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PSALMS Quoted over 400 times in the New Testament Composed over an 800 year period Authors: David; Moses; Solomon; Asaph, others.

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2 PSALMS Quoted over 400 times in the New Testament Composed over an 800 year period Authors: David; Moses; Solomon; Asaph, others

3 PSALMS Psalmos a translation of mizmor A composition/song performed to musical accompaniment of the harp “Book of Praises” (although filled with many aspects other than praise as well)

4 PSALMS Originally used primarily in public worship in the tabernacle/temple 1 Chronicles 15:16, 16:7 ff In time of exile and later Roman occupation and dispersion of Jews they came to be used more in private worship (Ps. 137)

5 PSALMS Early church used them in worship (Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:19) The poems are poetry THE PSALMS ARE UNIQUE IN THAT THEY RECORD WORDS SPOKEN TO AND ABOUT GOD as compared to words from God to us

6 PSALMS Thus the Psalms are often prayers; that does not negate them also being God’s Word and His message to us The Psalms are put together in five books – 1-41; 42-72; 73-89; 90-106; 107-150

7 Let’s Open Our Hymnals To... Psalm 1

8 Placed at the beginning to introduce the book and to challenge us to live by its teaching A “threshold” Psalm Contrasts the wise/foolish; godly/ungodly; way of life/way of death

9 Stanza #1: The World Can Be a Dangerous Place to Live The promise of “blessing” Then he turns to negations—what the godly does not do Like the 10 commandments, stated in terms of the negative

10 Stanza #1: The World Can Be a Dangerous Place to Live The godly must make discriminating choices in a world that is hostile to the Lord and His ways Counsel of the “wicked” Path of “sinners” Seat of “mockers” Seemingly small decisions and steps can lead to destructive destinations

11 Stanza #1: The World Can Be a Dangerous Place to Live “Bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Cor. 15:33) Romans 12:1-2; Eph. 5:15 We are not to avoid interaction with the ungodly altogether (1 Cor. 5:9), but we must be wise in our interaction

12 Stanza #2: Our Greatest Exposure Should Be To God’s True Word v. 2—Delight in the law of the Lord “let your conscience be your guide” is not wise counsel “Law of the Lord” encompasses now the whole counsel of God.

13 Stanza #2: Our Greatest Exposure Should Be To God’s True Word John 6:68 The Word points to Him, and His Words are “life”

14 Stanza #3: The Blessing Comes in Fruitful and Eternal Living v. 3 Growth and vitality come over time with right commitment Discrimination that keeps at bay ungodly influence; feeding upon the right food.

15 Stanza #3: The Blessing Comes in Fruitful and Eternal Living The two choices will be revealed in the tests of life and of eternity Matthew 7:13-14; 24-29 C.S. Lewis– The Great Divorce


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