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Differentiated School Leadership Kentucky Principal’s Academy 2010.

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1 Differentiated School Leadership Kentucky Principal’s Academy 2010

2 Is there One best way to lead a school? All schools need leadership The question really should be … Do schools need the same kind of leadership? Similary…what leadership skills are required in schools with different needs?

3 So what does this mean? Relying on past and present theory on school leadership, Duke (2010) argues that the school context – the NEEDS of schools dictate the type of leadership that is necessary Could that be differentiated leadership?

4 Where do you start? What data inform the situation? Are there standards in place to guide behavior? What does the research say about leadership and school improvement? How do you PROVE that you’ve met the standards and grown as a school?

5 Begin With The Situation ‘The situation both enables and constrains leadership practice.’ The starting point in school leadership is an analysis of the situation. Knowing what to focus on and when can spell the difference between success and failure.

6 The Situation You Say? How does the principal determine what leadership skills are necessary? You must hone your skills as a diagnostician. What are the pieces of the puzzle? Once together, what picture does the puzzle reveal?

7 Mining SISI for Practitioner Relevance The SISI standards help us to diagnose the leadership needed in our schools. The SISI standards ARE the pieces of the puzzle of school leadership – they identify ACTION. First things first…. –Grab a highlighter, a pen, and a partner! –Let’s see where and how standards inform practice.

8 8 Standards and Indicators for School Improvement 1.The school develops and implements a curriculum that is rigorous, intentional, and aligned to state and local standards. 2.The school uses multiple evaluation and assessment strategies to continuously monitor and modify instruction to meet student needs and support proficient student work. 3.The school’s instructional program actively engages all students by using effective, varied, and research-based practices to improve student academic performance. 4.The school / district functions as an effective learning community and supports a climate conducive to performance excellence. 5.The school / district works with families and community groups to remove barriers to learning in an effort to meet the intellectual, social, career, and developmental needs of students. 6.The school / district provides research-based, results driven professional development opportunities for staff and implements performance evaluation procedures in order to improve teaching and learning. 7.School / district instructional decisions focus on support for teaching and learning, organizational direction, high performance expectations, creating a learning culture, and developing leadership capacity. 8.There is evidence that the school is organized to maximize use of all resources to support high student and staff performance. 9.The school / district develops, implements, and evaluates a comprehensive school improvement plan that communicates a clear purpose, direction, and action plan focused on teaching and learning.

9 9 Standards and Indicators for School and District Improvement 1.The school develops and implements a curriculum that is rigorous, intentional, and aligned to state and local standards. 2.The school uses multiple evaluation and assessment strategies to continuously monitor and modify instruction to meet student needs and support proficient student work. 3.The school’s instructional program actively engages all students by using effective, varied, and research-based practices to improve student academic performance. 4.The school / district functions as an effective learning community and supports a climate conducive to performance excellence. (Summarized as School Culture) 5.The school / district works with families and community groups to remove barriers to learning in an effort to meet the intellectual, social, career, and developmental needs of students. 6.The school / district provides research-based, results driven professional development opportunities for staff and implements performance evaluation procedures in order to improve teaching and learning. 7.School / district instructional decisions focus on support for teaching and learning, organizational direction, high performance expectations, creating a learning culture, and developing leadership capacity. (Summarized as Leadership) 8.There is evidence that the school is organized to maximize use of all resources to support high student and staff performance. 9.The school / district develops, implements, and evaluates a comprehensive school improvement plan that communicates a clear purpose, direction, and action plan focused on teaching and learning.

10 10 Standards and Indicators for School and District Improvement 1.The school develops and implements a curriculum that is rigorous, intentional, and aligned to state and local standards. 2.The school uses multiple evaluation and assessment strategies to continuously monitor and modify instruction to meet student needs and support proficient student work. 3.The school’s instructional program actively engages all students by using effective, varied, and research-based practices to improve student academic performance. 4.The school / district functions as an effective learning community and supports a climate conducive to performance excellence. (Summarized as School Culture) 5.The school / district works with families and community groups to remove barriers to learning in an effort to meet the intellectual, social, career, and developmental needs of students. 6.The school / district provides research-based, results driven professional development opportunities for staff and implements performance evaluation procedures in order to improve teaching and learning. 7.School / district instructional decisions focus on support for teaching and learning, organizational direction, high performance expectations, creating a learning culture, and developing leadership capacity. (Summarized as Leadership) 8.There is evidence that the school is organized to maximize use of all resources to support high student and staff performance. 9.The school / district develops, implements, and evaluates a comprehensive school improvement plan that communicates a clear purpose, direction, and action plan focused on teaching and learning.

