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Language learning Lesson 1 Get ahead with your English.

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2 Language learning Lesson 1 Get ahead with your English

3 Step 1.Pair work  Do you think learning English is important for your future ? Why ?  Do you think it is difficult to learn English well ? Why or why not ?

4 Step 2. Talk about your English learning strategy: P. 17. What do you think can help you learn English well ? * Difficult sentences:

5 1. I do remember that one day my English teacher said that my pronunciation and intonation were quite good. 2. Then I realize that this may be due to my imitation. 3.I think (that) by imitating, I get not only beautiful pronunciation and intonation, but also a kind of “feeling” for English.

6 4. come across sb/ sth = find or meet by chance 5. But I was so involved in the story that I didn’t want to stop to check its meaning. 6.By doing this, my guessing ability improves and moreover, my reading speed increases !

7 7.The secret here is that the pictures that go with an article are usually closely related to the content of the article. 8. It’s a good way to get the gist of an article in a short time. get the gist of sth: get the main points of sth

8 Step 3. New words learning: Ex. 5. *Match the definition: 1.Individual,local or national way of pronouncing: 2.Exactness, correctness: accent accuracy

9 3. Putting full-stops, commas, etc into a piece of writing. 4. The quality of being able to speak smoothly or readily: 5. Information produced from sth, (a computer): 6. What is put in: punctuation fluency output input

10 Step 4. Which of the following methods do you think is the best for learning a foreign language ? a.Learning all the words in a dictionary. b.Watching TV in the language. c.Living in a country where the language is used as the mother tongue.

11 Step 5. Read the text, and check your understanding: P. 6. Ex. 3. * Talk about the main idea of each paragraph.

12 Step 6. Read the text and find noun clauses and difficult sentences in the text: Step 7. Language points:

13 1. 早在 18 世纪 … 就被预测到 …. 2. 在过去的几十年里情况被证明如此. 3. 能够说多种语言是你怎样在当今世界能脱颖而出并 遥遥领先. 4. 一些关于语言习得的权威理论相信 … It was predicted as early as 1700s that … That has proved to be the case… Being able to … is how you stand out and get ahead. Some respected theories… believe that…

14 5. 但可悲的是, 我们能生活在说英语的国家的 机会很小. 6. 这就意味着老师必须确保通过各种媒介有大量 充足的英语信息传达给学生. 7. 这就是他们所推荐的 : But sadly, the chances that … What this means is that… Here are what they recommend:

15 To stay dedicated, you need to keep in mind why you are learning English. 8. 为了保持不断努力的势头, 你需要记住为什 么要学英语.

16 Vocabulary: 1. Sth prove(s) to be … 谋事被证明是... T he weather proves\ turns out to be fine. 2. Start the trend for sth \ doing sth : 开始...的趋势 3. stand out : 突出;显眼 4. get ahead of sb: 领先 … get ahead with/at /in sth … 取得成功, 获得进步 The first paragraph:

17 The second paragraph: 1. In the absence of….: = lack of …. * ______________ of any evidence, the police had let Mike go. In the absence 2. The chances that…… are small/big. The chance that… small/big. 3. rely on sth/sb

18 The third paragraph: 1.encourage sb to do sth. 2. create a rich language environment 3. convey sth to sb 4. take the form of …. tell sb sth 以 …. 形式出现 *The training programme __________ _______ a series of workshops 研讨会. takes the form of

19 The fourth paragraph: 1.To get ahead means putting in extra work outside of the classroom. mean doing sth: mean to do sth: 意味着 打算做 …. * 增加课外额外的工作 2. 15 minutes of extra-curricula study a day. 每天 15 分钟的额外课程学习

20 1.set achievable targets: 2.. enlarge your vocabulary by 10….: 3. reach a target : 4. Treat sb/oneself : 5. Inform sb of sth: 6. Sth be well worth the extra effort: Recommendation: 制订可以达到的目标 每天扩大 10 个生词量 达到一个目标 款待 / 招待 …. tell sb sth ….. 很值得额外的努力

21 7. take dedication: 8. stay dedicated : sb dedicate oneself to sth 9. keep sth in mind : 10.hold the key to sth: 需要奉献 / 努力 / 专心致志 保持努力 / 专心的势 头 =devote …. to…. learn sth by heart 把握 ….. 的关键

22 The weather _______________ our success or failure. Together or separately, the two of them may ___________________ power after the election. holds the key to hold the key to * There is no point (in ) doing sth. = It is no use doing sth. ^ There is no point in getting angry.

23 Noun Clauses 名词性从句 Noun Clauses 名词性从句 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 (Noun Clauses )。 名词从句的功能相当于 名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、 表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它 在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分 别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和 同位语从句。 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 (Noun Clauses )。 名词从句的功能相当于 名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、 表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它 在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分 别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和 同位语从句。

24 主语: That he is still a student is not true. 主语: That he is still a student is not true. 他仍然是个学生并不是事实. 他仍然是个学生并不是事实. 宾语: Tom said that he would returned to London at Christmas. 汤姆说他圣诞节 要回伦敦去。 宾语: Tom said that he would returned to London at Christmas. 汤姆说他圣诞节 要回伦敦去。 表语: The fact is that he has told a lie to us 事实是他对我们撒了谎 表语: The fact is that he has told a lie to us 事实是他对我们撒了谎 同位语: The fact that he has told a lie to us made everyone angry 他对我们撒了谎, 这一事实让每个人很生气。 同位语: The fact that he has told a lie to us made everyone angry 他对我们撒了谎, 这一事实让每个人很生气。

25 Can you predict new uses for mobile phones? What new features could be added? As a high school student, do you think it’s necessary for you to have mobile phones, why? Voice your opinion

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