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1 The Unique Christ John 1:15-18 Unique in His Origin Unique Source of Blessing Unique Source of Grace & Truth Unique in Making God Known.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Unique Christ John 1:15-18 Unique in His Origin Unique Source of Blessing Unique Source of Grace & Truth Unique in Making God Known."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Unique Christ John 1:15-18 Unique in His Origin Unique Source of Blessing Unique Source of Grace & Truth Unique in Making God Known

2 2 Unique in His Origin  Jesus was w/o historical origin  Jesus was pre-existent  Jesus was God!  John 8:56-58  Isaiah 6:1-3  John 12:41  Hebrews 1:1,2 The Unique Christ John 1:15-18

3 3 Unique Source of Blessing  Material blessings  Common grace to all men  Spiritual blessings  Saving grace to believers  Hosea 2:5-8 The Unique Christ John 1:15-18

4 4 Unique Source of Grace & Truth  Contrast between law and grace Law – addresses man as old creation Law – addresses man as old creation  Grace – makes man a new creation Law – manifested in man is sin Law – manifested in man is sin  Grace – manifested in God is love Law – demanded righteousness of man Law – demanded righteousness of man  Grace – brings righteousness to man The Unique Christ John 1:15-18

5 5 Unique Source of Grace & Truth  Contrast between law and grace (cont.) Law – sentences living man to death Law – sentences living man to death  Grace – brings a dead man to life Law – speaks of what man does for God Law – speaks of what man does for God  Grace – tells of what Christ did for man Law – gives a knowledge of sin Law – gives a knowledge of sin  Grace – puts away sin The Unique Christ John 1:15-18

6 6 Unique in Making God Known  Agreeable statement: No one has ever seen God!  Shocking statement: You can know God by knowing Jesus Christ!  In Christ Jesus you can know the character of God!  1 Corinthians 1:30 The Unique Christ John 1:15-18

7 7 Man has three problems based on his past, present and future! #1 The problem in our past is sin. God’s answer is faith in Jesus Christ! God’s answer is faith in Jesus Christ! #2 The problem in our future is death. God’s answer is hope in Jesus Christ! God’s answer is hope in Jesus Christ! #3 The problem in our present is hate. God’s answer is love in Jesus Christ lived out in us! God’s answer is love in Jesus Christ lived out in us! The Unique Christ John 1:15-18

8 8 Application Has the unique Christ become the answer to all your problems in life? Are you testifying to this unique Christ in your daily living? The Unique Christ John 1:15-18

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