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Mother -this name of god is on lips and in hearts of small children. W. Thackerey.

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Presentation on theme: "Mother -this name of god is on lips and in hearts of small children. W. Thackerey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mother -this name of god is on lips and in hearts of small children. W. Thackerey

2 An ancient Icon of Mother of Jesus Christ «Млекопитательница».


4 From the history of Woman’s Day. A number of ancient cultures paid tribute to Mothers as Goddesses, including the ancient Greeks, who celebrated Rhea, the mother of all gods. The ancient Romans also honored their mother goddess, Cybele, in a springtime celebration. The Celtic Pagans marked the coming of spring with a celebration linking their goddess Brigid together with the first milk of the ewes.

5 Rafael Сanty: Сикстинская Мадонна (1516).

6 During the 17 th century, those living on the British Isles initiated a religious celebration of Motherhood, called mothering Sunday, which was held on the fourth Sunday during the Lenten season. This holiday featured the reunification of mothers and children, separated when working class families had to send off their children to be employed as house servants. On mothering Sunday, the child servants were allowed to return home for the day to visit their parents.

7 In the USA Anna Reeves Jarvis was the first woman to hold an official celebration of mothers in 1858.Then in 1905 her daughter Anna Jarvis took her mother’s torch. In 1912 her Home state of West Virginia adopted an official Mother’s Day. Two years later, the US Сongres passed a Resolution, signed by President Wilson, establishing a national Mother’s Day. Ever since, Mother’s Day has been celebrated by Americans on the second Sunday in May.

8 In 1910 in Denmark in Copenhagen was held an international Conference of revolutionary women. On the offer of German revolutionary Klara Zetkin the conference recognized the Day of the struggle for women’s rights. First in Russia the Woman’s Day was celebrated in1913 in Saint- Petersburg. In 1976 the United Nations’ Organization recognized the International Woman’s Day.

9 Mommy takes good care of me, care of me, care of me, Mommy takes good care of me, Because she loves me too.

10 Questionnaire about your mothers:Do you know your mothers? Your Mother’s Name: Your Mother’s Birthday: Your Mother’s Hobby: Your Mother’s Favourite Food: Your Mother’s Favourite Flower: Your Mother’s Favourite Colour: Your Mother’s FavouriteWriter: Your Mother’s Favourite TV programe: Your Mother’s Favourite Music:

11 If I were a Magic, I’d like to... for my mother.

12 Our Songs for Our Mothers !

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