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Ultra-low cost IoT system for smart house applications Characterization Presentation Students: Sagiv Katony Asaf Luster Advisors: Evgeny Kuksin  28.04.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Ultra-low cost IoT system for smart house applications Characterization Presentation Students: Sagiv Katony Asaf Luster Advisors: Evgeny Kuksin  28.04.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultra-low cost IoT system for smart house applications Characterization Presentation
Students: Sagiv Katony Asaf Luster Advisors: Evgeny Kuksin 

2 Presentation Content Project Motivation and Goals
Background – ESP8266 Chip Work Environments and Required Tools Project Top Block Diagram Home sensors Planned Webpage Project Schedule and Gantt Bibliography

3 Project Motivation Reduce the price of IoT devices for everyday consumer Learning about the chip abilities Creating specific solutions for smart house applications

4 Project Goals Creating low-cost Wi-Fi SoC that will monitor temperature, humidity and current consumption Produce product that costs 2$ (other products cost more then 10$ ) Creating user interface for controlling and monitoring the system (webpage) Access the system from all over the world

5 BACKGROUND – ESP8266 CHIP Built-in low-power 32-bit CPU
ESP8266 is a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi network solutions b/g/n Support 3 modes: AP, STA, AP+STA Built-in TCP / IP protocol stack Built-in low-power 32-bit CPU Standby power consumption of less than 1.0mW Main Serial Interface 2 General Purpose IO (on ESP12 up to 16 GPIO)

6 Work Environments and Required Tools
To be able to program the module we will connect the module, using a USB-Serial cable, to the PC Initial environment - we will use a serial monitor (putty) and use the basic AT commands to talk to the module LUA programming language ESPlorer - Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ESP8266 developers NodeMCU - A LUA based firmware for WiFi-soc ESP8266 HTML

7 Project Top Block Diagram
INTERNET Router Home Network ESP8266 RF Antenna Micro Processor ADC GPIO 3.3V Power Supply Temperature/ Humidity Sensor (DHT11) LED Current Monitor טל Serial port

8 Project Top Block Diagram
ESP8266/ESP12 DHT11 Temp/Humidity Sensor INTERNET Home Network Server For collecting Data Router Local End Users Remote End Users טל

9 The figure was taken from
Home sensors The chip integration with variety of smart house sensors can bring unlimited possibilities Reducing the system price would make the smart house dream more accessible The figure was taken from

10 Planned Webpage AP + STA MODE
x Choose SSID: List of available SSID’s SUBMIT Password: ***********

11 Planned Webpage STA MODE
x Temperature: c˚25 Humidity: 65% Current: 0.1 mA LED: ON OFF

12 PROJECT SHCEDUALE Date Goals 17/3/2015 – 27/4/2015
Project Characterization 28/4/2015 Characterization Presentation 28/4/2015 – 02/5/2015 Initial wired connection, programming using the AT commands 03/5/2015 – 16/5/2015 Building simulation system that will connect automatically to Wi-Fi Basic webpage interface Turning LED on/off Week 8 Mid presentation 17/5/2015 – 06/6/2015 Configuring the Wi-Fi connection (connecting to the network through AP) Building official webpage 06/6/2015 – 01/7/2015 Connecting the sensors and interfacing them with the system and the webpage פלג

13 PROJECT SHCEDUALE Date Goals 01/7/2015 – 24/7/2015 Exams
25/7/2015 – 07/8/2015 Interfacing the system through the internet – access the webpage without direct connection to the local network 08/8/2015 – Week 29 Simulation run & debug Final presentation Week 33 Project portfolio פלג

14 Project Gantt Weeks: 0 - 5 6 – 12 13 – 19 20 - 26 27 – 32 2 2 3 4 2 6
Project Characterization Characterization presentation Initial connection Simulation system Mid presentation Configuring Wi-Fi Connecting sensors Exams Interfacing through the internet Tests & debug Final presentation Writing portfolio 2 2 3 4 Exams פלג 2 6

15 Bibliography

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