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Because it’s awesome… And because you have a test on Thursday!

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Presentation on theme: "Because it’s awesome… And because you have a test on Thursday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Because it’s awesome… And because you have a test on Thursday!

2  Holy Communion.

3  Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

4  At the Last Supper.

5  Thanksgiving!

6  Breaking of the Bread  Holy Communion  Holy Mass  The Lord’s Supper

7 It was the beginning/blessing of the Jewish meal.

8  He was broken in His death for us so that we could share in His Body and His life.

9  That we are sent on a MISSION to proclaim Christ to everyone.


11  That we share in the Body with Christ and everyone who receives it.

12  The Last Supper on Holy Thursday and the wedding feast of the lamb.

13  Passover.

14  Sacrificed, without blemish (sin), blood is what saves us.

15  Transubstantiation.

16  Body, blood, soul, divinity.

17 Eucharistic Adoration.


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