cold –Friedman cloning= author:friedman AND cloning + operator makes sure your results include common words, letters, numbers that Google’s search technology generally ignores –World War +I - operator excludes all results that include this search term –Flowers –Author:flowers Phrase search only returns results that include this exact phrase –“as you like it” OR operator returns results that include either of your search terms –RNAi OR “RNA interference”
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y E-databases Full-text Databases –A–A bibliographic database which contains the complete text of the bibliographic record which is referenced in the database. –E–Ex. a journal article, a patent full-text, a dissertation or thesis
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y E-databases Full-text databases –Blackwell Synergy –European Patent Office (esp@cenet) –HighWire Press –H.W. Wilson full-text –Nature Journals Online –PubMed Central / Biomed Central –ScienceDirect –SpringerLink –Thieme Connect –USPTO (US Patent and Tracemark Office) –Wiley Interscience
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Other online databases –Current Contents Connect (ISI Web of Knowledge) –CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) –Entrez (NCBI’s life science search engine) –Google’s CrossRef Search –JSTOR (Journal Storage – the scholarly journals archive) –OCLC First Search–ECO (Electronic Collections Online) –OVID Web Online MEDLINE journals@OVID books@OVID EBM (Evidence-based Medicine)
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y E-journals Alphabetical List A-Z –from the library Website EBSCO A-to-Z service
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y E-Books NetLibrary E-bookshttp://www.netlibrary.com –NetLibrary eBooks are digital full-text versions of 5,962 books such as reference works, scholarly monographs, literature and fiction, and 3,400 publicly-accessible titles. (Purchased by ThaiLIS) Dissertation Full-text http://ebook.thailis.or.th –Selected 3,850 full-text (PDF) from ProQuest Digital Dissertations database (Purchased by ThaiLIS)
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y E-Books (cont.) SpringerLink E-books –digital full-text versions of 1,528 books (out of 2,234 books) such as reference works, scholarly monographs, literature and fiction (Purchased by ThaiLIS) Book@OVID –Full-text of Medical e-Books (57 Books) from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press (subscribed by Mahidol Univ.) E-book databases : A book-finding Tool, not a book-reading tool
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y E-Books (cont.) Google Print –Google works with publishers and libraries to create a comprehensive, searchable, virtual card catalog of all books in all languages that helps users discover new books, and publishers find new readers. –Though every page becomes searchable, how much of the book a user can actually read is determined by its copyright status. –If the book is in the public domain, users can view all of the pages. If the book is potentially still in copyright, they show only three samples where the keyword appears. –If a publisher submits the book into Google Print, users can view more of that book.
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Considering the quality research publications What are Impact Factors ? –Journal Impact Factor is from Journal Citation Report (JCR), a product of Thomson ISI (Institute for Scientific Information). –JCR provides quantitative tools for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals. –The impact factor is one of these; it is a measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period. –More details are described in the Stang library website
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Calculation The Impact Factor is generally calculated based on a 3 year period. For example, the 2004 Impact factor for a journal would be calculated as follows: A = Number of times articles published in 2001-2002 were cited in tracked journals during 2003 B = Number of articles published in 2001-2002 2003 Impact Factor = A / B
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Where to Find “citation frequency / cited by” Web of Science (Thomson ISI) –Cited reference Search Cited Author / Cited Work (journals or books) / Cited Year (s) Google Scholar SCOPUS (Elsevier) SciFinder Scholar ScienceDirect (Elsevier) HighWire Press (Stanford University)
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Faculty of 1000 Faculty of 1000 is the next generation literature awareness tool. It is a revolutionary new online research service that will comprehensively and systematically highlight and review the most interesting papers published in the biological sciences, based on the recommendations of a faculty of well over 1000 selected leading researchers.
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y ENDNOTE Bibliographic Management Software / Citation Manager With EndNote software you can create a personalised database of references. You can type the references yourself or import them from a database. You can then create a bibliography for your thesis, assignment or journal article in the citation style you require.
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Other Recommended Search Tools Google Search Engine – Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia –http://en.wikipedia.org Longdo Dictionary - Multiple Bilingual Dictionary Search and Compilation Service –http://dict.longdo.org
S T A N G M O N G K O L S U K L I B R A R Y Information Retrieval Service : Tel : 5716, 5718 E-mail : THE END
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