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Wesele Wedding customs.. Steps:  Betrothal,  Parent’s blessing,  Church wedding,  Strew rice or money,  Welcoming,  First dance,  Unveiling.

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Presentation on theme: "Wesele Wedding customs.. Steps:  Betrothal,  Parent’s blessing,  Church wedding,  Strew rice or money,  Welcoming,  First dance,  Unveiling."— Presentation transcript:

1 wesele Wedding customs.

2 Steps:  Betrothal,  Parent’s blessing,  Church wedding,  Strew rice or money,  Welcoming,  First dance,  Unveiling.

3 Betrothal. When a man wants to spend the rest of his life with a woman, he proposes to her. A proposal should be specially prepared. A man planes a romantic dinner or other ocassion and he gives a ring to his girlfriend. If a woman loves him, she takes this ring.


5 Parent’s blessing. Parent’s blessing usually takes place in a bride’s house before a marriage ceremony. A newly wed couple kneel in front of their parents, who wish them happiness on a new way of life, sprinkle them with holy water and give a cross to kiss and give a blessing to newly weds.


7 Church wedding. Church wedding is a very big celebration. At the beginning of ceremony a bridefather leads a bride to the altar, where a bridegroom waits.They promise each other love, faith, honesty and being together to the death. Church wedding takes place, of course, in church and only a priest can administer wedding. The newly wed couple has two witnesses, a woman and a man.The new married couple gives each other wedding rings, which are a proof of their love. There are many guests who congratulate and give flowers with presents.During wedding we can hear Wedding March.



10 Strew rice or money. Strew rice or money is tradition, in which wedding guests strew rice or money on a new married, when they leave a church after wedding ceremony. It is a tradition which ensures happiness for the newly wed couple. Sometimes guests strew little pieces of gold, which symbolize success and prosperity. We can strew flowers or blow soap bubbles.


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