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KALMA R City of Kalmar / Department of development Experiences of leading and participating in Interreg III B Baltic Sea Region projects Kyrre Dahl – Jan.

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Presentation on theme: "KALMA R City of Kalmar / Department of development Experiences of leading and participating in Interreg III B Baltic Sea Region projects Kyrre Dahl – Jan."— Presentation transcript:

1 KALMA R City of Kalmar / Department of development Experiences of leading and participating in Interreg III B Baltic Sea Region projects Kyrre Dahl – Jan Martinsson, City of Kalmar

2 KALMA R We are: Jan Martinsson - EU co-ordinator during the last five years - Has been working with international projects in schools during 10 years as teacher and principal in upper secondary school and folk high school. Kyrre Dahl –Head of Department of development/ international project leader –Has been working with international projects since 1988. Department of Development of the City of Kalmar (established in 1999): –From 6 to 17 full time employed –Working with projects/programmes/perspectives –Financing : € 550.000 from the municipality € 2.300.000 € external income during 2004. –Working with projects also in China, Vietnam, Japan, Africa, USA.

3 KALMA R Keystones in our development strategy 1.Local development. Mainly tourism and the historical town. 2.Development in the Baltic Sea Region.

4 KALMA R The city of Kalmar has… been engaged in transnational projects supported by EU programmes such as the 5th framework programme, Socrates, Comenius, ECOS-Ouverture, Equal, Tacis, Phare, Youth, Asia Urbs … Also been engaged in transnational projects co-financed by Sida, Sala Ida, ÖEK, Nordic Council of ministers, Swedish Institute, Danida… Our Interreg experiences are  partner in Interreg II C project HOLM. (1)  partner in ECOS-Ouverture project Baltic City Tourism (2) We are at the moment lead partner for the BSR Interreg III B project Baltic Welcome Centre (3) and Ancientimes (4). We are also partner in BSR Interreg III B Baltic Tangent (5), Baltic Sea Cycling (6), Seagull (7), Baltic Cruise project (8), and ABC – Alliance of Baltic Cities II (9),

5 KALMA R A lot of Tacis and Phare projects have been added to these Interreg IIIB projects such as: Baltic Welcome Centre Info Tours RUS, Baltic Welcome Centre Info Tours LAT, Malbork Welcome Centre, ANCIENTIMES – Cesis etc. We (Kyrre Dahl) are head of the Tourism commission of the Union of the Baltic Cities since 1999. We are most experienced in managing development projects of tourism and infrastructure.

6 KALMA R Development projects Aid projects 50 000 € Big Small Micro CBC SPF Integration av Week visually impaired School for deaf project Participantion& Accessibility Quality development by users impact Basic values in the school system School democracy Democracy, pedagogics and art Youth centres in Kaliningrad Social development project Kaliningrad Panevzys waste water plant BWC Welcome centre Ancienttimes Seagull ABC – Alliance of Baltic Cities II Baltic Sea Cycling Baltic Cruise Project Baltic Tangent For example Nature and people Project at ”Oxhagsskolan” BWC Infotours RUS/LAT ESAPP-Energy Saving at Public Premises Biogas project Kaliningrad Tourism Cooperation and development around the Baltic Sea drottning Malbork Welcome Centre Ancientimes Cesis

7 KALMA R Partner search What kind of partners do we need/ can we benefit from/ are reliable? Who is behaving “right”? – first of all we are using already existing contacts, partners from previous projects or from networks inside the Union of the Baltic Cities. We are working with an external consultant who are making an analyze concerning other potential partners. We wish a strategical composition with Nordic dimension and ”exotic” partners.

8 KALMA R Our most used networks:

9 KALMA R Why do we put so much emphasis in Interreg IIIB BSR?

10 KALMA R Interreg IIIA Interreg IIIB 1. This is ”the only tool” that we have inside the structural funds.

11 KALMA R Södermöre district Vision - ”..a district impregnated with participation, solidarity, creativity, pleasure and joy. ” Kalmar Vision - Under construction Regional Vision – ”The new front side of Sweden / Adventure industry / Broadband EU Vision – ”Strongest economy in the world” Swedish Vision – ”unsertain vision” 2. To be a part of the cohesion policy inside EU Interreg is “the only tool”

12 KALMA R Why do we put so much emphasis in Interreg IIIB BSR? 1.This is ”the only tool” that we in Kalmar can use inside the structural funds. 2.To be a part of the cohesion policy inside EU Interreg is “the only tool”. 3.To strengthen our local development with international perspectives and better quality.

13 KALMA R What about the future?

14 KALMA R Cross border cooperation Entrepreneurship and SMEs, tourism, culture and cross-border trade. Protection and join management of the Environment. Better access to transport. Information and communication networks. Water, waste management and energy management systems. Health, culture and education infrastructures. ……. UBC commissions: Business cooperation Culture Tourism Education Environment Health and social affairs Information society Sport Transportation Urban Planning Transnational cooperation Water and coastal management Accessibility Risk prevention: maritime safety, flooding, water pollution… Research and technological development and networks

15 KALMA R Cross border cooperation Entrepreneurship and SMEs, tourism, culture and cross-border trade. Protection and join management of the Environment. Better access to transport. Information and communication networks. Water, waste management and energy management systems. Health, culture and education infrastructures. ……. UBC commissions Business cooperation Culture Tourism Education Environment Health and social affairs Information society Sport Transportation Urban Planning Transnationel cooperation Water and coastal management Accessibility Risk prevention: maritime safety, flooding, water pollution… Research and technological development and networks

16 KALMA R Development projects Aid projects 50 000 € Big Small Micro CBC SPF Integration av Week visually impaired School for deaf project Participantion& Accessibility Quality development by users impact Basic values in the school system School democracy Democracy, pedagogics and art Youth centers in Kaliningrad Social development project Kaliningrad Panevzys waste water plant BWC Welcome center Ancienttimes Seagull ABC – Alliance of Baltic Cities II Baltic Sea Cycling Baltic Cruise Project Baltic Tangent For example Nature and people Project at ”Oxhagsskolan” BWC Infotours RUS/LAT ESAPP-Energy saving at Public Premises Biogas project Kaliningrad Tourism Cooperation and development around the Baltic Sea Malbork Welcome Centre” Ancienttimes Cesis

17 KALMA R Development projects Aid projects 50 000 € Big Small Integration av Week visually impaired School for deaf project Participantion& Accessibility Quality development by users impact Panevzys waste water plant BWC Welcome center Ancienttimes Seagull ABC – Alliance of Baltic Cities II Baltic Sea Cycling Baltic Cruise Project Baltic Tangent For example Nature and people Project at ”Oxhagsskolan” Tourism Cooperation and development around the Baltic Sea Malbork Welcome Centre Ancienttimes Cesis

18 KALMA R Development projects Aid projects 50 000 € Big Small Baltic Tangent For example Nature and people Project at Oxhagsskolan NOW IS JUST THE RIGHT TIME TO TELL YOUR OPINION ABOUT THE POSSIBILITIES FOR LOCAL AND REGIONAL COOPERATION IN THE BALTIC SEA REGION IN FUTURE!

19 KALMA R What´s in it for us? Concrete from the Ancientimes project: A concrete exchange of experiences Exchange of staff, craftsman, suppliers, joint orders Research material Continued cooperation inside EXARC? Continued cooperation with some of the partners i a new Interreg IIB project proposal United Cultural Heritage Sites” Business cooperation, marketing, and ”methodical thinking” In general you keep the contacts that you like to cooperate with and those you can benefit from! Main question: Do we want to continue to work in international projects and especially in Interreg IIIB projects? Yes, absolutely!

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