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The Seven Seals Revelation 6 – 8:5 (p 1141- 1142)

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2 The Seven Seals Revelation 6 – 8:5 (p 1141- 1142)

3  Structure of the rest of the Book:  The Seven Seals(Rev 6 – 8:5)  The Seven Trumpets(Rev 8:6 – 11)  The Dragon and the Child(Rev 12 – 14)  The Seven Bowls(Rev 15 – 16)  The Final Victory(Rev 17 – 22)

4 Seven Seals (6 – 8:5) 1. White Horse – Conquest 2. Red Horse – War 3. Black Horse – Famine 4. Pale Horse – Death 5. The Martyrs 6. The People of Earth a. The 144,000 b. The uncountable 7. The Seven Trumpets Seven Trumpets (8:6–11) 1. Earth devastated 2. Sea to blood 3. Water bitter 4. Sun, Moon, stars dark 5. “Locust” plague 6. Mighty cavalry a. The Angel & the Scroll b. The Two Witnesses 7. Worship – God reigns Seven Bowls (15 – 16) 1. Painful sores 2. Sea to blood 3. Water to blood 4. Scorching Sun 5. Darkness & agony 6. Evil Spirits like frogs a. Word of Blessing b. Gathering for Battle 7. Final Earthquake

5  God let’s human sin run its course:  White Horse:Conquest, tyranny, oppression  Red Horse:War and civil war  Black Horse:Famine, deprivation, starvation  Pale Horse:Death  God Limits the consequences –  “do not damage the oil and the wine” (6:6)  Kill [“only”] one fourth of the earth (6:8)

6  Fifth Seal – the Martyrs under the altar  For the Word of God and their Testimony  Cry out – “How long?”  Given a white robe  Told to wait  Until the full number [of martyrs] is reached  Sixth Seal – God acts against the Evil on the Earth.  Hide in the caves and the rocks  Prefer death to facing the wrath of God  Call out – “who can withstand it?”

7  The Four Angels at the corners of the earth  They hold back the wrath of God.  The Angel with the seal.  The wrath of God does not come against those who are sealed!  The people of the earth and the beast fight God by persecuting his people.  Final victory belongs to God

8  The 144,000 witnesses  Unlike any of the 18 OT listings of the 12 tribes –  Judah is first (tribe of the Lamb). Usually its Reuben (the oldest son).  Usually Joseph and Levi are not listed. Manasseh and Ephraim (Joseph’s sons) are listed.  Joseph is listed with his son Manasseh. Levi is listed (Priests – cf. 1 Peter 2:9).  Joseph’s other son, Ephraim, is missing.  Dan is excluded altogether (Idolatrous - Gen 49:17; Judges 18; 1 kings 12:25-30)  144,000 = 12 x 12 x 1,000 [Covenant people (OT & NT) x # of completeness]  The 10 tribes (Northern Kingdom) disappeared after the Assyrian captivity (722 BC)  Paul: “all in Christ are Abraham’s seed” Gal 3:29; (cf. Matt 3:9) a) The Complete number of the covenant people (OT & NT) (cf. “full number” 6:11) b) Numbering was done for military purposes in OT (Exod 1:20 ff) – Holy Army

9  The Great Multitude –  “Standing before the throne” (cf. 6:17 “who can stand?”)  “Uncountable” – fulfills the promise to Abraham (Gen 22:17; Hos 1:10)  “from every nation, tribe, people, language” (cf. Gen 12:1-3; Isa 60:3)  Stand “before” the throne and the Lamb – in the inner circle ! ! !  Surrounded by “all the angels”, 4 living creatures, elders – Worshipping.  Come through the “great tribulation” – not a special event – suffering.  “washed their robes... white” (cf. “clothing stained by corrupted flesh” Jude 23)  Protected & blessed forever –  Never hunger or thirst; No scorching sun; No more tears  Lamb is their shepherd; Springs of Living Water

10  Seals have been a preview of the unravelling of history  Now the scroll is open –  Silence: prelude to action.  The action begins – Seven Trumpets  Incense & Prayer – the pleasing aroma to God. (Ps 141:2)  The Dragon and the Beast fight against the Lamb and his servants.  The Dragon and the beast have no weapon – death is conquered ! ! !


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