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TEXT: Genesis 12:1-3 In the call of God to Abraham we learn of the events of the Dispensation of Promise and the provisions of the Abrahamic Covenant.

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Presentation on theme: "TEXT: Genesis 12:1-3 In the call of God to Abraham we learn of the events of the Dispensation of Promise and the provisions of the Abrahamic Covenant."— Presentation transcript:


2 TEXT: Genesis 12:1-3 In the call of God to Abraham we learn of the events of the Dispensation of Promise and the provisions of the Abrahamic Covenant

3 I. The Test A. To leave country B. To leave his relatives C. To leave the protection and wealth of his father’s household D. To go to “a land which I will show you.” E. Reiterated to Isaac (Gen 26:1-5) and to Jacob (Gen 28:13-16)

4 II. God’s Promise…the Abrahamic Covenant A. A Land --This land was “the land which I will show you” (Gen 12:1; see also Ex 23:28) – 1. It is delineated in Genesis 15:18-21 – 2From Turkey (the Hittites) to Egypt (Goshen was on northeast side of the Nile, west of Sinai Peninsula) and from the Euphrates to the Meditteranean – 3.It is far greater than any area Israel has ever taken possession of to this date – 4. This covenant will be fulfilled under the Messiah (Jeremiah 23:5-8)


6 B. A Nation 1. Through one descendant, Isaac (Gen 21:12) 2. Through an “everlasting covenant (Gen 17:6-8)

7 C. A Blessing 1. God promised to bless Abraham personally (Gen 12:2; see 13:2) 2. God promised to bless Abraham corporately…”you shall be a blessing…” (Gen 12:3) 3. God promised to bring international blessing through Abraham (Gen 12:3b; Gen 15:5 cf Gal 3:16)

8 II. The Result A. Abram – 1. Does not leave his relatives (Gen 12:4) – 2. Does not leave his father’s household (cf. Gen 11:31) – 3. Under adversity he goes to Egypt (Gen 12:10) B. Jacob to Egypt (Gen 46:1-4 C. Israel grumbles against God’s deliverance (Ex 15:24; 16:3; 17:2)

9 III. God’s Provision A. Abram delivered from Egypt (Gen 12:20) B. Jacob preserved by God through Joseph (Gen 46:2-3) Note that deliverance occurs first, then God grants permission C. For Israel, God destroys the grumblers (Num 14:28-29) and preserves the faithful (Num 14:30-31)

10 D. For Abraham and his descendants, God makes the provisions of the covenant unconditional even after Abram’s failure (Gen 15:7ff) and confirms the promise of a Redeemer in the stars (Gen 15:5).

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