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ISSUES IN POPULATION GEOGRAPHY AP Human Geo. Facts on Population Growth  Current Global Population: 7.2 billion people  2050 projected populations 

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2 Facts on Population Growth  Current Global Population: 7.2 billion people  2050 projected populations  UN Low Growth: 7.5 billion  UN Mid Growth: 9.0 billion  UN High Growth: 11 billion  Most growth over the next 50 years will take place in Africa.  Example of rapid growth: Nigeria  Currently #7 (175,000,000)  #3 by 2045 (beating out the U.S.)  #2 by 2100 (beating out China)

3 The Big Issue: Overpopulation  While many MDC’s have low/no population growth or even decline (DTM 4 and 5), most LDC’s are still in Stage 3 of the DTM and experiencing rapid population growth.  LDC’s are less equipped to deal with the challenges of rapid population growth.  Exceeding carrying capacity (resources)  Rapid growth of urban areas (slums)  Job opportunities

4 The Smaller But Still Important Issue: Declining Populations  Some countries (Stage 5?) are experiencing a decline in NIR (CDR higher than CBR)  People choose not to have kids or may be unable.  Ex. Russia, Japan  Countries may maintain population through immigration, but culture may be affected.  Creates an upside down pyramid, too many old people and not enough young people to support them (GRAYING POPULATION)

5 Ideally….  Everyone wants to be in Stage 4 of the DTM, experiencing slow, steady, controlled population growth.  Replacement level fertility is a TFR of 2.1….parents will produce the number of children needed to replace themselves.  Zero Population Growth (ZPG)- population remains the same size from year to year.

6 Anti-Natalist Policies  Restrictive Population Policies  Make fewer babies (Stage 2/3 countries)  Example: India  Abortions are readily available  Contraceptive's readily available  Forced sterilizations?  Female infanticide  Example: China’s One Child Policy  Men preferred, gender imbalance

7 Condoms in India

8 China’s One Child Policy

9 Pro-Natalist Policies  Expansive Population Policies  Promote reproduction/ more babies! (Stage 5)  Example: Sweden  Cash payments and tax breaks for families with children  Leave from work for up to 8 years to raise a child!!!  Racy programming later at night….no joke!

10 How to decrease the NIR  We wouldn’t want to increase CDR, that would be mean… >: |  Shorten life expectancy?  Take away medical care  Introduce diseases  Instead, we need to decrease the CBR in LDC’s  1. Increase use of contraception  Sex education, free distribution  2. Empower women  Education, jobs, no longer “barefoot and pregnant..”  0-2 children instead of 3-6

11 Reducing CBR

12 Cultural Barriers to Reducing CBR  Some cultures are opposed to birth control or sex education in any form.  Strict Catholics and Muslims  Others strictly enforce gender roles  Men should be educated, working  Women should be in the home, raising children

13 Epidemiological Transition  Examines the causes of death in each stage of the DTM.  Stage 1: Pandemics such as Black Plague  Stage 2: Diseases such as Cholera spread due to proximity in cities, poor living conditions  Stage 3/ 4: Degenerative and human created diseases.  Cancer, CV/ heart disease, diabetes  Stage 5: Return of the pandemic?  Swine flu, H1N1, SARS, etc.  Globalization makes spread of disease easier, faster

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