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Affiliate Challenge Master SHELDON SPIEGELMAN 720.291.5500.

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2 Affiliate Challenge Master SHELDON SPIEGELMAN 720.291.5500

3 REGIONAL IMPROV CHALLENGE MASTERS BOULDER - Kim Saporito, CHERRY CREEK - Mary Ann Goff, DENVER - Amanda Tipton, & Mary Ann Barwick, JEFFCO - Robin Vidimos, & John Fechenbach, NORTH METRO - Stella Cypher, PIKES PEAK - Shauna Kogler, SOUTH - Jane Gutner, & Sheryl Smith, SOUTH METRO - Sheldon Spiegelman, SOUTHWEST - Susie Fisher, WESTERN SLOPE -

4 The Improv Challenge is a storytelling challenge  What do you need for a good story? Beginning - Middle - End Conflict/Resolution Characters/Relationships

5 Parts of Improv  Creativity - ability to look at new and different ways to accomplish a task.  Teamwork - Group works together to achieve a common goal.  Humility - Each member realizes that he is part of a group and is willing to let other members ideas shine as well as his own  Trust - Each member must be able to count on the others to make the group progress  Spontaneity – Being in the moment.

6 Elements of the Challenge  Skit about Life after a Dramatic Change and how the character(s) adapt to the Dramatic Change.  Integration of a Communicative Technique  Creativity and Integration of tee shirts to use as scenery & props  Creativity and Integration of a slogan from three random nouns

7 THE SKIT  Skit must show how life will look after the Dramatic Change and how the character(s) adapt to this change.  Total of 6 minutes prep time 5 minutes planning 1 minute to create and incorporate slogan from 3 random nouns 5 minutes to perform skit integrating all 4 challenge elements The Points: Creativity of the Skit - Up to 20 points A clearly developed story that integrates all four (4) Improv Elements - up to 20 points Well integrated and executed Overall Presentation - up to 20 points How well the entire team works together - up to 40 points

8 Improv Element : DRAMATIC CHANGE  The team will be given a Dramatic Change. (ex: there is no moon)  Portrayal of what life is like after the Dramatic Change.  Show how the character(s) adapt to life after the Dramatic Change.

9 Improv Element 1: Scoring  Effectiveness of portrayal of life after the Dramatic Change  Team will also receive points for the creativity of how the character(s) adapt to life after the Dramatic Change. The Points: Effectiveness of portrayal of life after the Dramatic Change - up to 25 points The creativity of how the character(s) adapt to life after the Dramatic Change - up to 25 points

10 Improv Element 2: Communication Techniques

11 COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES  Debate  Text Messaging/Email  Interpretive Dance  Commercial  News Show  CB Radio  Slideshow (with an imaginary film projector or computer)  Door-to-Door Sales Presentation  Song  Play-by-Play Sports Commentary  Panel Discussion  Poetry

12 The Communication Technique does not have to be presented throughout the entire Skit. However, it must be depicted long enough so that it is evident and obvious.

13 Team will select 6 Communication Techniques Research the Communication Techniques List the 6 on the Tournament Data Form Be prepared to integrate research from any of the six Communication Techniques into the skit.

14 Improv Element 2: Scoring  Evidence of research about the Communication Technique  Effective portrayal of the Communication Technique  Integration of the Communication Technique into the skit. The Points: Evidence of research about the Communication Technique - up to 15 points Effective portrayal of the Communication Technique - up to 10 points Integration of the Communication Technique into the Skit - up to 15 points

15 Improv Element 3: Creativi-Tees The team will bring up to 8 plain white t-shirts and up to 16 washable markers and decorate them during both the planning & presentation time.

16 Shirts:  Eight (8) shirts total  All white  No logos or text of any kind  No rips or tears or holes  Any size – baby to XXXXL  Any neckline or sleeve length Washable Markers:  If you show up with non-washable makers you will not be permitted to perform.  The team also needs to bring protective floor covering for the Start Area.

