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Jamie, Zach, Beth & Miles. Scope Document  Problem Intervarsity is losing potential funds by not selling t-shirts Not able to fund as many scholarships.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamie, Zach, Beth & Miles. Scope Document  Problem Intervarsity is losing potential funds by not selling t-shirts Not able to fund as many scholarships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamie, Zach, Beth & Miles

2 Scope Document  Problem Intervarsity is losing potential funds by not selling t-shirts Not able to fund as many scholarships and partial scholarships No user input Uneducated guesses for t-shirts needed

3 Scope Continued…  Anticipated Business Benefits Allow students to obtain a memento of their time in the group Provide a venue for the possible selling of previous t-shirts Increase public awareness of the Intervarsity group

4 Scope Continued…  System Capabilities A form to allow for member input An additional page added to the Intervarsity website A list of companies with the best listing price for t-shirts A master document to keep track of the input from the forms and website

5 Organizational and Cultural feasibility  All members of club are involved  Very simple system for everyone  Computer Competency & Computer phobia will not pose an issue  Minimal risk of failure

6 Technological Feasibility  No new technology  Will require an outside vendor  Webmaster will design T-shirt page for Intervarsity website  Page will be user-friendly

7 Schedule Feasibility  No foreseeable problems with completion of project on time  Each phase divided into sections for each team member  Each phase will take 3 weeks

8 Resource Feasibility  Adequate resources  Team members are available and capable  Have access to all required equipment  University provides physical facility

9 Economic Feasibility  Very few development costs  Staff salaries  Bulk ordering and only what is needed according to members.  Several intangible benefits and few intangible costs.

10 Staffing Team memberSalary/wage for project Project Leader$101,340.00 Systems Analyst$84,980.00 Programmer$58,075.00 Marketing I.S. Manager$90,270.00 Total Salaries and Wages $334,665.00

11 Project Launch  Project T-Shirt Fundraising is set to launch on Friday September 19, 2008, with CNU’s largest oranization, InterVarsity.  The project will help InterVarsity to stop losing money on its t-shirt sales, and actually make a profit, by modifying their current marketing strategies, and introducing new ones as well.


13 Functional Requirements  Design and Color Form-This form is to be handed out and posted online. It will be used to allow the customer a chance to help choose the final t- shirt product.  Design and Color Database-This database keeps a tally of the results from both the paper form and the online form.

14 Functional Continued…  T-shirt Company-Is the company which the results of the design and color form will be sent to.  Ordering Form-This form will be used for the individual customer to actually order their shirt and will include relevant information like the size of the t-shirt wanted.

15 Functional Continued…  Ordering Database-This database will keep track of the members who have ordered t-shirts and what sizes they have ordered. It will also keep track of how many t-shirts have been sold and how much money has been collected.

16 Nonfunctional Requirements  Technical requirement-The programs used to develop the online website form and any of the databases.  Performance requirement-The accuracy of the votes and orders requested and recorded.

17 Nonfunctional Continued…  Usability requirement-Does the online form record the votes and are the forms easy to understand and complete.  Reliability requirement-Is concerned with data entry. The data needs to be entered accurately in order for it to be reliable.

18 Nonfunctional Continued…  Security requirement-No online security requirement is needed for this project. However, when the t- shirts have arrived and are being sold, security will be required for the cashbox.


20 Website Prototype Prototype Link




















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