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Managing Pupil Premium Finances David Birch Associate Director The National Education Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Pupil Premium Finances David Birch Associate Director The National Education Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Pupil Premium Finances David Birch Associate Director The National Education Trust

2 The PPG and School Leadership Pupil Premium gets to the heart of financial accountability/autonomy issues Funding is not ring-fenced but has to be targeted and properly accounted for The SBM has to keep the HT ‘honest’ while responding positively to imaginative and creative leadership

3 Key Issues Establishing eligibility Accounting for the PPG in your budget Justifying spending decisions Collating data and evidencing impact

4 Who is eligible? Children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for FSM in mainstream and non-mainstream settings. Children who have been looked after (CLA) and those adopted from care. In 2012-13 the PPG was extended to pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (‘Ever 6 FSM’). Children whose parents are serving in the armed forces.

5 Eligibility criteria for CLA Children looked after by the LA qualify for the PPG from the Reception year through to year 11. The PPG for children looked after is now paid to the Virtual School and then delegated Schools that have children on roll who are looked after by other local authorities will be paid directly by that authority

6 Eligibility changes from 2014 £1300 for Primary School pupils, £935 for secondary pupils. £300 for Ever 4 Services pupils and for families in receipt of pensions under AFCS and WPS £1900 pp for CLA from April 2014 - now funded from first day in care (also for Post LAC pupils) Pupils are eligible for forces premium for up to 6 years after parents leave the services and following parents’ death in service

7 Some eligibility issues How are you ensuring that eligible pupils are registered for FSM? Are we sure that eligibility is not confused with low attainment? What will be the impact of the provision of FSM for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 from 2014?

8 Recording and reporting For good practice in recording and reporting see: The example in the delegates’ pack The NAHT exemplar tracking grid Make use of the Ofsted ‘analysis and challenge tool’. Ensure that PP reporting and planning are on the school website.

9 Accounting for PP spending: key issues Be clear where the PPG is part-funding initiatives and interventions Integrate PP spending within the School Improvement Plan Are Governors well-informed and in a position to challenge and support? (See ‘The Effective Governor’ in the pack) Ensure that your PP policy is clear about your spending criteria

10 Policy: key elements Purpose of the policy How the policy has been developed How decisions will be made Links to other policies Roles and responsibilities Monitoring and review Statement about use of grant and impact Thanks to Equitable Education

11 Are you contributing to PPG decisions? Is your school’s PP spending: Ensuring high quality interventions? Targeting CPD better? Closing the social and cultural gap? Supporting high attainers? Engaging parents? Improving transition?

12 Contact

13 Further help and resources NAHT PP Tracking Grid: home/governance-and-infrastructure-advice/pupil-premium-reporting-2012-2013/ home/governance-and-infrastructure-advice/pupil-premium-reporting-2012-2013/ Ofsted Analysis and Challenge Tool: premium-how-schools-are-spending-funding-successfully-maximise-achievement premium-how-schools-are-spending-funding-successfully-maximise-achievement Ofsted update July 2014 Herts for Learning report, case studies and further links: Model Policy: ( resources/12357/ resources/12357/Model-Pupil-Premium-Policy-for-Schools-Template SuttonTrust/EEF toolkit, including PP calculator: DFE: The Pupil Premium – what you need to know: PP Conditions of Grant: grant-2014-to-2015-conditions-of-grant grant-2014-to-2015-conditions-of-grant

14 Contact Twitter: @NatEdTrust @birch_david @FBM_Training

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