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The Epidemiologic Transition

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1 The Epidemiologic Transition
…focuses on distinctive causes of death in each of the stages of the demographic transition. Originally formulated by Abdel Orman in 1971.

2 Epidemiologic Transition
The four stages of the Epidemiologic Transition Stage 1—pestilence and famine Stage 2—stage of receding pandemics Stage 3—degenerative and human created diseases Stage 4—delayed degenerative diseases

3 STAGE 1 Infectious and parasitic diseases along with animal attacks and attacks by other humans Malthus called these “natural checks” Black Plague—history’s most violent stage 1 epidemic (hearth Kyrgyzstan) Wiped out entire villages Reached Western Europe in 1348 25 million died—at least ½ population 13 million died in China in 1380

4 STAGE 2 Stage of receding pandemics (a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a high proportion of the population) Improved sanitation, nutrition and medicine from the Industrial Revolution reduced spread of infectious disease. Cholera—unknown in rural areas—became an epidemic in urban areas Construction of water and sewer systems eradicated cholera However, stage 2 countries saw a rise

5 STAGE 3 Decrease in death from infectious diseases (sharp declines in measles, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) Stage of degenerative and human-created diseases Cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and various forms of cancer

6 STAGE 4 Extended by Jay Olshansky and Brian Ault
debilitating diseases associated with age are managed by medical advances Behavior changes improve health STAGE 4

7 Stage 5 Some medical analysts argue stage 5 needs to be added because of a reemergence of infectious and parasitic diseases Diseases thought to be controlled have reemerged Evolution of microbes EX. DDT resistant mosquitoes in Sri Lanka TB Improved Travel


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