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Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program SY 2015-16 Grant Training Stephanie Alsbrook, MS, RD, LD Assistant Director for Healthy Schools and Evonne Rayson, MS.

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Presentation on theme: "Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program SY 2015-16 Grant Training Stephanie Alsbrook, MS, RD, LD Assistant Director for Healthy Schools and Evonne Rayson, MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program SY 2015-16 Grant Training Stephanie Alsbrook, MS, RD, LD Assistant Director for Healthy Schools and Evonne Rayson, MS Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Coordinator Child Nutrition Unit Arkansas Department of Education

2 Training Schedule Module 1 – Addendum to the Child Nutrition Agreement – Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) Funding – FFVP Deadlines Module 2 – FFVP Claim for Reimbursement – Other Forms for FFVP – FFVP Budgeting Module 3 – Procurement Regulations for Child Nutrition Programs – Farm to School – Resources for Success – Troubleshooting FFVP

3 Welcome to Module 1 FFVP Training SY 2015-16 Objectives – Discuss the goals of FFVP – Identify school and the Arkansas Department of Education Child Nutrition Unit responsibilities as outlined in the FFVP Addendum – Identify allowable and non-allowable expenses – Discuss the growth of FFVP in Arkansas – Identify key deadlines for successfully implementing FFVP

4 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Goals Create healthier school environments by providing healthy food choices Expand children’s fruit and vegetable consumption Make a difference in children’s diets to impact their present and future health

5 FFVP History The Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 – Also known as the Farm Bill – Amended the National School Lunch Act to add the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program – Permanently authorized nationwide and provides significant funding increases

6 FFVP Funding

7 FFVP Expansion YearFundingSchools FundedKids Funded 2008-09$752,4883011,532 ($50 each) 2009-10$1,047,8314720,122 ($50 each) 2010-11$1,600,0987831,421 ($50 each) 2011-12$2,301,79611543,259 ($50 each) 2012-13$2,381,92212045,422 ($50 each) 2013-14$2,411,04712548,220 ($50 each) 2014-15$2,535,7318632,742 ($75 each) 2015-16$2,567,3249133,510 ($75 each) SY 2014-15 shows an increase in the amount awarded per student, which results in a decrease in the number of schools awarded This change was made to allow for the increasing costs of fresh fruit and vegetables and to ensure adequate training and technical assistance from the FFVP Coordinator for schools who receive the grant

8 Determining a School’s Funding Official School Enrollment based on October 1, 2015 Cycle 2 Report $75 per student for entire grant award 12.75 per student in Allocation 1 62.25 per student in Allocation 2 Adjustments made for schools who changed grade configurations for next year

9 Addendum to the Child Nutrition Agreement


11 FFVP Agreement Terms FFVP funds may not be used to replace foods that are part of the reimbursable lunch or breakfast FFVP cannot be provided at the same time as breakfast or lunch FFVP is only available during the school day

12 FFVP Agreement Terms Funds will not be used to serve fresh fruits and vegetables to students after the regular school term FFVP not to be used as reward or punishment or for other disciplinary means

13 FFVP Agreement Terms Funds will be utilized at approved schools only (No preschools in SY2015-16) Program will be implemented as outlined in the FFVP application plus any amendments or revisions approved by ADE, Child Nutrition Unit

14 FFVP Agreement Terms Program will be implemented by September 1, 2015 “Implemented” means that you served FFVP at least once during the first week of September Fresh fruits and vegetables will be the major focus of the program Any food items purchased and not consumed by May 31, 2016 will not be claimed for reimbursement from FFVP funds

15 FFVP Agreement Terms Teachers will be encouraged to participate in the Program with students as a model of healthy eating behavior and to use the opportunity for nutrition education and other related topics

16 Program Allowable Expenses Operating Costs: – Allowable foods – fresh fruits and fresh vegetables – Value added services – pre-cut fresh produce, ready-made fresh produce trays and delivery charges

17 Program Allowable Expenses – Non-food items – napkins, paper plates, trays, trash bags No non-food FFVP supplies purchases after April 15, 2016 without prior approval All non-food supplies must be related to activities of the FFVP

18 Program Allowable Expenses – Salaries and fringe benefits – employees who do tasks related to preparation and service of fruits and vegetables Only the portion of expenses for FFVP activities can be charged as a grant expense Signed time sheets required from the period of the claim


20 Program Allowable Expenses – Salaries and fringe benefits Documentation approved by ADE, CNU confirming the employee(s) hourly wage rate Overtime will not be reimbursed Labor and non-food/supply costs should be minimal