11 11 Standards and Indicators for School and District Improvement 1.The school develops and implements a curriculum that is rigorous, intentional, and aligned to state and local standards. 2.The school uses multiple evaluation and assessment strategies to continuously monitor and modify instruction to meet student needs and support proficient student work. 3.The school’s instructional program actively engages all students by using effective, varied, and research-based practices to improve student academic performance. 4.The school / district functions as an effective learning community and supports a climate conducive to performance excellence. (Summarized as School Culture) 5.The school / district works with families and community groups to remove barriers to learning in an effort to meet the intellectual, social, career, and developmental needs of students. 6.The school / district provides research-based, results driven professional development opportunities for staff and implements performance evaluation procedures in order to improve teaching and learning. 7.School / district instructional decisions focus on support for teaching and learning, organizational direction, high performance expectations, creating a learning culture, and developing leadership capacity. (Summarized as Leadership) 8.There is evidence that the school is organized to maximize use of all resources to support high student and staff performance. 9.The school / district develops, implements, and evaluates a comprehensive school improvement plan that communicates a clear purpose, direction, and action plan focused on teaching and learning.

12 12 Standards and Indicators for School and District Improvement 1.The school develops and implements a curriculum that is rigorous, intentional, and aligned to state and local standards. 2.The school uses multiple evaluation and assessment strategies to continuously monitor and modify instruction to meet student needs and support proficient student work. 3.The school’s instructional program actively engages all students by using effective, varied, and research-based practices to improve student academic performance. 4.The school / district functions as an effective learning community and supports a climate conducive to performance excellence. (Summarized as School Culture) 5.The school / district works with families and community groups to remove barriers to learning in an effort to meet the intellectual, social, career, and developmental needs of students. 6.The school / district provides research-based, results driven professional development opportunities for staff and implements performance evaluation procedures in order to improve teaching and learning. 7.School / district instructional decisions focus on support for teaching and learning, organizational direction, high performance expectations, creating a learning culture, and developing leadership capacity. (Summarized as Leadership) 8.There is evidence that the school is organized to maximize use of all resources to support high student and staff performance. 9.The school / district develops, implements, and evaluates a comprehensive school improvement plan that communicates a clear purpose, direction, and action plan focused on teaching and learning.

13 13 Standards and Indicators for School and District Improvement 1.The school develops and implements a curriculum that is rigorous, intentional, and aligned to state and local standards. 2.The school uses multiple evaluation and assessment strategies to continuously monitor and modify instruction to meet student needs and support proficient student work. 3.The school’s instructional program actively engages all students by using effective, varied, and research-based practices to improve student academic performance. 4.The school / district functions as an effective learning community and supports a climate conducive to performance excellence. (Summarized as School Culture) 5.The school / district works with families and community groups to remove barriers to learning in an effort to meet the intellectual, social, career, and developmental needs of students. 6.The school / district provides research-based, results driven professional development opportunities for staff and implements performance evaluation procedures in order to improve teaching and learning. 7.School / district instructional decisions focus on support for teaching and learning, organizational direction, high performance expectations, creating a learning culture, and developing leadership capacity. (Summarized as Leadership) 8.There is evidence that the school is organized to maximize use of all resources to support high student and staff performance. 9.The school / district develops, implements, and evaluates a comprehensive school improvement plan that communicates a clear purpose, direction, and action plan focused on teaching and learning.

