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Alister E. McGrath Theology: The Basics

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1 Alister E. McGrath Theology: The Basics
Chapter 5 Salvation …was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven… Alister E. McGrath Theology: The Basics

2 Pauline images of salvation
Past, present, future Adoption Justification Redemption

3 The problem of analogy: salvation as ransom
Origen (ca. 185–ca.254) Ransom paid to the devil Gregory the Great (ca. 540–604) The baited hook Rufinus of Aquileia (c ) The harrowing of hell

4 Theories of atonement The cross as sacrifice The cross as a victory
Athanasius (ca. 296–373) Christ as the Passover lamb Augustine of Hippo (354–430) Christ as both victim and priest The cross as a victory Defeat of death, sin, and the devil Triumphant procession Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus (ca. 530–ca. 610) “The royal banners go forth”

5 The cross and forgiveness
Anselm of Canterbury (ca.1033–1109) Redemption as restoration of original moral order Satisfaction Human obligation Divine ability Thomas Aquinas (ca.1225–74) Relation to believers Participation Representation Substitution

6 Salvation, sin, and Christ
Sin Alienation Captivity Guilt Condemnation Illness Being lost Salvation Reconciliation Liberation Forgiveness Vindication Healing Being found

7 Nicholas Cabasilas (born ca. 1322)
Threefold office Prophet Priest King François Turrettini ( ) Salvation, Christ, and the redeemed life Imitation of Christ Being conformed to Christ

8 Engaging with a text Augustine of Hippo ( ), sermon “If Christ had not been put to death, death would not have died. The devil was conquered by his own trophy of victory. The devil jumped for joy, when he seduced the first man, and cast him down to death. By seducing the first man, he killed him; by killing the last man, he lost the first from his snare. The victory of our Lord Jesus Christ came when he rose again from the dead, and ascended into heaven. It was at this point that the text from the Book of Revelation, which you heard read today, was fulfilled: ‘The lion of the tribe of Judah has won the day’ (Revelation 5:5). The one who was slain as a lamb is now called a lion – a lion on account of his courage, a lamb on account of his innocence; a lion, because he was unconquered; a lamb, because of his gentleness. … [continued]

9 [continued] “... By his death, the slain lamb has conquered the lion who ‘goes around seeking someone to devour’ (1 Peter 5:8). The devil, on the other hand, is here called a lion for his savagery, rather than his bravery The devil jumped for joy when Christ died; and by the very death of Christ the devil was overcome: he took, as it were, the bait in the mousetrap. He rejoiced at Christ’s death, believing himself to be the commander of death. But that which caused his joy dangled the bait before him. The Lord’s cross was the devil’s mousetrap: the bait which caught him was the death of the Lord.”

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