17 Improv Element 3: Scoring  Teams will be scored on 2 areas: Creative use of t-shirts. How well the t-shirts are integrated into and enhance the skit. The Points: Creative use of t-shirts - up to 30 points How well the t-shirts are integrated into and enhance the Skit - up to 30 points

18 Improv Element 4: SLOGAN The team will create a slogan from three randomly selected nouns.

19 SLOGAN  In prep area, team will randomly select 3 slips of paper. These slips of paper will indicate the 3 nouns the team must incorporate into their Slogan. At the end of 5 minute prep time, the announcer will stop them and then tell them what the three nouns are.  Team will have 1 minute to create a Slogan that includes these nouns along with any other words they choose.  It is up to the team to decide how to integrate the Slogan into the skit.  From the Challenge: For the purpose of this Challenge, a slogan is a sentence.

20 Improv Element 4: Scoring  Teams will be scored in 3 areas: How relevant the Slogan is to life after the Dramatic Change. Effective integration of the Slogan into Skit. Creativity of the Slogan. The Points: How relevant the Slogan is to life after the Dramatic Change - up to 15 points Effective integration of the Slogan into Skit – up to 25 points Creativity of the Slogan – up to 10 points

21 At the Tournament Teams should arrive at Prep area 20 minutes before performance time!

22 What to Bring 5 copies of Tournament Data Form 2 copy of Declaration of Independence 1 Clean copy of the Challenge Any published clarifications Team Identification Sign Up to Eight (8) White T-Shirts Up to 16 Washable Markers Team Research Protective floor covering to place in the Start Area for coloring the t-shirts.

23 Prep Area Procedure  After checking in, the team members will randomly select their 4 improv elements: Draw a tournament supplied Dramatic Change Draw a number (1-6) for their Communication Technique Draw 3 tournament supplied nouns.  They won’t know what they have drawn until they get to the performance site.

24 Performance Area: Preparation time  Timekeeper/Announcer introduces team, announces team and the Dramatic Change, and Communication Technique to audience and gives slips to the team.  Team has 5 minutes to create skit.  Announcer stops team at 5 minutes and announces their three nouns for the Slogan.  Team has 1 minute to create their Slogan and discuss how to integrate it into their skit.  Team has 5 minutes to present skit.

25 Timeline Of Your Tournament Day  20 minutes before your performance time you need to check in Meet with the Prep Area Appraiser: 5 Copies of the Tournament Data Form – Back Page of the Challenge 2 copies of the Declaration of Independence – Rules of the Road 1 Clean Copy of the Challenge Any Published Clarifications Team Identification Sign Up to 8 white T-Shirts Up to 16 WASHABLE markers Team provided floor covering for the start area Team Research of the Communication Technique Team will select their Dramatic Change Team will select their communication Technique Team will select their 3 nouns for the Slogan  Performance Time: Team moves to the Start Area Timer/Announcer will introduce the team Timer/Announcer will tell the team their Dramatic Change Timer/Announcer will tell the team their Communication Technique Timer/Announcer will tell the team to begin The team has five (5) minutes to create an original skit At the end of 5 minutes time is called Any research notes are removed from the performance area The team is told the 3 nouns they chose for the slogan The team has one (1) minute to decide on a slogan and integrate it into the skit Performance Time Begins – Five (5) minutes At five (5) minutes time is called After the performance the Appraisers will meet with the team members to discuss the performance

26 Things for Team Managers to remember….  Be sure the team practices the actual format of selecting improv elements, planning time, and presentation.  INTEGRATION - Help the team to understand this concept. It is one thing to include all of the elements, it is another to ensure that all elements are integrated and part of the story. This is what the appraisers are looking for.

27 Clarifications program/clarifications  Team Clarifications are specific to your teams solution  General Clarifications are made to make clear a issue in the challenge that will effect every team. These supersede the Rules of the Road and any Team Clarifications.  Ask up to 10 questions  Deadline: February 15, 2013  Check once a week  Check right before your tournament


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