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UNDP RBA Workshop on MDG-Based National Development Strategies Module 6: MDG-based Environmental Strategies UN Millennium Project February 27-March 3,

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1 UNDP RBA Workshop on MDG-Based National Development Strategies Module 6: MDG-based Environmental Strategies UN Millennium Project February 27-March 3, 2006

2 2 The MDGs and the Environment Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Target 9: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources MDG 7 provides no clear operational objectives

3 3 The Challenge of Sustainable Development Ensuring environmental sustainability poses operational challenges Need for context-specific responses Management of trade-offs across all sectors Integration across different disciplines and actors Country-specific institutional arrangements International cooperation is sometimes needed Operational responses have been hampered by: 1. Poor integration into national development strategies 2. Absence of operational outcome objectives 3. Neglect of direct investments in environmental management 4. Weak links between strategies and national budgets 5. Human resource and financial constraints compounded by weak environmental institutions

4 4 A Needs-based Approach to Environmental Sustainability 1. Define priority areas 2. Specify outcome targets 3. Identify direct and indirect drivers 4. Identify needed interventions and policy reforms 5. Estimate resource needs

5 5 The Process of Preparing a Needs-based Environmental Strategy The importance of politics Environmental objectives can only by achieved through coordinated and integrated strategies across key sectors Trade-offs exist and need to be carefully managed Choice of environment objectives and strategies requires high-level political decisions A possible process 1. Technical environment working group proposes long-term environment objectives and outlines strategies for achieving them 2. Objectives and strategies are reviewed and become binding through high-level political approval 3. Environment working group reviews sectoral strategies to see if they are consistent with environment objectives

6 6 Step 1: Identify Priority Areas Land degradation Marine/coastal degradation Freshwater degradation Solid waste / air pollution Biodiversity Salination, waterlogging, desertification, erosion, deforestation Coral bleaching, eutrophication, fisheries depletion, destruction of mangroves Pollution, eutrophication, overabstraction, falling groundwater tables, saltwater intrusion Solid waste, particulates, NOx, SOx, POPs Alien invasive species, habitat loss, overexploitation Extent of environmental degradation and impact on human well- being documented by 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Examples for priority areas include:

7 7 Step 2: Specify Outcome Targets Outcome targets are time-bound, measurable, and include interim milestones – they differ from process targets Science can inform choice of targets but does not obviate need for political decision Targets must be set as national objectives to be achieved by all sector strategies Step 3: Identify Drivers MDG strategies act on direct and indirect drivers of environmental degradation Drivers need to be carefully analyzed and understood Step 3: Identify drivers Step 3: Identify Drivers

8 8 Step 4: Identify Interventions and Policy Reforms For each driver identify the investments and policies required to achieve the outcome targets set in Step 2 Every investment needs coverage targets Example: Land degradation –Investments in prevention & adaptation to climate change, e.g. Agricultural extension services Development and dissemination of improved crops Infrastructure to prevent erosion (check bunds, wind breaks, terracing) Infrastructure for improved water management (drip irrigation) –Investments in rehabilitation, e.g. Reforestation, drainage, desalination –Accompanying policy changes, e.g. –Review of land tenure system Review of irrigation tariffs and subsidies

9 9 Step 5: Estimate Needed Resources Develop an investment model quantifying human resources, infrastructure, and financial resources required to meet outcome objectives Compare interventions with other investment clusters to avoid double counting Specify items not covered in the Needs Assessment Identify drivers not fully addressed by environment needs assessment Ensure inclusion in other sectors needs assessments

10 10 One Important Aspect of Sustainability: Disaster Risk Management Reduce vulnerability of target populations. Natural disasters can derail poverty reduction strategies. Managing risks to minimize socioeconomic impacts ought to be explicitly incorporated into the NEGDS, PRSPs. Investments on prevention, early warning and preparedness are key considerations to avoid catastrophes.

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