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Presentation on theme: "MEAL PLANNING AND SHOPPING FOR OLDER ADULTS Home Skills Enhancement Project."— Presentation transcript:


2 Older Adults May Need Help Shopping Transportation Telephone use Preparation of meals Taking medications Managing money Cleaning, laundry

3 Dietary Guidelines 2005 2 cups of fruit, 2 ½ cups vegetables Meat/Protein-5.5 oz. per day Grains-6 servings, 3 whole grain Milk products-3 servings Fats-20-30% of calories Salt-less than 2300 mg or 1 tsp. Limit sugar to 4 grams = 1 tsp.

4 Body Composition and Aging Lean body mass decreases More fat and less water Thinning of limbs, fat deposits in stomach Don’t need as many calories Immune system not as efficient Don’t get enough key nutrients Nutrient dense foods important

5 Older Adults May Not Get Proper Nutrition Diminished sense of taste and smell Decrease in amount of saliva Reduced sense of thirst Medications Depression, isolation Swallowing or dental problems

6 Factors that Contribute to Poor Nutrition Refuse Home Delivered Meals Does not want food stamps Chronic diseases Dementia Poor appetite Difficulty walking and standing Eating alone

7 Key Nutrients Calcium-keeps bones strong, in dairy products, canned salmon, green leafy vegetables, grains, beans, fortified OJ Vitamin D-helps body absorb calcium and phosphorus, salmon, sardines, fortified milk, some brands of margarine Folate-guard against heart disease, green leafy vegetables, fortified foods

8 More Key Nutrients Zinc-promote healthy immune system, in protein like meats, eggs, beans, nuts Protein-immune system, prevents muscle loss and promotes healing, in lentils, tofu, nuts, beans Water prevents constipation, fecal impactions, 6-8 glasses/day Fiber-bowel health

9 Improved Nutrition Regular exercise helps appetite Eat frequent, small meals Plan meals ahead of time Dried or fresh herbs Fluids, fiber Healthy frozen meals Flavor enhancers like Mrs. Dash

10 More On Improved Nutrition Home delivered meals, supper, frozen meals Food stamps or Commodity foods Congregate meals provide socialization If lack of appetite, should be evaluated by a doctor Nutritionally balanced drinks

11 Shopping Can Be A Challenge Mobility issues, unable to leave home Lack of transportation Frail or lack energy to do shopping Problems with vision, unable to locate food or read labels May not like the food selected by worker May not have enough money for groceries

12 Food Preference Checklist What are food and meal preferences? Likes and dislikes Allergies Daily eating routine/ special diet? How well balanced are meals? How much food prep can they do? Budget/ supplies on hand

13 Meal Planning and Shopping Ask the person what they like to eat Ask if there are any meals planned Check supplies, don’t buy what you have Go over store specials Put foods in groups on list Pick up cold and frozen foods last Stick to your list

14 Shopping Strategies Avoid buying extras Shop weekly, only buy what is on the list Don’t go to the store hungry Plan for leftovers Check high and low shelves Wrap raw meats in plastic Pay attention at checkout

15 FRESHNESS DATES Expiration date- end of product’s useful life or last date it can be used Sell By date-breads and baked goods-the last day an item can be sold as fresh Best if Used By date- cereals and dry goods Packaged date- good 12-18 months after

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