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Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick) (Last Rites)

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1 Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick) (Last Rites)


3 The Sacrament for the Dying Definition: a sacrament instituted by Christ for the benefit of those who are suffering from a sickness which is liable to end with death. Definition: a sacrament instituted by Christ for the benefit of those who are suffering from a sickness which is liable to end with death. It is called such because it is usually the last of the anointings administered by the Church. It is called such because it is usually the last of the anointings administered by the Church. extrema (last) + unctio (anointing) extrema (last) + unctio (anointing)

4 Divine Institution James 5:14-15  “if anyone is sick, let him call the priest…who will pray over him, anoint him with oil in the Name of the Lord.” James 5:14-15  “if anyone is sick, let him call the priest…who will pray over him, anoint him with oil in the Name of the Lord.” The sacrament works by means of (1) prayer and (2) anointing with oil. The sacrament works by means of (1) prayer and (2) anointing with oil. Result: “if he has committed sins, he shall be forgiven.” Result: “if he has committed sins, he shall be forgiven.” This sacrament produces grace, especially the forgiveness of sins. This sacrament produces grace, especially the forgiveness of sins.

5 Administration Remote Matter: the Oil of the Sick (olive oil) Remote Matter: the Oil of the Sick (olive oil) Proximate Matter: the anointing of the sick person by the priest/bishop. Proximate Matter: the anointing of the sick person by the priest/bishop. Form: “May the Lord forgive you by this holy anointing  and his most loving mercy whatever sins you have committed by the use of ____.” Form: “May the Lord forgive you by this holy anointing  and his most loving mercy whatever sins you have committed by the use of ____.” the FORM In case of emergency: “May the Lord forgive you by this holy  anointing whatever sins you have committed. Amen.” the FORM In case of emergency: “May the Lord forgive you by this holy  anointing whatever sins you have committed. Amen.”

6 The 6 Anointings All of the primary senses are anointed, representing the whole of human nature. All of the primary senses are anointed, representing the whole of human nature. (1) eyes, (2) ears, (3) nostrils, (4) mouth {with lips closed}, (5) hands, (6) feet. Through the senses, sin enters into the soul. Through the senses, sin enters into the soul. Look forward to the resurrection on the Last Day. Look forward to the resurrection on the Last Day.

7 The 5 Effects 1. remits all sins, including mortal, provided the sick person is sorry for them and is no longer able to confess them; 2. increases sanctifying grace; 3. destroys the remains of sins: (a) fear of death, (2) temporal punishment due to sin, (3) inclination of the heart to evil. 4. special grace: strength to bear suffering and temptation, especially during the last agony; 5. often brings relief to the body, even causing complete recovery.

8 Reception May be received once in every case of dangerous sickness. May be received once in every case of dangerous sickness. May be received again in the same sickness if the danger passes and then returns. May be received again in the same sickness if the danger passes and then returns. Soldiers before battle and criminals before execution cannot receive Extreme Unction. Soldiers before battle and criminals before execution cannot receive Extreme Unction.

9 The Apostolic Blessing In addition to extreme unction, every priest has the privilege to give the Apostolic Blessing. In addition to extreme unction, every priest has the privilege to give the Apostolic Blessing. Papal Blessing: as if the Pope himself blessed you. Papal Blessing: as if the Pope himself blessed you. Carries with it a plenary indulgence. Carries with it a plenary indulgence. Pope Pius XII – the last of the great popes!

10 The End Pray for the Grace of a Happy Death!

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