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-Report on MCM 2010 -Main highlights of CSTATs 2011-2012 Programme of Work and Budget - Implications for trade statistics Martine Durand OECD Chief Statistician.

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1 -Report on MCM 2010 -Main highlights of CSTATs 2011-2012 Programme of Work and Budget - Implications for trade statistics Martine Durand OECD Chief Statistician

2 Main Outcomes of MCM 2010 Paris, 27-28 May

3 Main Outcomes of MCM 2010 Ministers endorsed the Secretary-Generals Strategic Orientations paper and the 6 priority areas he has identified for increased horizontal work over the next biennium : –development –green growth –skills –gender –measuring progress –anti-corruption Intermediate or final products on these priorities will be delivered on the occasion of the OECD 50 th Anniversary

4 Main Outcomes of MCM 2010 (2) Ministers discussed sources of growth (e.g. Green Growth; Innovation; Trade and Investment) to build more resilient and productive economies and referred to Measuring Progress of Societies Ministers also discussed how to foster economic development and social progress in developing countries They endorsed a Declaration on Propriety, Integrity and Transparency in the Conduct of International Business and Finance The OECD Factbook with a special focus on the crisis was released at the OECD Forum during the MCM

5 CSTATs Strategic Orientations and Draft 2011-2012 PWB Main highlights

6 Structural Changes to CSTAT PWB Main activities have been regrouped into 6 core areas –National Accounts and PPPs –Composite Leading Indicators and other Short-Term Indicators –International Trade and Competitiveness Indicators –Business and Globalisation Indicators –Labour and Households Statistics –Coordination of OECD Statistical Work and Other Coordination Activities Under a single Output Area –6.2.1 : Statistical Coordination, Research, Collection and Dissemination

7 Priorities for 2011-12 PWB reflects OECD-wide priorities relevant to CSTAT : –Increased work with Enhanced Engagement Countries –Measuring Progress –Green growth –New Sources of Growth: Follow-up to Innovation Strategy –Gender –Communications and Dissemination As well as CSTATs own priorities: –Reinforcing core statistical information and IT infrastructure –Developing new streams of methodological work –Enhancing CSTATs coordination role

8 Prioritisation of new activities and research projects Output ResultsRanking 8.1.b. Environmental Accounts1 7.2.c. Integrating Inequalities in SNA2 7.2.b. Framework on Income, Expenditures and Wealth 3 1.3. Development of Quarterly Sectoral Accounts4 8.3. Measurement of Intangible Assets5 2.1.a. New Database on Trade Volumes and Unit Values 6 7.2.a. Development of Short-Term Households Living Conditions Indicators 7 3.1. New Indicators on Entrepreneurship8 8.1.a. Stock and Flows of Key Natural Resources9 8.2. Green entrepreneurship10

9 Implications for trade statistics and the WPTGS

10 Improving and extending trade statistics Improving trade statistics: trade in volume and prices, trade in services, higher frequency trade data. Trade in the context of globalisation: globalisation changes the economic role of trade and the significance of trade statistics => global value chains, trade in value added. Trade at the microeconomic level => Use microdata: ORBIS, TEC; matching trade data with business registers and other enterprise-level databases allows to understand the determinants and impact of trade (e.g. job creation).

11 All these issues are on the agenda of this meeting! STD, together with other directorates of OECD are engaged in all these directions of work. In view of the challenges ahead, there is a need for co-operation with other international organisations and national data providers.

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