14 14 Standards and Indicators for School and District Improvement Academic Performance Learning Environment Efficiency Efficiency 1.Curriculum 2. Classroom Evaluation and Assessment 3. Instruction 4.School Culture 5.Student, Family & Community Support 6.Professional Growth, Development & Evaluation 7.Leadership 8.Organizational Structure & Resources 9.Comprehensive & Effective Planning

15 15 Standards and Indicators for School and District Improvement Academic PerformanceLearning EnvironmentEfficiency Curriculum 1.1a. Curriculum is aligned with … [Kentucky documents] 1.1b. District facilitates discussions among schools for articulating curriculum 1.1c. District facilitates discussion between school to eliminate overlaps and gaps 1.1d. Vertical communication to focus on key transition within grade configurations 1.1e. School curriculum provides links to continuing ed, life, and career options 1.1f. Systematic process for monitoring, evaluating, and reviewing curriculum 1.1g Curriculum provides access to a common academic core for ALL students School Culture 4.1a. Leadership support for a safe, orderly, and equitable learning community 4.1b. Leadership creates experiences fostering belief ALL children can learn 4.1c. Teachers hold, practice high expectations for student academics, behavior 4.1d. Teaching and non-teaching staff involved in decision-making for instruction 4.1e. Teachers recognize, accept professional role in student success and failure 4.1f. School staff assignments so ALL students have access to staff strengths 4.1g. Teachers communicate regularly with families about students’ progress. 4.1h. Teachers, staff care about students and inspire their best efforts 4.1i. Multiple communication strategies to inform stakeholders 4.1j. Student achievement is highly valued and publicly celebrated 4.1k School provides support for physical, cultural, socio-economic, and intellectual needs of ALL students, commitment to equity, appreciation of diversity Leadership 7.1a.Leadership has developed and sustained a shared vision. 7.1b.Leadership decisions focus on academic performance, are data-driven and collaborative 7.1c.Administrators have growth plans focused on effective leadership 7.1d.Leadership team disaggregates data and communicates it to stakeholders 7.1e.Leadership ensures that all instructional staff have access to materials 7.1f. Leadership ensures that time is protected and allocated to focus on curricular and instructional issues. 7.1g.Leadership manages and administers resources to provide school improvement 7.1h.Leadership provides policy, process for safe and effective environment 7.1i. Leadership provides process for council policies. 7.1j. School council focuses on student academic performance 7.1k.Principal demonstrates leadership in academic performance, learning environment and efficiency. Classroom Evaluation and Assessment 2.1a. Classroom assessments of student learning are frequent, rigorous, and aligned with Kentucky’s core content. 2.1b. Teachers collaborate in the design of authentic assessments. 2.1c. ALL students can articulate academic expectations in each class and know what is required to be proficient. 2.1d. Test scores are used to identify gaps [meet needs of ALL students]. 2.1e. Assessments provide meaningful feedback for instructional purposes 2.1f. Performance standards are clearly communicated and visible in student work 2.1g Systematic process for monitoring, evaluating, and reviewing curriculum 2.1h. Student work analyzed for purposes of instructional decision-making Student, Family and Community Support 5.1a. Families and the community are active partners in the educational process and work together with the school staff to promote programs and services for ALL students 5.1b. Structures are in place to ensure that ALL students have access to ALL curriculum. 5.1c. School provides structures, supports instructional practice to eliminate barriers to learning 5.1d. Students are provided with a variety of opportunities to receive additional assistance to support their learning, beyond the initial classroom. 5.1e. School maintains accurate and timely information via student records Organizational Structure and Resources 8.1a. School organized to maximize all resources for student and staff performance] 8.1b. Master schedule reflects ALL students have access to all curriculum 8.1c. instructional, non-instructional staff allocated based on student needs 8.1d. Effective use of instructional time 8.1e. Team planning / collaboration to plan for and implement improvement plan 8.1f. Schedule aligned with school’s mission; all staff have quality instructional time 8.2a. Clearly defined process for equitable allocation of fiscal resources 8.2b. Discretionary funds directed by assessment of need 8.2c. School council analyzes request for meeting school’s plan 8.2d.State, federal resources allocated and integrated to address student needs. Instruction 3.1a. Effective and varied instructional activities in ALL classrooms 3.1b. Instructional strategies and learning activities are aligned district, state goals 3.1c. Instruction is consistently monitored and aligned with needs of ALL students 3.1d. Teachers demonstrate knowledge necessary to challenge and motivate ALL students to high levels of learning. 3.1e. Technology incorporated in daily instruction 3.1f. Instructional resources are sufficient to effectively deliver the curriculum 3.1g. Collaboration to discuss student work and use it to inform instruction. 3.1h. Homework is frequent, monitored and tied to instructional practice Professional Growth, Development and Evaluation 6.1a. Support for long-term professional growth of staff; leadership growth 6.1b. Plan intends to build instructional capacity through professional development 6.1c. Staff development priorities set to align with goals for students and staff 6.1d. plans for school improvement connect goals for student learning and PD 6.1e. Professional development is on-going and job-embedded. 6.1f. PD planning shows a connection to an analysis of student data 6.2a. The school/district provides a clearly defined evaluation process. 6.2b. Leadership provides resources for staff development based on needs. 6.2c. Effective us of employee evaluation and growth plans to improve staff. 6.2d. Leadership provides and implements evaluation process 6.2e. School/district plans identify leadership needs, how to meet them –EILA 6.2f. Leadership uses evaluation process to change behavior and instructional practices. Comprehensive and Effective Planning 9.1a. Collaboration of school community to develop vision and mission 9.2a. Planning process includes collecting, managing and analyzing data 9.2b. School uses data for school improvement planning. 9.3a. Plans reflect learning research, expectations for student learning, team review 9.3b. School analyzes students’ unique learning needs 9.3c. Desired results for student learning are defined 9.4a. Perceived strengths and weaknesses are identified using the collected data 9.4b. Plan defines goals for strengthening instructional, organizational effectiveness 9.5a. Action steps of plan aligned with goals and objectives 9.5b. Plan identifies resources, timelines, and persons responsible. 9.5c. Means for evaluating effectiveness of plan are established. 9.5d. improvement plan aligned with school’s profile, mission, and desired results for student learning 9.6a. Plan is implemented as developed 9.6b. School evaluates degree to which it achieves goals, objectives of the plan 9.6c. School evaluates degree to which it achieves expected impact on student performance 9.6d. There is evidence of attempts to sustain the commitment to continuous improvement.

