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Noun and Articles Chapter two. Noun groups: -Noncount nouns: air- news- rice-water -Count nouns: Singular: book- city-class-child- sheep-mouse Plural:

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Presentation on theme: "Noun and Articles Chapter two. Noun groups: -Noncount nouns: air- news- rice-water -Count nouns: Singular: book- city-class-child- sheep-mouse Plural:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Noun and Articles Chapter two

2 Noun groups: -Noncount nouns: air- news- rice-water -Count nouns: Singular: book- city-class-child- sheep-mouse Plural: books-cities-classes-children-sheep-mice.

3 a-an-some: a-an= one They are used with a singular count noun. a-comes before a consonant sound. I have a car. an- comes before a vowel sound. There is an apartment above the store. Some: appears with plural nouns. There are some apartments next door.

4 There+be There is an island in the river. There is always good food available in New York. Question: There are two museums in the town. Question:

5 Any-some- a lot of Any -appears with singular or plural nouns. -Often used in questions and in negative sentences. Are there any houses for sale? There isn’t any house for rent. Some and a lot of appear with plural count nouns: There are some (a lot of) apartments nearby.

6 Non-count nouns: -take singular verbs. -Do not use a/an with non-count nouns. -You can use any-some We need bread. There isn’t any coffee left. There is some rice in the kitchen. Look at these two sentences: We’re having chicken for dinner. Have you ever held a chicken.

7 How much- How many How much bread do we have? We have a little bread. We don’t have any bread. How many cups of coffee do you drink every day? I drink a few cups. I don’t drink Page: 71 78

8 A little VS a few not much VS not many A few, few and not many are used with count nouns: -There are (a) few apples. -There aren’t many apples left. A little, little, and not much are used with non-count nouns: -There is (a) little milk left. -There isn’t much milk left.

9 THE The is used with: -continents: The continent of Africa. -countries: The Republic of Argentina -States: The State of New York People: The Queen of England Buildings and landmarks: The Tower of London Geographical features: The Atlantic Ocean. The Amazon River Page: 89

10 Thank You

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