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Ocoee Middle School In-Service August 2014 “Find the good & praise it.” Alex Haley.

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2 Ocoee Middle School In-Service August 2014 “Find the good & praise it.” Alex Haley

3 Professional Learning Communities  NOTEBOOK – for each PLC - Information sheet – Gold. Professional Learning Community (from Education Reform, 3/3/14) A professional learning community, or PLC, is a group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise, and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students. Shirley Hord, an expert on school leadership, came up with perhaps the most efficient description of the strategy: “The three words explain the concept: Professionals coming together in a group—a community—to learn.” Purposes Shared Roles/Responsibilities Activities Commitment.

4 Professional Learning Communities -PLC Schedule start times – Blue. ‘Staggering’ Notification of location Initial Facilitators. Goals (PLCs are a school-wide goal.) Dates – set Thursdays. (“Protected” day) Staff Development presentations.

5 Professional Learning Communities -PLC Notes Pages – White. Keep in Notebook. Front & back. Members & Roles - current meeting & determine next PLC Roles.

6 “There are three things to remember when teaching: know your stuff; know whom you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly.” Lola May

7 TCAP Information CORE TEACHERS *Plastic Sleeve with last year’s students RCPI levels. *From RCPI Levels can determine your teaching strengths/challenges. *RLA report – LEXILE Measure = Grade Level Reading Comprehension level. (See Text Complexity Grade Bands handout.) (Students will place in Data Notebooks ‘Individual Student Reports’- for each subject.)

8 TCAP Information TEAMS 1-TEAM Notebook with current grade’s 2014 TCAP Results—all Subjects (Student Labels.) *Use Scale Score for Kagan grouping. 2- Projections for 2015 State Percentile– all subjects. [Make note of both these on all students.] 3- List of both Reading Intervention (CSI) & Math Intervention (CIA) students. (Tier 2 & Tier 3 students). [Make note of these students. Strategic teaching, I-Teams…] Related Arts 1-Folders/Notebook for each current grade’s 2014 TCAP Results. [Make note of TCAP scores of your students.] (Subjects that are most impacted by your class.) 2- List of both Reading Intervention (CSI) & Math Intervention (CIA) students. [Make note of these students. Strategic teaching, I-Teams…]

9 TCAP Information A wealth of information can be located on the TCAP/TVAAS & CODE Evaluation site. If you need help locating information, I’ll be glad to assist you.

10 Inspiration/Encouragement eagles-need-a- push?utm_source=silverpop&utm_medium= mail&utm_campaign=ecommerce&utm_conte nt=07_31_14_ST_TH_PUSH_Movie%20(Corpo rate)&spMailingID=21208182&spUserID=Nzk wMTcxMTU5NjgS1&spJobID=361800550&spR eportId=MzYxODAwNTUwS0 eagles-need-a- push?utm_source=silverpop&utm_medium= mail&utm_campaign=ecommerce&utm_conte nt=07_31_14_ST_TH_PUSH_Movie%20(Corpo rate)&spMailingID=21208182&spUserID=Nzk wMTcxMTU5NjgS1&spJobID=361800550&spR eportId=MzYxODAwNTUwS0

11 CELEBRATE! Have a GREAT year!

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