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Facilitating Guided Discussion and Student Centered Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Guided Discussion and Student Centered Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Guided Discussion and Student Centered Learning

2 Problem Based Learning Androgogy vs Pedagogy!! –Psychological Age vs. Physical Age –Role of experience and personality –Readiness to learn is often based on the students perceived need Learning theory –Behaviorism –Cognitivism –Constructivism Examples –Learning to walk!! –Learning a language!! –Learning to drive a car!! –Learning to fly!!

3 Personality Type and Discussion The I’s vs the E’s!!!! Question previews!! Comebacks!! Quick writes!! Computer based decision aids!! 3 by 5 Cards!!

4 Effective Questioning Overhead Specific Pre-Identified –Homework –Issue Bin Student constructed!!

5 Classroom Setup Death by rows!! Circle the wagons!! Small groups!! Case study and debate!! Change to suit the objective

6 Technology!!! Curse or Blessing!!!! Depends on how you use it!!! Shift the burden to the learner!! Build in accountability!! –Chat –Discussion –E-mail –CB Decision Aids

7 Student Preparation Case Studies Abstracts –Current events –Subject related Quick in class reads!! Student presentations!! –Short –Focus –Knowledge based –Stage setters

8 Small Groups!!! Multi day projects Specific outcomes Peer review Leader?? / follower??

9 Thanks for your participation!! Facilitating Guided Discussion and Student Centered Learning Teaching is not always learning!! Students may be adult learners without reaching the legal drinking age!! Thoughtful participation in the learning process may help. What is the objective????

10 FITS and LCG What is the purpose of grading? –Identify student performance –Reward the student –Warn the next instructor!!!!! –Delay the check ride until the student gets a clue!!!!

11 Adult Learners Andragogy assumes that the point at which an individual achieves a self-concept of essential self-direction is the point at which he psychologically becomes adult. A very critical thing happens when this occurs: the individual develops a deep psychological need to be perceived by others as being self-directing.

12 Learner-Centered Debriefing Uncover/articulate their own mistakes Recognize the limit of their own knowledge Analyze a situation or event Value their own observations

13 Learner-Centered Grading The object of scenario-based training is a change in the thought processes, habits, and behaviors of the students during the planning and execution of the scenario.

14 Grading Systems Compared Traditional Grades –Outstanding –Good –Satisfactory –Unsatisfactory –Incomplete Or…………. –A – B – C – D – F

15 Grading Systems Compared Since the training is student/learner centered the success of the training is measured in the following desired student outcomes:

16 Grading Systems Compared FITS Maneuvers/Skills/ Tasks Grades –Perform –Practice –Explain –Describe –Not Observed FITS SRM Grades –Manage Decide –Practice –Explain –Not Observed

17 Let us examine a maneuver Describe a crosswind landing Explain the factors that effect a crosswind landing Practice a crosswind landing Perform a crosswind landing

18 IFR Descent and Landing The student begins the descent checklist late and remains behind the aircraft. He swerves and porpoises (barely within limits) down the glide slope and eventually stabilizes the aircraft at 800 feet….then performs a beautiful landing. – How do you handle the critique? – What is the student’s grade? – What is an appropriate learner centered grade? – What is the overall lesson grade?

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