22 Program Allowable Expenses Administrative Costs: – Labor costs associated with the grant and the FFVP direct costs of equipment – Limited to not more than 10% of the total grant award

23 Program Allowable Expenses – Administrative labor – labor required to plan the FFVP, manage the paperwork, procure equipment and all other aspects of FFVP that are NOT related to preparation and service of fruits and vegetables Administrative labor expenses must be minimal

24 Program Allowable Expenses – Equipment – purchasing or leasing equipment for the preparation and service of foods for the FFVP activities Written justification and request to purchase FFVP equipment must be submitted on the approved form PRIOR TO PURCHASE Incomplete requests will not be approved No equipment purchases will be made using FFVP funds after November 30, 2015


26 Program Non-Allowable Expenses Nutrition educational materials and activities – Examples – field trips to orchards and classroom nutrition education lessons Development of nutrition education materials

27 Program Non-Allowable Expenses “Consumable” nutrition education materials – Examples – coloring books, stickers Promotional costs for Program Provide FFVP to community residents or adults who attend school functions

28 Program Non-Allowable Expenses Fresh fruits and/or vegetables for students to take home Indirect costs Administrative fees, other than labor Overtime

29 Program Non-Allowable Expenses Funds will not be used to purchase the following food items: – Processed or preserved fruits and vegetables (canned, frozen, vacuum packed or dried) – Any fruit or vegetable that is cooked in any way, including on-site


31 Program Non-Allowable Expenses – Fruit that has been injected with flavorings – Dip for fruit or vegetables – Dried fruit – Jellied fruit – Fruit strips, fruit drops, fruit leather – Fruit or vegetable juice, including fresh squeezed and lemon juice for preserving

32 Program Non-Allowable Expenses – Smoothies – Trail mix or dried fruit mix – Cottage cheese – Nuts – Fruit or vegetable pizzas – Fruit desserts – Ingredients in a fresh fruit or fresh vegetable recipe – fruit or vegetables with added spices (example: cinnamon)

33 Fund Allocation #1 Amount of FFVP award for the first federal quarter (July 1, 2015 – September 30, 2015) Stated in award letter May be obligated beginning July 1, 2015 and MUST be obligated by September 30, 2015

34 Fund Allocation #1 Goods can be received in October Funds must be expended by October 31, 2015 No Allocation #1 claims will be accepted in November Note: All labor for August and September is Allocation #1

35 Fund Allocation #2 Amount of FFVP award for the remainder of the federal grant period (October 1, 2015– June 30, 2016) Available October 1, 2015

36 Fund Allocation #2 Must be obligated by May 31, 2016 No claims will be accepted after June 15, 2016 Note: All labor for October thru June is Allocation #2

37 FFVP Claim for Reimbursement Based on signed delivery invoices and signed time sheets All school level invoices must be signed by person receiving the delivery and approved for payment with the signature of the CN director

38 FFVP Claim for Reimbursement Invoices must stipulate charges attributed to each school award and signed by CN director and grant coordinator – Invoices must be separated by school and must be separate from other CN invoices Copies of invoices must accompany submitted claim Claim form provided by ADE, CNU

39 FFVP Claim for Reimbursement Claims must be submitted no later than 60 days after the end of the claim period Revised claims must be submitted within 90 days Claims submitted after these dates may result in no reimbursement See handout for claim due dates

40 FFVP Fund Account A separate fund account for all FFVP purchases must be established A clear audit trail documenting all FFVP grant expenditures should be readily available

41 FFVP Fund Account Tracking of expenditures should be by school Reports must show financial and student participation activities by school award

42 General Conditions Addendum to Agreement is non-transferable Addendum may be amended based on additional or revised guidance issued by USDA No obligation to renew – applications must be submitted on an annual basis

43 General Conditions SFA must budget appropriately to expend FFVP funds – Approximately 10% utilized each month – CNU will monitor SFA’s funds and failure to spend 10% will require submission of a Grant Expenditure Improvement Action Plan to be signed by grant coordinator, CND and superintendent

44 General Conditions ADE, CNU may withdraw FFVP funding for demonstrated non-compliance – A corrective action plan may be required All FFVP procurement must follow the same local, state and federal guidelines as NSLP

45 General Conditions Records must be kept for 5 years and longer if unresolved audit findings FFVP schools are subject to both announced and unannounced FFVP monitoring visits


47 Conclusion This completes Module 1 of the FFVP Training

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