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Czesław Czabała Academy of Special Education.  Develop person’s ability to deal with their inner world: thinking and feeling, managing life and taking.

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Presentation on theme: "Czesław Czabała Academy of Special Education.  Develop person’s ability to deal with their inner world: thinking and feeling, managing life and taking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Czesław Czabała Academy of Special Education

2  Develop person’s ability to deal with their inner world: thinking and feeling, managing life and taking risks – emotional resilience  Develop person’s ability to deal with their social world: belonging, participating, recognising mutual responsibility – citizenship  Linking the emotional and the social through a sesnse of connectedness and the development of healthy structures

3  IMHPA – Policy for Europe - Develop country based action plans for mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention – ten action areas  Helsinki Conference  The policy and practice on mental health should cover: - the promotion of mental well-being; - the tackling of stigma, discrimination and social exclusion; - the prevention of mental health problems; - care for people with mental health problems, providing comprehensive and effective services and interventions, offering service users and carers involvement and choice; - the recovery and inclusion into society of those who have experienced serious mental health problems.

4  European Commission - Improving the mental health of the population: - Promote the mental health of all; - Address mental ill health through preventive action; - Improve the quality of life of people with mental ill health or disability through social inclusion and the protection of their rights and dignity; - Develop mental health information, research and knowledge system for the EU.  European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being: - Prevention of depression and suicide depression, - Mental health in youth and education, - Mental health in workplace settings, - Mental health of older people, - Combating stigma and social exclusion

5 Evidence-based programmes DataPrev, 2011 Health Promotion International, 2011

6  Antenatal :  Education aiming to improve parenting  Demonstration of infant capabilities  Anticipatory guidance  Infant massage

7  Postnatal:  Positive trusting parent-child relations in general  Home visiting as an approach  Enhancing parental sensitivity and/or infant attachment  Interventions to increase maternal sensitivity  Abuse prevention  Supporting teenage parenting  Improvement of maternal psychosocial health  Parenting support for families in high risk groups  Parenting programmes for parents with severe mental illness (SMI)

8  The findings of this review suggest that mental health promotion and problem prevention in schools is more effective if it:  focuses on positive mental health while including a concern with problems;  balances universal and targeted approaches;  focuses explicitly on the desired outcomes;  starts early with the youngest children and continues with older students, operating for a lengthy period of time;  includes work to develop social and emotional skills in students, staff and parents;

9  embeds work within a multi-modal/ whole school approach;  includes changes to school ethos, to improve relationships between members of the school community;  involves parents in interventions and offers parenting education;  makes judicious use of peer education;  engages with the local community;  is supported by coordinated work with outside agencies;  and, once an intervention is tested and established, ensures complete and accurate implementation.

10  Second Step to Violence Prevention.  Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS),  Fast Track,  Social Decision Making,  Raising Healthy Children – as Communities that Care,  Penn Resilience,  Friends,  Incredible Years.

11  Aims of interventions: - stress management [better coping with stress], - mental health improvement, - increased job satisfaction, - job effectiveness improvement, - and absenteeism reduction.  Types of interventions: - skills training, - improvement of occupational qualifications and working conditions, - relaxation, - physical exercises, - and multicomponent interventions.

12  Most promissing programmes: -Stress Inoculation Training -Cognitive Self-Instructional Procedure - Stress Inoculation Training - Dual Resource Intervention and Single Resource Intervention -The Basic Stress Management Course -Short-term Participatory Intervention - Psychological Training Program 

13  Health education  Physical exercises, recommended in groups  Social supprot provided in groups  Life review sessions  Meaningful social activities, tailored to the older individual's abilities and preferences should be considered in aiming to improve mental health among older people.

14  More and more awarenness that mental health promotion works  More and more new mental health promotion programmes  High quality implementation is the guarantee of the good results  Training of the professionals is the only way how to improve the quality and outcomes of mental health promotion  Training, action, evaluation and action are the necessary conditions to make the programmes more effective

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