16 Putting the Puzzle together… The puzzle has 9 pieces – the SISI standards. Let’s walk through each piece of the puzzle – – diagnose the current situation in your respective schools using current data –Identify leadership skills needed in the given situation –And plan for improvement.

17 The Puzzle of School Leadership The puzzle of school leadership serves myriad purposes: –It helps us realize that all leadership behavior and skills are interrelated. –It reminds us that we cannot focus on one area alone –It points to the competing roles of educational leaders –It allows us to see our growth toward achieving the mission and vision of the school.

18 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 1: Curriculum Evidence looks like…?

19 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 2: Classroom Evaluation and Assessment Evidence looks like…?

20 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 3: Instruction Evidence looks like…?

21 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 4: Culture Evidence looks like…?

22 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 5: Student, Family & Community Support Evidence looks like…?

23 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 6: Professional Growth, Development & Evaluation Evidence looks like…?

24 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 7: Leadership Evidence looks like…?

25 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 8: Organizational Structure & Resources Evidence looks like…?

26 Organizational Diagnostics: The Pieces of the Puzzle SISI Standard 9: Comprehensive & Effective Planning Evidence looks like…?

27 Putting It All Together

28 So the question begs to be asked…

29 What Do YOU See? Duke proposes four types of schools: Schools in Decline Low Performing Schools Schools Sustaining Improvement Schools New in Design

30 The Leadership Needed Based on your diagnosis, how should leaders behave in these schools?

31 Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan Now what? Building your case – how will you use data to demonstrate change?

32 Individual Reflection Consider the following: –Where do you start (what standard)? –What changes will you make? –What evidence is needed?

33 Individual Reflection Answer the following: –Where is the deficiency? –Next steps (research based strategy)? –Person Responsible? –Resources Needed? –Implementation/Monitor/Evaluate? –Evidentiary support?

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