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ProQuest Database Overview ProQuest is a research database covering social issues, business, health, science, economics, current events and more.

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Presentation on theme: "ProQuest Database Overview ProQuest is a research database covering social issues, business, health, science, economics, current events and more."— Presentation transcript:

1 ProQuest Database Overview ProQuest is a research database covering social issues, business, health, science, economics, current events and more.

2 Use AND, OR, NOT Use AND to narrow down a topic. Use OR to broaden a topic.Use NOT to eliminate a information not wanted. To search for a phrase use quotation marks (""). Example “ The Great Depression” Use the * character instead of spelling the entire word. Example farm* = farm, farming, farms, farmed etc. More search tips

3 Searching in ProQuest: Basic Search July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 3 Type keywords in the Basic Search Box Connect search terms together using the word “AND” Example search: presidential elections AND Obama

4 July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 4 Searching in ProQuest: Advanced Search Type in one key concept per line in the search boxes. Limit the date range.

5 July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 5 Searching in ProQuest: Advanced Search Select a field to search in from the dropdown menu for more precise searches. Specify a date range

6 July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 6 Searching in ProQuest: Advanced Search Select a source type such a magazine or journal article. Select a document type to choose the type of publication.

7 ProQuest has “modules” that only contain articles on a specific subject area. Selecting a subject area is one way to narrow down and focus your search. July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 7 Searching in ProQuest: subject areas Click “List View” to see all the subject areas.

8 Choosing a specific database. Select databases from the list. July 22, 2012Footer text here8 Click databases Click the button after selecting

9 Looking for a specific publication, such as The NY Times. Select “publications” at the top of the screen. Type in “New York Times” Select “New York Times” from the list. July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 9

10 Searching by Author's Name July 22, 2012Footer text here10 Author’s Name AUTHOR or AU can also be used

11 Finding newspaper articles in ProQuest. Click on the “News and Issues” icon to search newspapers. July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 11

12 Finding Scholarly Journal Articles Scholarly Journals have in-depth articles written on a specific subject and usually contain research. Click the “Peer reviewed” box to find only scholarly journals. July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 12

13 Narrowing Search results using “Narrow results by” July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview 13 Click on a source type. Select a subject. Select a location. Modify the Date Click “update” to see the modified results.

14 Emailing an article to read later. July 22, 2012Footer text here14

15 Click on “Cite” to generate a citation. July 22, 2012Footer text here15

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